Saturday 28 February 2015

Panthalloor Pooram Theyyam Varavu 2015 (VIDEO)

I am the sea and You the wave. You are Prakṛiti, and I the Purusha ~ SoulMates!! Jai ShivaShakti ~ Jai ShankarParvati!!

I am the sea and You the wave. You are Prakṛiti, and I the Purusha ~ SoulMates!! Jai ShivaShakti ~ Jai ShankarParvati!!

"Therefore a person should ever strive for the destruction of ignorance, for one's birth is fruitful when ignorance is destroyed. One thereby attains the end of human existence and the state of being liberated while living."

The omniscient (infinite knowledge), omnipotent (unlimited power), omnipresent (present everywhere), Divine Mother of extreme beauty and ageless eternity ~ Maa Adi Shakti. "Therefore a person should ever strive for the destruction of ignorance, for one's birth is fruitful when ignorance is destroyed. One thereby attains the end of human existence and the state of being liberated while living." ~ Srimad Devi Bhagavatam. "By meditation, the noble person will perceive me directly and then merge into my own essence since we two are one. By practicing this yoga, one realizes me as the supreme Self. In that instant, ignorance and its effects all perish." The Mahadevi insists that liberating knowledge can be attained here in this world, while still living. Seeking such knowledge alone makes life worthwhile, and the attainment of knowledge completely fulfils the ultimate purpose of existence. Meditate on Maa Adi Shakti, She can bring forth warrior-like strength and protective compassion. When you bring her image into your inner world, she can empower your most radical aspirations and guide you through your most conflict-ridden life issues. Shakti embodies the inner power to transform yourself – to let go of addictions, obstacles, illusions and fears. Meditating on Maa Shakti can call forth specific powers and qualities within you that come to you from beyond your limited ego and can help you meet challenges & bringing deity energy into the body and mind. So meditating and chanting mantras of Shakti can literally transform energies into your life.
Love, light & Peace ~ Jai ShivaShakti!

Never let a bad situation bring out the worst in you. Choose integrity and let God be your strength. People and circumstances will often break you down. But keep your mind focused, your heart open to love, and continue to march ahead.

Never let a bad situation bring out the worst in you. Choose integrity and let God be your strength. People and circumstances will often break you down. But keep your mind focused, your heart open to love, and continue to march ahead. You cannot find peace by avoiding life, instead take every experience as a challenge for growth. Either it will give you what you want or it will teach you what the next step is. Life is too short to spend at war with yourself. The biggest disappointments in our lives are often the result of misplaced expectations. Let go of needless expectations and you can deal with almost anything. Remind yourself that everything in life is temporary. Every time it rains, it stops raining. Every time you get hurt, you heal. After darkness there is always light, Nothing lasts. Just because life isn’t easy at the moment, doesn’t mean you can’t laugh. Just because something is bothering you, doesn’t mean you can’t smile. Every moment gives you a new beginning and a new ending. Every moment you get the second chance, make the most of it. And remember everyone suffers in life at some point. The key is using your experiences to grow. When you learn, you move forward not backward. You become stronger and wiser. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it in the end!
Love, light & Gratitude ~ Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya!
Shubh Prabhat ~ Enjoy your weekend Dear Friends!

In His dream they are all awake but as He awakens, slowly they fade....

In His dream
are all awake
but as He awakens,
slowly they fade....


I found this picture on the net a year ago.
It was very Evocative , a lot of thoughts arose- who was this visiting a Shivlinga?
Was it Shiva Himself?
or then a yogi who was of near in appearance to His Lord?
if it was Shiva, what was he doing?
was he checking to see who His bhakts were, in the temple?
was He gracing a pious Ocassion with His darsana?
Or was He Himself Meditaing in His own Mandir?
God is infinite, infinite His Lila and glory. So then, the answer can be all of these!
A yogi visiting His Beloved Shiva .
Shivji visiting for a darshan.
Shivji meditating in front of his own Shivlinga.
The Sagun form in meditation of the Nirgun.
Like a recharge, or a recap. In God's lila, it happens. Guru Vashist revised for Ramji His Godhood, and Guru Sandeepan did for Krishan ji.
All is possible, with God, all things are possible.
God is Omnipresent, he is everywhere, but yes, even he loves the places where others have gathered in His name.
There is also a sacred mention of Shivji visiting some places of worship after Sati died, places where Sati used to go to... in the deepest remembrance of Shivji, who then went there Himself, in the deepest remembrance of her.
That Is a beautiful story which i will be telling in My forthcoming book SHIVA, Flight of the Ultimate Time Traveler.


