Tuesday, 30 April 2019

The mere mention of Lord Rama’s name is enough to bring Lord Hanuman’s presence.

Whenever the word devotion and devotee are mentioned, the name ‘Hanuman’ is one that comes to the mind of most Hindus. Lord Hanuman’s devotion for Lord Rama is legendary and unparalleled. It is said that the mere mention of Lord Rama’s name is enough to bring Lord Hanuman’s presence. It is also mentioned in some legends that Lord Hanuman is an avatar of Lord Shiva.
There is a legend regarding Lord Hanuman’s birth which explains the reason behind his closeness with Lord Rama, though they meet only later in life. According to the story, King Dasaratha conducts a yagna under the guidance of sage Agastya to beget children. After the pooja, a divine being appears carrying a pot, and advices the King to give the contents of the pot to his wives. The King paid his respects and started dividing the contents of the pot onto a plate. As the King was about to take the final handful of content from the pot, an eagle swiftly came and carried the pot away. The King tried but was unsuccessful in stopping the eagle. In a nearby forest, the queen Anjana of a monkey tribe was doing severe penance to beget a suitable child as their heir. On the advice of Lord Shiva, Lord Vayu (Wind God) stopped the eagle (Lord Garuda) and asked him to transfer the contents of the pot into Lord Vayu’s hand. Lord Vayu then carried the pot to Anjana and advised the queen to consume the contents. Thus making Lord Rama and Lord Hanuman brothers, which explains their legendary friendship. 🐵🕉🌀🔱🌷📿⌛️🌈🙏🏻🐵
Jai Sri Ram ~ Jai Rudra Ke Roop Hanuman. 🐵🕉🌀🔱🌷📿⌛️🌈🙏🏻🐵

Lord Shiva, among the great deities of Hinduism, most personifies the practice of yoga.

Lord Shiva, among the great deities of Hinduism, most personifies the practice of yoga. As Yogeshvara, the great lord of yoga, Adi Yogi and Mahayogi, he rules over all aspects of yoga relative to body, mind and consciousness. For those looking to understand the origins of Yoga and the role of all yoga practices within it, they must first look to Lord Shiva, not only relative to historical teachings, but as the eternal presence of Yoga as the Supreme Consciousness behind the universe.
Shiva is the lord of asana practice with 84 lakhs of asanas said to have derived from his movements. This shows Shiva’s connections with the numerous Yoga asanas known and unknown. As Nataraj, the lord of the dance, his dance and gestures also reflect yoga postures, starting with the 108 main traditional poses of Indian dance.
Shiva symbolises the immortal Prana, the undying force of eternal existence. He is honoured as Mrityunjaya, the one who conquers death. Tantric yoga teachings about Prana relate to Shiva, who holds the inner power of pranayama. Pranic mantras like Hamsa and So’ham relate to Shiva.
Shiva is the source of all mantras. He is Omkara, the primordial cosmic sound, and from his drum all the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet reverberate. Specifically Shiva is said to be all the vowels but he encompasses every aspect of primal sound, nada and music.
Shiva is the lord of meditation, depicted seated in deep meditation, dissolving the entire universe into himself. In his Dakshinamurti or youthful form, he is the teacher of Jnana Yoga, the yoga of knowledge, through the power of the silent mind, enlightening all the great Rishis.
Adi Shankara, who taught in detail and depth, the great system of Advaita or non-dualist Vedanta is regarded as a manifestation of Shiva.!! 💀🌷🧘‍♂️🔱🐍👁🔆⌛️📿🕉🌀🌙🤸🏻‍♀️🌿🐚🔔🤸‍♂️🗿🧘🏻‍♀️🙏🏻
Om Namah Shivaya ~ Blessed Tuesday Divine Souls! 💀🌷🧘‍♂️🔱🐍👁🔆⌛️📿🕉🌀🌙🤸🏻‍♀️🌿🐚🔔🤸‍♂️🗿🧘🏻‍♀️🙏🏻

If you let cloudy water settle, it will become clear. If you let your upset mind settle, your course will also become clear. - Buddha

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If you let cloudy water settle, it will become clear. If you let your upset mind settle, your course will also become clear. - Buddha

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Shiva adorns himself with really unique attire

