Friday 31 May 2013

Jai Shiv Shankar

I have read and Shiva crazy behind!
A majority are not everywhere without Shiva Shiva look the same!
Lord that are not exactly my madness ever prathana! "Dum naïve Shankar
Snake in fierce embrace "
If a prophet is awake do share these Shankar photos
Will the good will and spirit giving Nind.
Jai Shiv Shankar
Don't take photos to share the name of Shiva bhulna.

मैं पागल हु शिव के पीछे !
शिव के बिना कुछ नही सूझता हैं
हर जगह शिव ही दिखते हैं !
प्रभु से यही प्राथना हैं की 
कभी मेरा पागलपन ठीक न हो ! 
"डम डम भोले शंकर
गले मे नाग भयंकर"
जय शिव शंकर
शुभ रात्री


In Me the universe had its origin,
In Me alone the whole subsists;
In Me it is lost?
Siva, The Timeless, it
is I Myself,
Sivoham! Sivoham! Sivoham!

A very beautiful picture of Lord Shiva and Devi parvati.

A very beautiful picture of Lord Shiva and Devi parvati. There is a gentle intimacy and This picture depicts very well the concept of Shakti and Shaktimaan.

God and man together in celebration. Lord Shiva looks pleased indeed!

God and man together in celebration. Lord Shiva looks pleased indeed!


!!!!!!!!!!........HOW TO DO LORD SHIVA PUJA.............. !!!!!!!!!!!!

1 ) To Please and Make Happy Lord Shiva .We should Follow Different Rules.Here are Some Basic Rules which we should do daily.
2) SHIVA Abhishekam is usually performed to a Lingam representing his manifestation as a creator of good (by destroying evil).
Some of the common items used for Shiva Abhisheka are
1. Milk 2. Curd 3. Ghee (Clarified butter) made from cow milk only
4. Honey 5. Sugarcane in ( Solid from / Liquid form )
6. Panchamruta (Consisting of Panch items: Milk, Curd, Ghee (clarified butter), Honey, Sugarcane Juice)
7. Coconut water, Ganga Water, Bagmati river , Rose Water,
Itr ( Perfume)
8. Sandalwood Paste, Vibhuti (holy ash), Haldi
9. Rice ( Aakshat ) ,
10. Flowers
AAKAMDA Flowers, DHATURA Flowers, BLUE LOTUS(or Pink Lotus/White Lotus)Flowers are auspicious.
11. Bael leaves
(NOTE ::: While selecting BAEL leaves make sure the Chakra and the Bajra should not be there. The Chakra is a white mark made by the insects on the BAEL leaves, while the Bajra is the thick portion towards the stalk.The BAEL leaves used in pooja should be of 3 leaflets even if one of the leaves gets detached of three leaves then it is of no use)
12 .Clothes
13.We should offers Diya(light), Incenses(Dhup),Flowers(ful),Kapoor ,Suitable any fruits or Sweet like banana,Laddo,मीठा etc.
14.We can read any shiva stotra,Mantra .We can do what is suitable to us.
The Some important mantra which we must recite while when we do worship lord shiva and offers Incenses(dhup) to lord shiva are mention below.

A – “Om nama shivaya
B – mahamirtunjaya mantra (महामिर्तुन्जय मन्त्र) -
In Hindu Sanskrit
ॐ त्र्यम्बकम् यजामहे सुगन्धिम् पुष्टिवर्धनम् // उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ।।

In English – “
Om Trayambakam YajamaheSugan dhim Pusti Bardhanam
Urbarukmiwa Bandhanan Mrityor Muchiiya Marmitat”

.......................Important points to Remember ....................
A ) Milk, curd or Panchamrit should never be poured in utensil made of Bronze, as this is equal to wine
B ) Fingers should not be put in water, milk and ghee etc, because the touching of nails makes these things inauspicious.

........................Favourite of Lord Shiva..............................
A ) Bel patra leaves(bel leaves), Rudraksha leaves,Syoula leaves, Thumba Poo flower,Dhatoora flower and leaves,Pookalam flowers.
B ) Favourite Seeds of Lord shiva is Rudraksha seeds. Rudraksha seeds is used for making mala to recite Shiva mantra,stotra,jap,dhyan etc
C) Favourite day of Lord shiva is Monday.
D) Whole shravan month and every shravan monday,Teej festival,every purnima, Mahashivaratri etc..

In each leaf your love shines, in every blade of grass!

Jai Ho shiv shanker! Jai Bhole Nath, patte patte ke tum ho sath!! In each leaf your love shines, in every blade of grass!Lord Shiva you love the world you create, and stand by it to the last!
(shail gulhati)

Who Finds A Place In The Heart Of God?

Who Finds A Place In The Heart Of God?

He who has the constant feeling in his heart of seeing to everyone's welfare, he finds a place in the heart of God.

He who has the sentiments of seeing to everyone's welfare, wherever he stays, there itself he will realize God.

It is a mistake to desire things for serving others. You are eligible to serve with those things only that you have received.

Whatever you do to others in the world, the result will be the same for you. Therefore always do only good to others.

Om Namah Shivay.

The 99 Club

The 99 Club

Once upon a time, there lived a King who, despite his luxurious lifestyle, was neither happy nor content.

One day, the King came upon a servant who was singing happily while he worked. This fascinated the King; why was he, the Supreme Ruler of the Land, unhappy and gloomy, while a lowly servant had so much joy.

