Thursday 12 September 2013

What is God Like? Is He a Person Just Like Us?

Photo: What is God Like? Is He a Person Just Like Us?

God  cannot be conceived in human terms, he cannot be thought of as a greatly magnified person. He is the formless, infinite and subtle force that pervades everything. Moreover He is not an inert entity, but he is the Absolute Consciousness. He is infinitely aware. And because our souls are a part of this immense and infinite ocean of Consciousness, God lives, feels and suffers in every one of us.
In this Universe full of change, decay and death, God alone is the permanent unchanging reality. Through all times, past, present and future, God remains the same. The origin and dissolution of the Universe is all within him. He alone is the source of all knowledge, all power, all love and all grace – the ever blissful, the ever pure – One Infinite, Eternal, Omnipresent and Omniscient Existence. Nothing exists without Him, for He is everything.

The above description of God is remarkably consistent across the major religions of the world including Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. The great prophets of the world, despite living in different times and across different geographies, nevertheless witnessed the same cosmic reality and preached it to their people. Thus the major religions of the world are not antagonistic, but merely different paths to arriving at the same truth – that we are all children under one God who loves us all equally.

Om Namah Shivay

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What is God Like? Is He a Person Just Like Us?

God cannot be conceived in human terms, he cannot be thought of as a greatly magnified person. He is the formless, infinite and subtle force that pervades everything. Moreover He is not an inert entity, but he is the Absolute Consciousness. He is infinitely aware. And because our souls are a part of this immense and infinite ocean of Consciousness, God lives, feels and suffers in every one of us.
In this Universe full of change, decay and death, God alone is the permanent unchanging reality. Through all times, past, present and future, God remains the same. The origin and dissolution of the Universe is all within him. He alone is the source of all knowledge, all power, all love and all grace – the ever blissful, the ever pure – One Infinite, Eternal, Omnipresent and Omniscient Existence. Nothing exists without Him, for He is everything.

The above description of God is remarkably consistent across the major religions of the world including Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. The great prophets of the world, despite living in different times and across different geographies, nevertheless witnessed the same cosmic reality and preached it to their people. Thus the major religions of the world are not antagonistic, but merely different paths to arriving at the same truth – that we are all children under one God who loves us all equally.

Om Namah Shivay

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