Lord Shiva drinks venom for the welfare of the rest of the world "I now wish to improve your understanding about the Shiva conscious. Snakes do not bite each other for survival.They are shunned on wrong Notion.lethal, as their bites can be,they are rarely an aggressor tribe.They only use their fangs if grossly intruded upon.My chief adornment is the King Cobra.One, who has learnt by mere posture to ward off the eveil of malafide intrusion." The snake observed that even Shiva’s trident was only parked beside Him. "My snakes never actually Bite venom to their creator,they only discharge roles that are alloted to them,sometimes vomiting venom when they were,in fact aiding the production of Ambrosia. I want you to understand this well before you are turned to man again. For the Shiva conscious man has a greater task than the Shiva conscious snake, he must partake a little venom spilled by the Shiva conscious snake. Remember one last thing about the wandering snakes," said the Yogi with a diamond Gaze,”they always reach their homes in their woods where no one distrubs the harmony of others. They do not just lose skins and get nowhere.They outgrow skins and lose them along the way. They do not lose the way itself." { From The Yogi and the snake by Shail Gulhati, 1995. Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.. }
a very rough translation : इस पुस्तक में भगवन शिव अपने भक्त ( एक सांप) को कहते हैं की शिव के चेहते कभी भी दूसरों को जान भूज कर हानि नहीं पहुन्चाहते. विशेष रूप से सांप कभी किस्सी को बिल्ला कारन काटते नहीं.यदि समुन्द्र मंथन के समय भी उनके सांप वासुकी ने विष उगला तो वोह भी अमृत मंथन के प्रयत्न में हुआ शिवजी का प्रमुख नाग तोह केवल फुंकार से ही दुष्ट लोगों को डराना सीख गया है. स्वयं शिवजी का त्रिसुल भी प्रहार की मुद्रा में नहीं अपितु उनके समीप भूमि में सावधान खड़ा रहता है. इस्सी प्रकार शिवजी के सभी भक्त हानि नहीं बल्कि दूसरों की सहायता में लीनं रहते हैं . शिव के मानव भक्तों का कार्य शिव के साँपों से भी अधिक है: उन्हें अपने स्वामी शिव के प्रकार विषपान करना पडता है क्योंकि उनका कर्त्तव्य शिव के साँपों से अधिक है. इस प्रकार अपने साँपों के चरित्र को अच्छा बता कर शिव जी फिर अपने भक्त को इस पुस्तक में यह कहते हैं की सांप कभी अपने मार्ग दर्शन को अपनी पुराणी चमड़ी की प्रकार गुमाते नहीं अपितु चमडियाँ गुमाते गुमाते भी अपने मार्ग पर चलते रहते हैं जब तक वेह अपने घर लौट न जायें. इस्सी प्रकार शिव भक्तों को जनम जनम अपने लक्ष्य की और जाना है, और वोह लक्ष्य है आत्मबोध और दिव्या दृष्टी. ॐ नमः शिवाय !

Jaya Deva - Hara Om Namah Shivaya / Maha Shivaratri 2015

This video with the words" Glory to Lord Shiva ~ Har Har Mahadev ~ Bum Bum Bhole!
Auspicious Shivaratri celebrated with great fervour not only in India and Nepal, but Shiva Devotees offered prayers worldwide.
Jaya Deva from Barcelona Spain shares his video.
"We chanted almost for 3 hours for the Maha Shivaratri on 17th February. We began with the Shiva Manasa Puja. Then we did 3 long kirtans. And we did a small Homa, and chanted for a while the Maha Mrityunjay Mantra before the last kirtan. The one in the video. Shiva Shiva!"
Om Namah Shivaya!!

China and japan have a history of Yogis, who do owe their origins of learning to great Indian Rishis.............

An interesting pic from the net.This is love for Lord Shiva being Universal.The pic is obviously Oriental and Shivji is also looking a bit oriental if you look closely enough...the eyebrows, the sideburns, even the hair is also like oriental yogis..
China and japan have a history of Yogis, who do owe their origins of learning to great Indian Rishis, the words Chan and Zen (their spiritual systems) come from the sanskrit word DHYAN. It may interest you to know that Swami Vivekananda reported, on one of His tours to China, he accidentaly went into a forbidden prayer hall. Whereupon chinese guards came menacingly towards him for this intrusion, The swami just said "yogi , i am a yogi" and that was enough for the guards. They virtually fell at his feet, welcomed him, and led him into the secret hall themselves!
Aum Namah Shivaye.

