Thursday 12 September 2013

Realise Joy Instantly

Photo: Realise Joy Instantly

Think of immortal Atman to give relief to the troubled mind.

When ajnana or ignorance is dispelled, one’s atman, essential Self, shines of itself in its true state. Whatever you see is like a mirage in the desert. The objects have a beginning and an end.

Cosmic Pralaya

When gold is purified in a crucible in the fire, it gets a remarkable yellow splendour. Whence is this lustre? Is it inherent in gold itself or has it been produced by fire? This yellow splendour is due to the natural lustre of gold. When the dross is removed by fire, the gold shines in its own glory. 

The fire serves the purpose of an instrument only. The gold shines in its real state and no new brilliance is added to it. But if the brilliance is due to fire, a block of stone put into fire must exhibit that brilliance. This is not the case. The self-effulgent atman which is distinct from the five sheaths, the silent witness of the three states, which is unchanging, pure, eternal, indivisible, all-full, self-contained, an embodiment of peace, bliss and knowledge, is to be realised as one’s own Self.

That, which is of the same nature and is not affected by anything during the three periods of time, is sat. Sat or absolute existence only was prior to the evolution of this universe. When darkness was rolling over darkness for cosmic pralaya, "Sat" alone was. Chit is that which knows itself and knows others. It shines by itself and illumines intellect, sun, moon stars and other objects. It is absolute consciousness. Ananda is pure bliss.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write " Om Namah Shivay " if you ask for God's blessing on your life today. Please Like and Share to bless others!

Realise Joy Instantly

Think of immortal Atman to give relief to the troubled mind.

When ajnana or ignorance is dispelled, one’s atman, essential Self, shines of itself in its true state. Whatever you see is like a mirage in the desert. The objects have a beginning and an end.

Cosmic Pralaya

When gold is purified in a crucible in the fire, it gets a remarkable yellow splendour. Whence is this lustre? Is it inherent in gold itself or has it been produced by fire? This yellow splendour is due to the natural lustre of gold. When the dross is removed by fire, the gold shines in its own glory.

The fire serves the purpose of an instrument only. The gold shines in its real state and no new brilliance is added to it. But if the brilliance is due to fire, a block of stone put into fire must exhibit that brilliance. This is not the case. The self-effulgent atman which is distinct from the five sheaths, the silent witness of the three states, which is unchanging, pure, eternal, indivisible, all-full, self-contained, an embodiment of peace, bliss and knowledge, is to be realised as one’s own Self.

That, which is of the same nature and is not affected by anything during the three periods of time, is sat. Sat or absolute existence only was prior to the evolution of this universe. When darkness was rolling over darkness for cosmic pralaya, "Sat" alone was. Chit is that which knows itself and knows others. It shines by itself and illumines intellect, sun, moon stars and other objects. It is absolute consciousness. Ananda is pure bliss.

Om Namah Shivay

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