The King asked the servant, 'Why are you so happy?'

The man replied, 'Your Majesty, I am nothing but a servant, but my family and I don't need too much - just a roof over our heads and warm food to fill our tummies.'

The king was not satisfied with that reply. Later in the day, he sought the advice of his most trusted advisor. After hearing the King's woes and the servant's story, the advisor said, 'Your Majesty, I believe that the servant has not been made part of The 99 Club.'

'The 99 Club? And what exactly is that?' the King inquired.

The advisor replied, 'Your Majesty, to truly know what The 99 Club is, place 99 Gold coins in a bag and leave it at this servant's doorstep.'

When the servant saw the bag, he took it into his house. When he opened the bag, he let out a great shout of joy... So many gold coins!

He began to count them. After several counts, he was at last convinced that there were 99 coins. He wondered, 'What could've happened to that last gold coin? Surely, no one would leave 99 coins!'

He looked everywhere he could, but that final coin was elusive. Finally, exhausted he decided that he was going to have to work harder than ever to earn that gold coin and complete his collection.

From that day, the servant's life was changed. He was overworked, horribly grumpy, and castigated his family for not helping him make that 100th gold coin. He stopped singing while he worked.

Witnessing this drastic transformation, the King was puzzled. When he sought his advisor's help, the advisor said, 'Your Majesty, the servant has now officially joined The 99 Club.'

He continued, 'The 99 Club is a name given to those people who have enough to be happy but are never contented, because they're always yearning and Striving for that extra 1, saying to themselves: 'Let me get that one final thing and then I will be happy for life.' We can be happy, even with very little in our lives, but the minute we're given something bigger and better, we want even more! We lose our sleep, our happiness, we hurt the people around us; all these as a price for our growing needs and desires.

That's the "Club 99"

Om Namah Shivay.

Authenticity and Skillfulness

Authenticity and Skillfulness

Authenticity and skillfulness appear to be contradictory, but in fact they are complementary. Your intentions need to be authentic and your actions need to be skillful. The more authentic the intention, the more skillful the action will be. Authentic intention and skillful action make you unshakable.

Skill is required only when authenticity cannot have its way. Yet skill without authenticity makes you shallow. You cannot have an authentic action and a skillful intention. If you try to be authentic in your action but manipulative in your mind, that is when mistakes happen.

Question: Is it possible to have a powerful intention, like greed, that is authentic?

Guruji: If your intention is colored by greed, over-ambition, etc. then your intention is not authentic. Whenever your intentions are impure, it pricks your consciousness, so it cannot be authentic. Authentic intentions are free from negative emotions. An action that is not skillful leads to negative emotions and an intention that is not authentic harbors negative emotions.

Question: What is the best skill to deal with intention?

Guruji : Do not keep any sankalpas (intentions) to yourself. Offer them to the Divine.

Actions can never be perfect but our intentions can be perfect. Actions always have room for improvement. Action means growth and movement, and that needs space. The depth in you and the freedom in you bring out all the skillfulness in you. Krishna was the most skillful because his silence was so deep.

Om Namah Shivay.

Love Your Irritations

Love Your Irritations 

A psychiatrist was consulted by a man whose marriage and career were both in serious trouble. His problem was his constant irritability and bad temper. He was concerned about this himself, but if any one tried to discuss it with him, he exploded in anger. He constantly told himself that everyone was picking on him and that he had to defend himself against them. To counter the negative auto suggestion, he advised him to use positive autosuggestion. Several times a day in the morning, noon, and at night prior to sleep he was to repeat to himself.

"From now on, I shall grow more good-humored. Joy, happiness, and cheerfulness are now becoming my natural states of mind. Every day I am becoming more and more lovable and understanding. I will be center of cheer and goodwill to all those around me, infecting them with my good spirits. This happy, joyous, and cheerful mood is now becoming my normal, natural state of mind. I am grateful."

After a month, his wife and his co-workers remarked on how much easier he was to get along with.

The things that drive you crazy are actually giant opportunities. The people who press your buttons are actually your greatest teachers. The issues that make you angry are actually your biggest gifts. Be grateful to them. Love them.

The people or circumstances that take you out of your power have extraordinary value: they reveal your limiting beliefs, fears and false assumptions.

The celebrated psychologist Carl Jung once said: "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." Powerful point. The things that irritate, annoy and anger you are entry points into your evolution and elevation as a human being. They are signposts for what you need to work on and the fears you need to face. They are gifts of growth. You can blame the people who trigger you and make it all about them. Or you can do the wise thing and look deeply into yourself to discover the reason for your negative reaction. Use the challenges to grow self-awareness.

Because how can you overcome a fear you are not even aware of? And how can you transcend an insecurity you don't even know you have?

As you begin to shed light on your personal weaknesses and take responsibility for them, you actually begin the very process of shedding them. You become stronger. More powerful. You begin to see the world through a different set of eyes.

Khalil Gibran, one of the greatest thinkers, once wrote: "I have learned silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am grateful to those teachers"

Om Namah Shivay.

Thursday 30 May 2013

ॐ Aum


Aum heard itself,
and it was
I am the beginning
I am the waking!
I am the now
I am the dreaming
and in the end,
I am the sleeping!
All is Aum!
Yet, Aum is more,
The being, withdrawal, and the making,
Aum is all four.

{From Naam Roop-A Tribute to the Divine}

Tripurantaka is a manifestation of the Hindu god Shiva.