Friday 27 February 2015

Vairagya, Indifference and disenchantment with all worldly things. Shiva lives in the cremation grounds and smears himself with ashes. Shiva teaches that this body that we are so proud of will become ash one day.

Vairagya, Indifference and disenchantment with all worldly things. Shiva lives in the cremation grounds and smears himself with ashes. Shiva teaches that this body that we are so proud of will become ash one day. What better example could there be of disenchantment with the living world. Vairagya means sacrificing everything even while living, gives himself up to the funeral grounds, not expecting anything from the world. Vairagya is dispassion. Vairagya is detachment. Vairagya is indifference to sensual enjoyment. Vairagya is born of Viveka, or discrimination between Nitya and Anitya (Eternal and non-eternal), Sat and Asat (Real and unreal), Tattwa and Atattwa (Essence and non-essence). Viveka comes through selfless service done in several births and through worship and adoration of God and through the Grace of the Lord. From Viveka is born Vairagya. It gives spiritual strength. A man of Vairagya has no attraction for the material world. So Vairagya is a supreme, inexhaustible wealth for spiritual aspirants. Vairagya aids concentration of mind and generates strong yearning for Emancipation. Vairagya is a mental state whereby the mind does not run into sensual grooves. It moves towards Atman, towards God. You may live in a palace and yet have absolute Vairagya. Even amidst the temptations of the world when you are not affected by the attractive objects of the world. One may go to the forest renouncing the kingdom and yet will not be established in Vairagya as you are attached to the body, attached to your little belongings. You see a Vairagi with body is smeared with ash, but he will fight for a rupee if he finds you giving a rupee to another Vairagi. So Vairagya is a mental disposition, living amidst luxurious things, but mind remains Unpolluted!
Love, light & Peace ~ Jai Shiva Shankar ~ Jai Adiyogi Shambhu!

Shivalingam in the PashupatiNath Temple Complex. Though God is omnipresent and is everywhere. He is not limited by space, every place on this earth is his universe.

Shivalingam in the PashupatiNath Temple Complex. Though God is omnipresent and is everywhere. He is not limited by space, every place on this earth is his universe. But we still go to temples because they are located at a place where the positive energy is abundantly available. The main idol is placed in the core center of the temple, known as Garbhagriha or Moolasthanam. In fact, the temple structure is built after the idol has been placed. This Moolasthanam is where earth’s magnetic waves are found to be maximum. We know that there are some copper plates, inscribed with Vedic scripts, buried beneath the Main Idol. The copper plate absorbs earth’s magnetic waves and radiates it to the surroundings. Thus a person regularly visiting a temple and walking clockwise around the Main Idol absorbs positive energy. The ringing of the bells and the chanting of prayers takes a worshipper into trance, thus not letting his mind waver. When done in groups, this helps people forget personal problems for a while and relieve their stress. The fragrance from the flowers, the burning of camphor give out the chemical energy and lamp gives heat energy. The effect of all these energies is supplemented by the positive energy from the idol. Theertham, the holy water used during the pooja to wash the idol is not plain water. It is a concoction of Cardamom, Karpura (Benzoin), saffron, Holy Basil, Clove. Washing the idol is to charge the water with the magnetic radiations thus increasing its medicinal values. Three spoons of this holy water is distributed to devotees. Again, this water is mainly a source of magneto-therapy. It is proved that Theertham is a very good blood purifier, as it is highly energised. All the rituals, all the practices are, in reality, well researched, studied and scientifically backed thesis which form the ways of nature to lead a good healthy life.
Jai Shiva Shankar ~ Om Namah Shivaya!

Life moves so fast through and in our minds we resist change.

Life moves so fast through and in our minds we resist change. We try to stop things from changing, and we become attached to our past. Life is what is happening in the present. Whatever happened in the past is no longer happening now. Though we are often taught to live in the present moment. Though for everything life takes it gives something new. If we become attached to things that life takes away then we can't receive new gifts of life. Detachment is the key. But detachment doesn't mean we stop loving things or person whom we were attached to. It only means that we have to accept that there is nothing we can do to stop the transformation of life. Love and attachment brings suffering. We yearn for human love, which changes like seasons. We are hurt, we cry. We have to accept the change and the only option is to move on. "We don't stop loving someone, we simply learn to live without them!" Yes, Love doesn't change, Circumstances change! And We learn the hard way, the difficult thing in life is to learn to let go what you always thought was yours.! It's painful but change is the only constant..and you have to accept it! Isn’t that the truth for all of us, in all walks of life. Broken friendships, broken affairs, loss of someone in the family or friends. Realise this. Sometimes life doesn’t give you what you want because you Need something else. And what you need often comes when you’re not looking for it. You won’t always understand it and that’s OK. The key is detachment! letting go of the life you expected, so you can make the best of the life that’s waiting for you. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.! Peace ~ Boom Shankar!!
Shubh Prabhat ~ Namaste!

