Friday 13 September 2013

The Battle Between Lord Shiva And Lord Narsimha That Was Fought Is Known As "Sharabh Avatar".

Photo: Here Is The Story Of Battle Between Lord Shiva And Lord Narsimha And That Form In Which Lord Shiva Fought Narsimha Is Known As "Sharabh Avatar".
Sharabha is described in the form
of a bird with golden colour, with two uplifted wings, two red eyes,
four legs in the form of a lion touching the ground, four legs with
claws upwards, and with an animal tail. The top part of the body is
shown as human but with the face of a lion with an ornamented
crown; side tusks are also depicted giving an overall frightening
sight. It also shows the Narasimha beneath Sharabha’s legs as a
human with anjali (hands folded prayer).

This Story Is The Later Part After Lord Narasimha has slain the demon Hiranyakaship, through the
taste of blood, Narasimha did not let go of his dreadful form and
the demigods were even more afraid from the supreme lord now,
than before the demon.
Shiva, the best friend of Vishnu, thus incarnated himself as Virabhadra , one of his terrifying forms, in order to calm
Narasimha. When that failed, Shiva manifested as the human-
lion-bird Sharabha. Shiva then assumed the Sharabha form.
Sharabha then attacked Narasimha and seized him up until he was
immobilized. Thip battle lasted for 18days finaly on 18th day he quelled Narasimha’s terrifying rage.
Narasimha became a devotee of Shiva after being bound by
Sharabha then decapitated and de-skinned Narasimha so Shiva could wear the hide and lion-head as a
The Linga Purana and Sharabha Upanishad also
mention this mutilation and murder of Narasimha.
After the mutilation, Vishnu assumed his normal form and retired to his
abode, after duly praising Shiva. It was from here on that Shiva
came to be known as "Sharabeshamurti" or "Simhagnamurti".
The Vedas clearly state -
Shivaya Vishnu Roopaya Shiva Roopaya Vishnave. The Smartha
traditionalists and the Advaita school of thought go by that
statement and accept both Vishnu and Shiva as equally powerful if
not one and the same. 
However, the motive of Lord Shiva as Sharaba was to pacify the
ferocious Narasimha avatar of Lord Vishnu. Keeping this very
motive as central, Sharaba succeeds in pacifying the Lion avatar,
by subduing the energies of Vishnu which at that point of time
were manifested as Narasimha and Berunda.
The very purpose of
Sharaba was to bring a sense of calm and well being to the three
worlds which were frightened by Narasimha.
In a sense, it takes to
be even more powerful and superior to calm violent rage and

Here Is The Story Of Battle Between Lord Shiva And Lord Narsimha And That Form In Which Lord Shiva Fought Narsimha Is Known As "Sharabh Avatar".
Sharabha is described in the form
of a bird with golden colour, with two uplifted wings, two red eyes,
four legs in the form of a lion touching the ground, four legs with
claws upwards, and with an animal tail. The top part of the body is
shown as human but with the face of a lion with an ornamented
crown; side tusks are also depicted giving an overall frightening
sight. It also shows the Narasimha beneath Sharabha’s legs as a
human with anjali (hands folded prayer).

This Story Is The Later Part After Lord Narasimha has slain the demon Hiranyakaship, through the
taste of blood, Narasimha did not let go of his dreadful form and
the demigods were even more afraid from the supreme lord now,
than before the demon.
Shiva, the best friend of Vishnu, thus incarnated himself as Virabhadra , one of his terrifying forms, in order to calm
Narasimha. When that failed, Shiva manifested as the human-
lion-bird Sharabha. Shiva then assumed the Sharabha form.
Sharabha then attacked Narasimha and seized him up until he was
immobilized. Thip battle lasted for 18days finaly on 18th day he quelled Narasimha’s terrifying rage.
Narasimha became a devotee of Shiva after being bound by
Sharabha then decapitated and de-skinned Narasimha so Shiva could wear the hide and lion-head as a
The Linga Purana and Sharabha Upanishad also
mention this mutilation and murder of Narasimha.
After the mutilation, Vishnu assumed his normal form and retired to his
abode, after duly praising Shiva. It was from here on that Shiva
came to be known as "Sharabeshamurti" or "Simhagnamurti".
The Vedas clearly state -
Shivaya Vishnu Roopaya Shiva Roopaya Vishnave. The Smartha
traditionalists and the Advaita school of thought go by that
statement and accept both Vishnu and Shiva as equally powerful if
not one and the same.
However, the motive of Lord Shiva as Sharaba was to pacify the
ferocious Narasimha avatar of Lord Vishnu. Keeping this very
motive as central, Sharaba succeeds in pacifying the Lion avatar,
by subduing the energies of Vishnu which at that point of time
were manifested as Narasimha and Berunda.
The very purpose of
Sharaba was to bring a sense of calm and well being to the three
worlds which were frightened by Narasimha.
In a sense, it takes to
be even more powerful and superior to calm violent rage and

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