Tripurantaka is a manifestation of the Hindu god Shiva. In this aspect, Shiva is depicted with four arms wielding a bow and arrow, but different from the Pinakapani murti. He holds an axe and a deer on the upper pair of his arms. In the lower pair of the arms, he holds a bow and an arrow respectively. After destroying Tripura, Tripurantaka Shiva smeared his forehead with three strokes of Ashes. This has become a prominent symbol of Shiva and is practiced even today by Shaivites.


Shiva as Tripurantaka is accredited with destroying three mythical cities of the asuras. Out of eight legends narrating Shiva's role as the destroyer of evil, the Tripura-samhara (Destruction of the three citadels) legend relates to the destruction of the three evil cities Tripura by Shiva.

The demon Taraka had three off-springs named Taarakaaksha, Kamalaaksha and Vidyunmaali. These demon princes performed severe penance towards the creator-god Brahma and obtained the boon of immense power. Brahma, on being pleased with them, presented each one of them an aerial city revolving in the sky. The legend further states that these three cities or forts (Tripura) continued to revolve in the sky for hundreds of years. In the course of revolving, the three used would converge very rarely. The boon granted them that they would live for a thousand years in the three invincible, moving cities and that they would be destroyed only by an arrow that could merge the three forts into one, and set them to fire. The demons, armed with this boon, wreaked havoc on the universe. The asuras well-entrenched in their aerial cities would mount attacks on the devas (gods) and the rishis (sages), and always harassed them. Ultimately, the gods and the sages approached Shiva and pleaded for his assistance in removing this menace. Lord Shiva agreed to help them and waited for an opportune moment.

At the end of the stipulated time period, Shiva created a bow and an arrow and a chariot with the various gods and goddesses and components of the universe. The moment the three aerial cities converged, Shiva mounted on his chariot and moved upwards. He took out his bow and arrow, and hit the converged cities with a single arrow. With Brahma as the charioteer, he sped across, and shot a single arrow of fire, which was created of none other than Vishnu. The cosmic arrow destroyed the three cities.

Here, the five headed Tripurantaka is seen pointing an arrow towards the Tripura (rightmost top corner) with the bow made of mount Meru, the serpent Vasuki is seen as its string. The four headed god Brahma is seen. The moon and the Sun are depicted as the wheels of the chariot.

The components of the Tripurantaka charge are as follow:

Chariot: Pritvi (The Earth)
Charioteer: Brahma
Chariot Wheels: Sun and Moon
Bow: Mount Meru
Bow String: Serpent Vasuki
Arrow: Vishnu

One version of the myth maintains that, finally when everything was ready for the Tripura invasion, the devas were proud that only with their help Shiva is going to destroy the Tripuras. But to the astonishment of all, Shiva didn't use any of the war machinery arranged by the Devas. The god smiled and in that smile the three puras were destroyed. In fact, the Rudraksha appeared from the three eyes of Shiva during tripurasamhAra. The pride and thought of devas that without their help the god would not have been able to destroy the tripuras was proved wrong.

Tripurantaka, is the manifestation of Shiva as the destroyer of the Tripuras. Tripurantaka idol is enshrined at Tiruvatikai near Chidambaram. The Veeratteswarar temple here is one of the 8 Veerata stalas celebrating Shiva as the destroyer of evil forces. Tripurantaka is also enshrined at Tiruvirkolam (Koovum) near Chennai.

Stella Kramrisch maintains of the Tripurantaka episode in her book 'The Presence of Shiva' that:

"The asuras had taken over the three cities of the gods and the allusion was also to the triple passions of Pride, Anger and Delusion in the site of the devotee. These cities of the demons needed to be destroyed by Shiva when they were felled by a single arrow. The Tripura myth also had a cosmo-symbolical dimension where Shiva regained for the gods a universe from which they were ousted. His mythical arrow was equivalent in efficacy with the rites performed by the gods with Agni as their agent. These cities were the work of the demon mastermind - Maya. It was a world conquest, a universal conflagration that wiped out the demons from the earth, air and sky."

Metaphysically, the purpose of destruction of Tripura by Shiva is only for purification. He gave life to the three demon princes. Though they had adopted the wrong path, they were initially devotees of Shiva. They repented for their wrongdoings and Shiva forgave them and granted them the boon to one of them of the great service of fanning him with chamaram, and to the others, the service as Shivaganas in his abode.

Lord Shiva all the Gods look to you

Lord Shiva all the Gods look to you.
Yet you, the beholder of the cosmic drum look only to Her,
She who is your Inseparable Shakti!

Ardhanareshwar. Devi parvati and Her Lord Shiva , a perfect two in one, one in two.