Shiva, is Yantreshwar, The Master of Yantras.

Shiva, is Yantreshwar, The Master of Yantras. Yantras are mystical diagrams designed to elevate your level of awareness. alongwith mantras they lead to a more sublime state of feeling and being.
An excerpt from The Yogi and the snake from a chapter called TAT TWAM ASI
“Let us understand another great truth. Tat twam asi, that thou art, or thou were always that. Here, ‘That’ is the Great Truth; God, Consciousness, but, we need to perceive this Great Truth, and it can be experienced during the deepest meditation. You experience the primordial state of Being in its purity, you are at once everything, and everything is you, yet you are light, like nothingness, and yet you still are.
So, let thy body be thy Yantra, your breath is your mantra; meditate! And your devotion shall be fulfilled.” The snake bowed at The Yogi’s great blessing.


( A special Dialogue from The Yogi and the snake )
“Tell me”, asked the Yogi, “what is the best system towards progressive growth, what should determine the apex?”
“My Lord, history tells us that we have had kings, elected representatives, even intellectuals ruling us, many of whom, were just. But every time the system collapsed. Nothing worked”.
“Why not use a system of pure merit?” Asked the Yogi.
“If we have a system of pure merit to rule, it sounds ideal, but is destined to collapse also”.
“Why?” Asked the Yogi.
“Because my Lord, what will happen to those of little merit, where shall they go?”
“Those of the highest merit can devote themselves to helping those of the lowest, can’t they? “Asked the Yogi, “leaving those of the second highest merit to rule?”
“Agreed my Lord, but when those of the low merit are pushed up by those of the highest merit, where will those of the second highest merit go?”
“Down, of course! “Said the Yogi.
“Why, my lord, what would be their fault?”
“It is not a question of fault”, said the Yogi, “it is a simple law of Nature, what goes up, must come down.”
“Then, change the law of Nature my lord, else even your angels shall be condemned to fall again.”
“How”, said the Yogi, “can we change the law of Nature?”
“Replace the word merit with harmony my lord. Those of the highest harmony will teach those of the lowest. When they grow up, there shall be no problem in their acceptance. Harmony always accepts harmony. It is not linear only, like merit, it has no top slot. No apex. It spreads in all directions, it dances into new spaces? Teach us to be harmonious, my Lord.”
“You have grown”, said the Yogi, “I can see you blossom.”
"You are a great gardener, you cultivate your trust”, replied the snake
“Yes, and I trust my cultivation”, said the Yogi, “this is the real secret of gardening”.

Is The Universe A Miracle?