Photo: Ardhanareshwar. Devi parvati and Her Lord Shiva , a perfect two in one,
 one in two.This is the greatest Truth symbolised in the Shaivite scripture and learning.God is both Transcendence and manifestation, being and becoming, Yin and Yang, potential and kinetic,shakti and shaktiman, shiv, and parvati, father and mother, God is the worshipped and also, in the worshipper.God is both the dancer and the dance, the meditator and the meditation, the stillness and the flight, the sky and the earthy ground, God is the ground of all things, the height of all asked for.He is both the drummer and the drum the heart and the beat, the music and the note, the poem and the word.
Shiva is Shakti.shakti, is shiva. To know this is is to honour Shiva in fullness. Aum Namah Shivaya! Jai jagdambe!!
(shail gulhati)

Ardhanareshwar. Devi parvati and Her Lord Shiva , a perfect two in one,
one in two.This is the greatest Truth symbolised in the Shaivite scripture and learning.God is both Transcendence and manifestation, being and becoming, Yin and Yang, potential and kinetic,shakti and shaktiman, shiv, and parvati, father and mother, God is the worshipped and also, in the worshipper.God is both the dancer and the dance, the meditator and the meditation, the stillness and the flight, the sky and the earthy ground, God is the ground of all things, the height of all asked for.He is both the drummer and the drum the heart and the beat, the music and the note, the poem and the word.
Shiva is Shakti.shakti, is shiva. To know this is is to honour Shiva in fullness. Aum Namah Shivaya! Jai jagdambe!!
(shail gulhati)

Lord Shiva is the timeless One........

He is the timeless One
and yet the ever young!
salutations to beloved of millions, Lord Shiva
Thanks Adarsh for the picture


Photo: SHIVA

Brahma beholds with awe,
in his son, the father. 
Saraswati listens in bewilderment,
the knowing of this master
learning whenceforth
 his mouth, Siva Mukhi,
She sprang as mother of learning;
the primal daughter.
Rama, in full attendance of his tribes,
proclaimed him Isvara ,
who softly answered.
‘It is you I adore, and Sita is my mother.’
Many, in straight forward simpleness,
pray for daily meal,
the universal bread winner.
For more of multitudes,
His presence in a black stone
Others, who know his transcendence,
to cause even time ,as the timeless deity!
Yet He,
beholder of the cosmic drum,
looks only to her, 
His eternal throb, Forever…..

{From Naam Roop -A Tribute to the Divine, by shail gulhati.} Footnote: To the shaivites,  Lord Shiva along with Devi Parvati, is all. He is the founder of  The tantras. It is difficult to understand his play unless seen from the metaphysical,or mystic eye…So too, He is the creator of the creator,and even as he appears as Brahma’s son, he is the father! Likewise, he may choose to address Sita as a mother,acknowledging the shakti of lakshmi in her,and Ram, being the incarnation of Vishnu,may be addressed in the rank of a brother.


Brahma beholds with awe,
in his son, the father. 
Saraswati listens in bewilderment,
the knowing of this master
learning whenceforth
his mouth, Siva Mukhi,
She sprang as mother of learning;
the primal daughter.
Rama, in full attendance of his tribes,
proclaimed him Isvara ,
who softly answered.
‘It is you I adore, and Sita is my mother.’
Many, in straight forward simpleness,
pray for daily meal,
the universal bread winner.
For more of multitudes,
His presence in a black stone
Others, who know his transcendence,
to cause even time ,as the timeless deity!
Yet He,
beholder of the cosmic drum,
looks only to her,
His eternal throb, Forever…..

{From Naam Roop -A Tribute to the Divine, by shail gulhati.} Footnote: To the shaivites, Lord Shiva along with Devi Parvati, is all. He is the founder of The tantras. It is difficult to understand his play unless seen from the metaphysical,or mystic eye…So too, He is the creator of the creator,and even as he appears as Brahma’s son, he is the father! Likewise, he may choose to address Sita as a mother,acknowledging the shakti of lakshmi in her,and Ram, being the incarnation of Vishnu,may be addressed in the rank of a brother.

Get Successful While Being Happy

Get Successful While Being Happy : 

People want to know about being happy and successful in life. Many people as you know it, go full speed after success and there are many movies made on this. Still happiness evades them.

Then there are those who prefer to sit peacefully and are not pro-active. Success may evade them.

There is a happy balance between the two where you can get successful while being happy. This is the process of Joyful Manifestation where you connect to your joy and manifest your life.

Om Namah Shivay.

Spiritual Life Begins With The Shelter Of A Bonafide Spiritual Master, Guru

Spiritual Life Begins With The Shelter Of A Bonafide Spiritual Master, Guru : 

Spiritual life begins with the shelter of a bonafide spiritual master, guru. Lord Krishna explains in the Bhagavad Gita, “Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth” (Bhagavad Gita 4.34).

In the careful and loving tutelage of the guru, the disciple learns that we have a sacred loving relationship with God in different rasas, mellows. The foundational basis of all these rasas is ‘God is master, and I am his servant’. Gradually as our hearts get purified by chanting God’s names and rendering service under the direction of guru, our dormant love for God reawakens in the heart; we can then enter into higher relationships of Sakhya Rasa- Serving the Lord in the intimacy of friendship,Vatsalya Rasa- Serving God as one lovingly serves his own dependent child, and Madhurya Rasa- satisfying the Lord by our service as His lover.

To reach these sublime stages on the path of bhakti, one must first be a sincere disciple and serve the guru as a servant serves the master. ‘Disciple’ comes from the word ‘Discipline’. Discipline depends upon the principle of obedience. And this is the building block by which we can advance on the path of devotional service.

Om Namah Shivay.

Be Clear About The Dream You Are Chasing

Be Clear About The Dream You Are Chasing : 

Many people wonder why they do not get what they want. They hope for something good to happen; they get close to it, but the wish does not materialise.

What do you think hinders the fulfilment of their desire? What stops the positive results midway? It is clarity. We are often not clear about what we actually want. We have a rough idea of our desires. But that’s not enough. You need to be specific. There is no halfway house when it comes to our desires. You need to be specific about what you want. It must not be something vague like “I want a car.” It should be “I want a BMW 7 Series by July 15, 2013.”

You can’t be in two minds while deciding your real want. It is like selecting your life partner. So think hard before making your wish. Even if it is a good life that you desire, you need to define what you mean by a ‘life good’. Will an AC make your life good, or spending quality time with spouse and children make your life worthwhile? While pursuing our dreams, we must not doubt the outcome or results. Always think positive and believe that you are about to get what you’ve wished for.

Once you are clear about the dream you are chasing, or the true purpose of such a dream, you will start focusing on your real want. If you think you can’t remember what all you want, you can note them down, one by one, on a piece of paper. Read them twice a day — just after waking up in the morning, and before you go to sleep at night. This will help you stay focused. You will be surprised how fast your dreams will turn into reality.

Om Namah Shivay.

The Absolute

The Absolute : 

South Indian Brahmin monk Bodhidharma, who lived during the fifth century CE, is traditionally credited with the transmission of ch’an (dhyana in Sanskrit) to China, from where it migrated to Japan and became known as Zen.According to the Yoga Sutras, dhyana, along with dharana and samadhi, comprise samyama, a term that summarises the comprehensive psychological understanding of absorption in the object of meditation.

Mahayana teachings of the Prajna Paramita are basically a distillation of Vedanta, beautifully summed up in the opening prayer of the Isha Upanishad:

That is the Absolute, this is the Absolute;
From the Absolute, the Absolute becomes manifest;
When the Absolute is added to or taken away from the Absolute,
The Absolute remains.
Aum peace, peace, peace!

Om Namah Shivay.

The Creation Is Nothing But The Creator

The Creation Is Nothing But The Creator : 

If a child starts with a square piece of paper, and makes a boat out of it, we do not any arguments to prove that the boat contains the paper. After all, the boat is nothing but the paper in another form. Similarly, since the creation is nothing but the Creator in another form, we do not need any arguments to prove that the creation contains the Creator. However, since the Creator is not visible in the creation, we say that It is present in the creation as the Spirit. Thus, in terms of Vedanta, the all-pervasive Spirit of the Creator in the creation is not just there; its presence is inevitable. The Spirit is there in each atom of the creation, inanimate and animate. Each individual creature has the Spirit of the Creator throughout itself. However, at the level of the individual, the Spirit is called the soul. Thus the soul is nothing but the individualized spirit. Like the Spirit, the soul is also all-pervasive. Therefore, we do not have to look for the soul in the head or the heart. The soul permeates each atom of the individual. This worldview, which may be called the spiritual worldview, has important implications for our daily lives. First, it gives us a fundamental basis for unity of all creation, because the entire creation is a manifestation of the One Creator, or the Divine. Secondly, the boundary of the individual, as defined by the skin, becomes only a partial boundary, because the soul is co-extensive with the universal spirit. That is why, the thoughts and emotions of an individual can have an impact on his surroundings, even on the health and well-beings of other creatures. This provides an explanation for the gardener’s love accelerating the growth of plants, and the doctor’s love hastening the healing process in his patients.

Om Namah Shivay.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Har Har Mahadev Ji

Om Namah Shivay
Ankh kholu ya band karu
mjhe Darshan de dena
mere "Mahadev"
Aapke haath main toh sari
Duniya hai, Mere haath
main kyaa hai…
Aapko dekhun jisme esaa
Darpan de denaa, Karun
Saadhanaa Apki keval
Saadhanaa de denaa..
Meri maang badi
Saadhaaran Maan mein
Aate Rehna, Har ik Saans
ke piche Apni jalak
Dikhlaate Rehna...
Naam Apka le Aakhir tak vo
Dhadkan de dena mere
"Devo k Dev Mahadev"
Devo k Dev Mahadev
Shub Din Ho
By Nittin Sachdeva Ji
Har Har Mahadev Ji

Friendship is a precious thing______ too precious a treasure to be carelessly broken or thrown away.

Broken friendship may be repaired but the break will always show. Friendship is a precious thing______ too precious a treasure to be carelessly broken or thrown away. The world handles the word ‘friend’ lightly; its real, true, deeper, meaning is forgotten. Do all in your power to keep such friendship unbroken.
Look at a second sight at the panorama of life.

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

Om Namah Shivaya!

Namah Shivaya!
you are the timeless one
yet the ever young. 

Devi parvati, the supreme Bhaktin of Lord Shiva shows the way to worship the shivlinga.

Devi parvati, the supreme Bhaktin of Lord Shiva shows the way to worship the shivlinga. She Is Herself Shakti Durga, she is Jagdambe, Mother of the Universe, She is the Co creator of all there is. Then why does she show the way to the worldhow to be a bhaktin? Because, as a good mother, she wants to transmit the right Vidhis the right respect and the natural expression of love for Shivji. But this is not all, she also tells Shivji inreturn to teach all His children spiritual knowledge. Aum Namah Shivaya! Jai Parvati Ma.

The look that Manifests a whole Universe, sustains it, and dissolves it back into the Self, again.

Photo: Shanker Parvati. The look that Manifests a whole Universe, sustains it, and dissolves it back into the Self, again.
(shail gulhati)

Shanker Parvati. The look that Manifests a whole Universe, sustains it, and dissolves it back into the Self, again.
(shail gulhati)

Main Hoon Bhagtan Ka Das Bhagat Mere Mukutmani

Main Hoon Bhagtan Ka Das Bhagat Mere Mukutmani : 

The pleasure from external objects is one of dependence. Dependence can only be subordination and nothing else - “Paraadheen sapanehun sukh naahin.” .... 