Is The Universe A Miracle?
Yes, especially if you have great admiration for the world that science reveals.
Is it possible to propose to a person with no religion that while the universe may be a random occurrence and meaningless in its existence, it could still mean a lot to a lot of people? The short answer is ‘no’, but the longer one goes something like this: a cosmic religious feeling. That’s a little like what Einstein felt when he said it was “an unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.”
But then Einstein is a very funny cup of tea which one suspects even he didn’t quite sip fully. That can be gathered if one comes to learn how both sides of belief try to claim him as their own, simply because his utterances were unfortunately interpretable to either side as favouring them. For instance, the awe and humility he felt in the presence of nature was a ‘genuine religious feeling’, but one which was firmly grounded in reality requiring no supernatural or personal God. Meaning, without a literal belief in deities who dictate or guide us along our paths through life, we should instead be seeing ourselves as grownups on our own and responsible for our beliefs.
G K Chesterton, the Catholic apologist, used to argue at one point in his life that all natural laws should be looked upon as magic because there’s no logical connection between any cause and its effect. He wrote:
When all my days are ending
And I have no song to sing
I think I shall not be too old to stare at everything;
As I stared once at a nursery door
Or a tall tree and a swing.
What about miracles in that case? Are they not evidence that something greater than an accidental universe is at work? Maybe we could, as many do, dismiss Jesus walking on water or multiplying five small loaves of bread and two fish to feed a multitude of people numbering over 5,000 who had come to see him. We could even disregard as wildly anecdotal, Swami Ramakrishna Paramhansa’s mother fainting after seeing him feeding Goddess Kali from his plate. Yet, there’s no getting away from the fact that even in the 21st century, the Vatican still requires at least two authenticated proofs of miracles before beatifying or canonising a person as a saint. So are all believers fools, or do the rest of the fools not believe in the same?
Retired physicist Matt Young, put it in better perspective when he wrote: “I have dismissed what I call popular belief such as the belief in signs or miracles on several grounds.” He goes on to observe that, first, most miracles can be explained or accounted for without invoking divine intervention. Storms and other natural disasters, for example, need not necessarily be seen as acts of God, as our ancestors who knew no better did. Therefore, we may reject the arguments of those who give God credit for all that is good and ignore all that’s bad. We can assert in fact that they’re using evidence selectively in order to bolster a belief that they have to hold on to under any circumstances.
However, here’s a slightly different take. Miracles are commonly regarded as violations of the laws of nature, whether by divine intervention, supernatural or human agency. Most scientists regard such definitions as paradoxical as the laws of nature are fixed and immutable, and hence, those who think they may have witnessed miraculous events have been deluded. Some, on the other hand, however — including the well-known anthropologist and ethnologist, Lyall Watson, author of Supernature — see such phenomena as “timely reminders that science is far from complete.” One suspects Einstein would have agreed.
And here’s yet another take. Why indeed should the universe be a random occurrence and meaningless in its existence, when it could still mean a lot to a lot of people? Is there a reason for this belief? Yes, if they believe it’s a miracle.
Om Namah Shivay

10 steps to success!

10 steps to success!
1. Self-Belief:
Success is begins in the mind. One has to be a believer, first, if one wishes to be an achiever. Never under-estimate yourself. You have no idea how often can you surprise yourself. So to begin with, let's get in the belief, "I Can."
2. Clarity of Vision:
There is no point running around without knowing where one wants to reach. you must get your job cut out. Greatest achievers in the world have been visionaries. Know exactly what you are best at and give it your best shot.
3. Setting the Right Goals:
The goals should be realistic .The goals should be achievable ,and yet challenging enough - neither too easy nor too difficult -something in the middle.
4. Be focused:
If the sun's rays are focused on a piece of paper with a lens, the intensity of the concentrated energy burns the paper. Focus on your objective will enhance the intensity of the effects of your efforts.
5. No Short Cuts to Success:
There are no short cuts to success. Divide your overall goals into smaller targets. Divide your monthly plans into weekly and weekly plans into daily plans and see how simple can things be.
6. Take Risks:
Without any risk no progress is possible. Life comes to a stable standstill. People who take chances are the people who get ahead in life. The only way to reduce risk is to take risks.
7. Take the Initiative:
People who take the initiative make the most of their lives. Proactive people do not wait for success to happen; rather they make it happen. As they say, 'JUST DO IT'.
8. Never Hesitate to Struggle:
No one has ever climbed a mountain just by looking at it. Struggle, hard struggle, is a key to success.
9. Own Responsibility:
Failure to hit the bull's eye is never the fault of the target. People, who own complete responsibility of their lives, are the people who make the most of it.
10. Never Give Up:
Many people who failed in life, where those who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Success demands extra-ordinary amount of perseverance. Never, never, give up.
Om Namah Shivay

Thursday 26 February 2015

Sree Muthappan Theyyam (VIDEO)

Sree Muthappan (Malayalam: ശ്രീ മുത്തപ്പന്‍) is a folk Hindu deity commonly worshiped in the North Malabar region of Kerala and Coorg region of Karnataka, India. Muthappan and Thiruvappan are considered to be manifestations of Shiva and Vishnu respectively.

Worship of Muthappan is unique in that it does not follow the Satvic Brahminical form of worship, as in other Hindu temples of Kerala. The main mode of worship is via a ritual enactment of Muthappan, performed daily at the Parassinikadavu temple. Fish and toddy is used as an offering to Muthappan, and people of all castes, religions and nationalities are permitted to enter the temple and take part in the worship.

Kuttichathan Theyyam കുട്ടിച്ചാത്തന്‍ തെയ്യം (VIDEO)

Cows are the goddesses of the gods and the refuge of all auspiciousness. Cows bestow every kind of happiness and for these reason they always are worshiped.