When he develops contentment within himself, "Santoshaamruttruptaanaam yatsukham shaant chetsaam,” there is great joy. There is nothing he wants. There is no need of anything. How will he live? Why to even want to live? If God desperately wants to make him live, then he will remain alive. If not, then let it go, he has nothing to do with living. He has nothing to do with this body. He has nothing to do with this life breath. God, saints, great souls, world - all have a need for such a person, but he has no need for anyone, not even God. Now, even God has a need for such a person. “Mein hun bhagatan ko das, bhagat mere mukutmani”

In life, irritations do come to you. ‘Oh, that person is no good’; ‘I cannot be with these people, they insult me’, these sort of the little things come in the mind and bother you. How do you handle this irritation? Suppose you are doing some important work and a fly comes and sits on you, would you be bothered too much about
the fly? No, you would just shoo it away lightly. Know that is what all these things are.These little irritations help to bring acceptance inside you.

Om Namah Shivay.

Jai Ganesh Girija suvan, mangal mool sujan, Kahati Ayodhyadas tum, deu abhaya vardan.

Jai Ganesh Girija suvan, mangal mool sujan,
Kahati Ayodhyadas tum, deu abhaya vardan.

Hail Lord Ganesh, son of Girija, who is supremely wise and the start of all auspicious events. Ayodhyadas asks you, to grant him the boon of safety and security.

Jai Girijapati deen dayala,
Sada karat santan pratipala.

Hail Girijapati, the ever kind lord, Who always looks after and protects his devotees.

Bhal chandrama sohati neeke,
Kanan kundal nag phani ke.

He has the moon upon his forehead, and in his ears, instead of rings, he has the serpents coiling around.

Ang gaur shiv ganga banai,
Mundamal tan kshar lagai.

He is fair complexioned with the divine river, Ganga, flowing from his crown, Around his neck, he has a necklace of severed heads and his body is smeared with ash.

Vastra khal baghambar sohe,
Chhavi ko dekh nag muni mohe.

He wears the skin of a panther tied around his waist, Looking at his charming view, the serpents and high sages get enchanted.

Maina Matu ki priya dulari,
Bam ang rajat Shiv pyari.

The beloved daughter (referring to Parvati) of Maina is sitting on his lap at his left side, She is supremely dear to Lord Shiv.

Kar men soha trishul ati bhari,
Karahi sada shatrun samhari.

He carries a heavy trident in his hand, with which he slays the enemies forever.

Nandi Ganesh soh tanha kaise,
Manas madhya kamal hon jaise.

With him are Nandi and Lord Ganesh, Looking as beautiful as lotus flowers blooming in Mansarovar lake.

Kartik shyam aur gana rauo,
Ya chhavi barnat bane na kauo.

He has with him dark complexioned Kartikeya and Ganesh, No one is capable to describe the full spectacle.

Devan jab hee aai pukara,
Tabahin dukh prabhu ap nivara.

Whenever the celestials faced problems and came to you, You always solved the problems and provided succour to them.

Keen upadrava tarak bhari,
devan sab mili tumhari pukari.

When the demon Tarak wrought havoc, The celestials all called to you help.

Turat shadanan ap pathayo,
Luv nimesh mahi mar girayo.

Then you immediately sent Sadanand, Who, within no time at all, destroyed the demon.

Aap Jallandhar asur sanhara,
Suyash tumhar vidit sansara.

You also slayed the demon, Jallandhar, Your glory is well known to the world.

Tripurasur sang yuddha machayi,
sabahin kripa kari leen bachayi.

By fighting and killing the Demon Tripurasur,You forgave everybody and saved the Gods.

Keenha tap Bhagirath bhari,
Purahi pratigya tasu purari.

King Bhagirath had performed a rigorous penance, And by you grace, you fulfilled his wishes.

Darpa chhod Ganga tab ayee,
Sewak astuti karat sadaee.

Because of this, Ganga, left her abode and came to earth, That is why your devotees always sing your praise.

Ved naam mahima tav gayaee,
akath anadi bhed nahin payee.

The Vedas had tried to describe your glory but the same is beyond explanation, It is impossible to fathom your full glory.

Pragati udadhi manthan te jwala,
Jare surasur bhaye bihala.

The sea churning had produced such a dreadful poisonous flame,
Which scared both the Gods and demons.

Mahadeva tab kari sahayee,
Neelkantha tuv nam dharayee.

The, Great God, you came to their rescue and drank the poison,
Which stayed in your throat, making it blue, hence you are called Neelkanth

Poojan Ramchandra jab keenha,
Lanka jeet Vibhishan deenha.

When Lord Ram III worshipped you, You gave him victory over Lanka and made Vibhishan it's king.

Sahas kamal arpanahi vichari,
Keenha pareeksha tabahi purari.

During this worship, Lord Ram decided to offer you a thousand lotus flowers, Then to assess his firmness of faith, you decided to test him.

Ek kamal Prabhu rakheu goyee,
Kamal nayan poojan chahin soyee.

Lord, you decided to hide one of the flowers, Not finding it, Lord Ram substituted his lotus like eye for it.

Kathin bhakti dekhi Prabhu Shankar,
Bhaye prasanna deya icchhit var.