"dhenunam asmi kamadhuk" ~ says lord Krishna . Means "Among cows I am the wish fulfilling cow." In this verse Lord Krishna reveals that among cows He is manifested as the kamadhuk meaning kamadhenu the original wish fulfilling cows known as the surabhi cows. One should never cause harm to cows in any way even in a dream and one should never ever even think of eating the flesh of cows as there is no action more sinful in all of creation then cow killing. Cows are the mothers of all creatures. Cows are verily the mothers of the 33 crores of demigods that administrate creation in the material existence throughout all the universes. Cows are the goddesses of the gods and the refuge of all auspiciousness. Cows bestow every kind of happiness and for these reason they always are worshiped. A cow should not be owned by one who is a killer of cows or a seller to killers of cows, by one who is unrighteous, by one who is sinful, by one who is untruthful in speech, and by one who is outside of the Vedic culture nor should cows ever be given to one such as these. Gifts of cows should be made after ascertaining and determining the qualification of the receiver. Cows should never be given unto those whose residence they are likely to suffer from fire or sun. Cows should always be given away accompanied by their calves. Those cows who have been rescued from situations of distress or have been received from humble farmers unable to continue to take care of them properly are considered to be most auspicious.
Jai Shri Krishna ~ Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaya !

Everyone has their own Quality, there in-numerous types of qualities in we human... humour, imagination, spirituality, rebelliousness, beauty. Few negative too ; arrogant, awkward, bossy, cruel, evil, impulsive.

When we come across garden, we spot so many types of flowers. Each one with their own vibrant colours, fragrance, even the softness. Same goes for people around us. Everyone has their own Quality, there in-numerous types of qualities in we human... humour, imagination, spirituality, rebelliousness, beauty. Few negative too ; arrogant, awkward, bossy, cruel, evil, impulsive. Our qualities becomes our skin, we get recognised by our traits. Even avatars of our God had their qualities. Our ancestors kept our names on name of god so that we endowed the qualities of deity. ~ taken from Cult of Shiva. Yes, Live by choice, not by chance. Make changes, not excuses. Be motivated, not manipulated. Work to excel, not compete. Listen to your own inner voice, not to opinions of everyone else. Be authentic, Fake there are many around you! Embrace that individual inside you that has ideas, strengths and beauty like no one else. be true to yourself, even when people are not true to you! and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it. Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others temporarily think you are. A genuinely good character always shines and inspires in the long run. Let people mock you or envy you, let their criticism or one negative comment not shake your inner spirit, you are you! God has created you for some reason, Trust him!! Rise & Shine! let your positivity inspire your journey into tomorrow. Your thoughts today create your life tomorrow, change your thoughts and you change your world! Develop the good ones and let go off the bad! The power to change your world rests within you. Make your world good or bad, choice is yours! Peace ~ Boom Shankar !!!!
Shubh Prabhat ~ Namaste!

Auspicious Shivaratri celebrated with great fervour not only in India and Nepal, but Shiva Devotees offered prayers worldwide.

Glory to Lord Shiva ~ Har Har Mahadev ~ Bum Bum Bhole! 
Auspicious Shivaratri celebrated with great fervour not only in India and Nepal, but Shiva Devotees offered prayers worldwide. David tevar from Barcelona Spain shares his video. David says "We chanted almost for 3 hours for the Maha Shivaratri on 17th February. We began with the Shiva Manasa Puja. Then we did 3 long kirtans. And we did a small Homa, and chanted for a while the Maha Mrityunjay Mantra before the last kirtan. The one in the video. Shiva Shiva!"
thank u David ~ Om Namah Shivaya!!

Shivaratri in Nepal is always an unforgettable experience. It's always celebrated with a huge fanfare at Pashupatinath temple in Kathmandu.

Shivaratri in Nepal is always an unforgettable experience. It's always celebrated with a huge fanfare at Pashupatinath temple in Kathmandu. This year about 150,000 Indian pilgrims visited along with devotees from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. Nepalese celebrate Shivaratri with great pomp and grand splendour. the temple sees a surge of sadhus from India and other parts of Nepal. Around 6,000 sadhus of different sects arrived at the temple this Shivaratri. The sadhus are a special attraction at the temple. People not only come to worship at the temple but also visit the sadhus. Even the sadhus make sure they look good. The devotees organise bonfires to warm Lord Shiva. It is a common belief that the God might be feeling cold as the festival is observed at the end of winter season!! Bum Bum Bhole ~ Sankat Rahe Na Bhay Raho Sada Nirbhay!!