Lord Shanker was pleased with his steadfast devotion,You granted him the desired boon.

Jai Jai Jai, Ananta Avinasi,
Karat kripa sab ke ghatvasi.

Hail to thee, O Infinite and Indestructible Lord,Shower your grace on everybody, O Omniscient one.

Dushta sakal mohi nitya satavan,
Bharmita rahe man chain na aven.

I am always troubled by wicked people,This makes me distressed with no peace of mind.

Trahi trahi main nath pukaro,
Yeh avasar mohi, ani ubaro.

Getting distressed, I pray to you, Lord Shanker,O Lord, help me in these troubled times.

Lai trishool shatrun ko marau,
Sankat se mohi ani unarau.

Come with your trident and slay my enemies, And free me from my problems.

Mata pita bhrat sab hoi,
Sankat mein poonchat nahi koi.

Although I have my mother, father, brothers and family, Yet in times of trouble, nobody offers me help.

Swami ekahi aas tumhari,
Ai harahu sab sankat bhari.

O Lord, you are my only hope, O Master, please come and take away this heavy burden (problems).

Dhan nirdhan kon det sadaee,
Arat jan ki peer mitaee.

You give wealth to the poor, And you wipe away their difficulties.

Astuti kehi vidhi karahu tumhari,
Shambunath ab tek hamari.

I do not know of any other way to seek your help from my problems, Hey, Shambunath, listen to my prayer now.

Shanker ho sankat ke nashan,
Vighna vinasan mangal karan.

Shankar, you are the destroyer of problems, Please be the root of my happiness and welfare

Yogi yathi muni dhyan lagaye,
Sharad Narad Sheesh navavahin.

All the sages and yogis meditate on you, Saraswati, Narad and the seers bow in reverence to you.

Namo namo jab namah Shivaye,
Sur brahmadik par na paye.

I now chant your name, "Om Namah Shivaye", Neither Brahma not the Gods could fathom your entire glory.

Jo yeh path kare man layee,
To kon hot hain shamboo sahayee.

Whoever reads this prayer with utmost devotion, Shall definitely be helped by Lord Shamboo, without any doubt.

Putra na ho, ichha kare koi,
Nishchaya Shiv prasad se hoi.

Anybody without a son who prays to you,Will definitely be blessed with one by Lord Shiv.

Pandit triyodashi ko lave,
Dhyan poorvak hom karave.

The devotees should get a priest to perform a yagna on the 13th lunar day of the fortnight, And with full attention and devotion, one must pray to Lord Shiv to get their wishes fulfilled.

Triyodashi vrita kare hamesha,
Tan nahi take rahe kalesha.

Whoever fasts on the thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight, Gets peace of mind and a healthy body.

Dhoop deep naivedya chadhavahi,
Shanker sanmukha path karavahi.

With a lighted lamp, incense and other payer material, One should worship before an idol of Lord Shiva with full devotion.

Janam Janam ki pap nasavahin,
Antawas shivpur men pavahin.

A devotee of Shiv will have all the sins of all his births wiped away,
And in the end, he will live happily in the kingdom of Lord Shiva.

Hey Shankar hai aas tumhari,
Dukh peera ab harahu hamari.

O Lord Shanker, you are my only hope, Now please end all my pains and worries.

Om Namah Shivay.

Infinite Patience and Smart Shopping!

Infinite Patience and Smart Shopping!

Suppose you go to God, get a boon, and walk away. When your intention is to get a boon, then you are in a hurry. Another person who knows he owns God is not in a hurry for anything. Infinite patience comes up in him.

When you know you own God, you are not in a hurry to get something out of God. Your hurry to get something throws you off balance and makes you small. Have "eternal wait," infinite patience. When you have infinite patience, you will realize God belongs to you. Either through awareness or through practice you reach the same spot.

Question: What do you mean by "owning God?"

Guruji : The Divinity belongs to you. It's not like shopping at the supermarket in a hurry and rushing back home. When you see the whole store is at home, you are not in a hurry to shop. You are at ease.

Question: To develop patience do we just observe the impatience?

Guruji : Just observe the thoughts and feelings and don't regret about it.

When you know you are part of the divine plan, you stop demanding. Then you know everything is being done for you. You are taken care of. Usually we do it the other way: we hurry the mind and are slow in our action. Impatience means hurry in the mind; lethargy means slowness in action. Patience in the mind and dynamism in action is the right formula.

Om Namah Shivay.



"Aloneness and silence are two aspects of one experience, two sides of the same coin. If one wants to experience silence one has to go into one´s total aloneness. It is there. 

We are born alone, we die alone. Between these tworealities we create a thousand and one illusions of being together - all kinds of relationships, friends and enemies, loves and hates, nations, races, religions. We create all kinds of hallucinations just to avoid one fact: that we are alone. But whatsoever we do, the truth cannot be changed. It is so, and rather than trying to escape from it, the best way is to rejoice in it.

Rejoicing in your own aloneness is what meditation is all about. The meditator is one who dives deep into one´s aloneness, knowing that we are born alone, we will be dying alone, and deep down we are living alone. So why not experience what this aloneness is? It is our very nature, our very being."

Om Namah Shivay.

I Hear A Voice In My Head

I Hear A Voice In My Head : 

When someone goes to the doctor and says, “I hear a voice in my head,” he will most likely be sent to a psychiatrist. The fact is that, in a very similar way, virtually everyone hears a voice, or several voices, in their head all the time: the involuntary thought processes that you don’t realise you have the power to stop, continuous monologues or dialogues.

You have probably come across ‘mad’ people in the street incessantly talking or muttering to themselves. Well, that’s not much different from what you and all other ‘normal’ people do, except that you don’t do it out loud. The voice comments, speculates, judges, compares, complains, likes, dislikes, and so on. The voice isn’t necessarily relevant to the situation you find yourself in at the time; it may be reviving the recent or distant past or rehearsing or imagining possible future situations. Here, it often imagines things going wrong and negative outcomes; this is called worry.

Sometimes, this soundtrack is accompanied by visual images or ‘mental movies’. Even if the voice is relevant to the situation at hand, it will interpret it in terms of the past. This is because the voice belongs to your conditioned mind, which is the result of all your past history as well as of the collective cultural mind-set you inherited. So you see and judge the present through the eyes of the past and get a totally distorted view of it.

It is not uncommon for the voice to be a person’s own worst enemy. Many people live with a tormentor in their head that continuously attacks and punishes them and drains them of vital energy. It is the cause of untold misery and unhappiness, as well as of disease.

The good news is that you can free yourself from your mind. This is the only true liberation. You can take the first step right now. Start listening to the voice in your head as often as you can. Pay particular attention to any repetitive thought patterns, those old gramophone records that have been playing in your head perhaps for many years. This is what I mean by ‘watching the thinker’, which is another way of saying: listen to the voice in your head; be there as the witnessing presence.

When you listen to that voice, listen to it impartially. That is to say, do not judge. Do not judge or condemn what you hear, for doing so would mean that the same voice has come in again through the back door. You’ll soon realise: there is the voice, and here I am listening to it, watching it. This ‘I am’ realisation, this sense of your own presence, is not a thought. It arises from beyond the mind.

Om Namah Shivay.

Tuesday 28 May 2013


!!!!!!..............RUDRA ABHISHEK..............!!!!!
Rudra Abhishek is a ritual where Panchamrut Pooja is offers to lord SHIVA with powerful hymns/mantras to fulfills all the wishes of the person who gets it performed. This Abhishekha bestows prosperity, fulfillment of all desires, it removes negativity, cut off the negative karma and give all round happiness in life.
It is done for fulfilling our desires, and for prosperity.This bestows prosperity, fulfillment and give all aground happiness in life Ahishekha is perormed by Chanting the verses of Sanskrit sholakas ('Suktas') (Rudra ).
There are following Abhisheka can be performed based on the name of Prayers. These prayar's are written by ancient saints to please God.

1. Rudra Abhishek

2. Laghu-Rudra Abhishekha

3. Maha-Rudra Abhishekha

!!!!!!!!....Benefits of Rudra Abhishek...!!!!!!!!!!

a ) For happiness Of LORD SHIVA

b) Peaceful life, progeny or progress in your career, health or wealth Shiva Rudra Abhishekam is the ideal one

c ) Remove Bad Effects of All Planets

d) Remove Bad Effects Of all yog
Kal Sarp Yog ,Ananta Kaal Yog
Kulik Kaals Yog, Vasuki Yog ,Shankhapal Yog
Padma Yog, Maha Padma Yog, Takshak Yog
Karkautak Yog,,Shankhachud Kaal Sarpa

What can the God of Gods, Mahadev Shiv cry for? and yet it is true Lord Shiva cries at the loss of Sati, like any loving husband.

Photo: What can the God of Gods, Mahadev Shiv cry for? and yet it is true  Lord Shiva cries at the loss of Sati, like any loving husband. 
He also misses His entire creation at the end of one life cycle, and with the remembrance creates the next one. His memories are not lost, they grow into beautiful Rudraksh. This attribute may be viewed by some as ungodly, or attachment. And yet, the Shaivites view this very attachment as endearingly Humane, something that makes Him extremely close to us in empathy, It is the greatest sign of hope that Shivji shares our feelings and sorrows.He struggles alongside us for finding lasting solutions, He is technical and experiments with yoga and Dhyana so that things improve,He travels on the borders of Immortality and Mritunjaya. Aum Namah Shivaya!!
(shail gulhati)

What can the God of Gods, Mahadev Shiv cry for? and yet it is true Lord Shiva cries at the loss of Sati, like any loving husband. 

He also misses His entire creation at the end of one life cycle, and with the remembrance creates the next one. His memories are not lost, they grow into beautiful Rudraksh. This attribute may be viewed by some as ungodly, or attachment. And yet, the Shaivites view this very attachment as endearingly Humane, something that makes Him extremely close to us in empathy, It is the greatest sign of hope that Shivji shares our feelings and sorrows.He struggles alongside us for finding lasting solutions, He is technical and experiments with yoga and Dhyana so that things improve,He travels on the borders of Immortality and Mritunjaya. Aum Namah Shivaya!!

(shail gulhati)


“O praise to the Three-Eyed
One, who increases prosperity,
who has a sweet fragrance,
who frees the world from all
disease and death – liberate
me, as the cucumber is easily
severed from the vine. O Shiva,
grant me immortality!”

It pains when our family, close friends or relatives hurt us than an unknown or just friends!!

One day gold asked to iron, bro u are also hit by iron i am also hit by iron hammer, but u make more noise (pain) why?
Iron replied," when we got hit by own's we get more pain". 
Meaning: It pains when our family, close friends or relatives hurt us than an unknown or just friends!!