Known for his enigmatic persona, Shiva adorns himself with really unique attire ; the serpent around his neck, the adorning crescent moon, the holy river Ganga flowing from his matted hair, the third eye on his forehead and Trishul in his hand. Trishul has great significance in Hindu Religion , it is in the hands of almost all the deities but it but the significance is even more when it is held by Lord Shiva or Goddess Durga.
Trishul is polyvalent and rich in nature. Polyvalent== Having the property of counteracting several related poisons or giving immunity against many different strains of a microorganism. But in our case it has the capacity to remove our many different negative qualities which inhibit us to be one with the almighty so helps to makes us rich at spiritual level.
Shivas Trident or Trishul represents the three Gunas ; Rajas, Tamas and Sattva. He rules and wields the world through these three Gunas. They must be under control of human. The material aspect of Trishul also represents that until you dont have control over guna, you cant achieve spiritual knowledge.
The three prongs of Trishul represents trinity – Shri brahma, Shri Vishnu, Shri Mahesh ; Maa Sarasvati , Lakshmi and kaali ; 3 modes of nature - creation, maintenance and destruction ; the 3 kaala- past, present and future ; the 3 Gunas - sat , raj , tam . 3 lokas—swarg , bhu and patal ; 3 powers ; will , action and wisdom ; 3 types of miseries – physical , mental and spiritual .
Lord Shiva’s Trishul is supposed to destroy the physical world, attachment to gross the illusionary world which seems so real ; the world of the mind, the ahamkaar or ego which is a barrier between Me and HIM, thus transforms to be in the third world that is the world of spirituality –thus leads to oneness Shiva into a single non-dual plane of existence, that is bliss alone. 🕉🌙📿🌷🌈💀💙🐚🔔🔆👁⌛️🔱🐍🌻🌀🌈🙏🏻🌸
Hara Hara Mahadev ~ Jai Trishuldhari! 🕉🌙📿🌷🌈💀💙🐚🔔🔆🌺

Lord Rama is considered the Marayada Purushottam, the perfect man who exemplifies the heights of perfection a human being can achieve.

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Lord Rama is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu who came down to earth for the destruction of Ravana. Lord Rama is considered the Marayada Purushottam, the perfect man who exemplifies the heights of perfection a human being can achieve. Along with Lord Krishna, He is one of the most important avatars of Lord Vishnu, the preserver and upholder of Dharma and part of the Hindu Trimurti. In Rama-centric sects, He is viewed as the Supreme Being, rather than an avatar. He is the embodiment of virtuousness and the steadfast adherence to dharma, or correct action. Additionally, Lord Rama has two meanings : the One who out of His own will assumed the enchanting form of Rama, the son of Dasaratha, and the supreme Brahman, who is the eternally blissful spiritual Self in whom yogis delight.
Worship of Lord Rama enhances self-esteem, will power, mental strength and the ability to get rid of vices.
The mere chanting of Rama nama yields astounding benefits. “Sri Rama” (Sri-yin, Rama-yang) balances the ida-pingala nadis in the body ensuring proper blood circulation and general good health. Even the sound of the word ‘RAM’ itself is too powerful which is composed of ‘RAAA’ and ‘OMMMM’ representing 2 chakra among 7 chakras of Human body.
The name of Rama is a divine guide on the road to spiritual perfection. But on the way, it also bestows material blessings on the aspirant. Thus, the merciful Lord Rama takes care of the material needs of aspirants while molding them into spiritually perfect beings.
🕉 Powerful Rama Mantras 🕉
1- “Raamaaya Raamabhadraaya Raamachandraaya Vedasey
Raghunaathaaya Naathaaya Seethaayaah Pathaye Namaha!!”
Benefit: Chanting of this sloka strikes a chord with Lord Rama and chanting of it regularly endears the devotee to Lord Rama.
2- “Om Kleem Namo Bhagavathey Raamachandraaya sakalajana vashyakaraaya Swaaha!!”
Benefit: Regular chanting brings overall success and happiness to the person chanting it.
3- “Shri Rama Jaya Rama Kodhanda Rama”
Benefit : Lord Rama and the Kodanda(bow) are an unmatched combination of courage and valour. The figure of Lord Rama wielding the Kodanda(bow) is matchless in spiritual splendour. An aspirant gets many blessings by invoking Lord Kodhanda Rama using this mantra which is a special wish fulfilling mantra.
4- “Sri Rama Jayam”
Benefit : Regular chanting/writing of this mantra, specifically 108 times daily brings success in all endeavors.
Benefit : Chanting of the Sita-Ram mantra balances the both sides of brain, hence, restless and unstoppable mind becomes still, harmonious and balanced. It increases the mastery over mind and senses. It induces the sound sleep in the seeker by curing the problem of insomnia.
6- “Heen Ram Heen Ram ||”
Benefit : Chanting of this mantra is the easiest form of meditation for those who do not have proper spiritual masters or guidance which awakens the mysterious psychic awareness in the average individual as well as in the spiritual aspirant.
Jai Shri Ram 🎨🌈🕉💕❤️🌀💙🌈🕉🙏❤️

Nobody else gets to live your life.

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"Nobody else gets to live your life. You are the artist. Paint your picture. Dream your own masterpiece into being."
You have one life. You are the artist. Don’t just make life work, you make it a masterpiece. When you are the artist of your life, it reminds you constantly that your life is your responsibility. Give it all you’ve got. You can’t truly express yourself, until you’ve found your voice: the tone, style, tenor, pitch, personality you use to express yourself without fear or reservation. The greatest and most important adventure of our lives is discovering who we really are and spending time doing what brings out the best in us.
How we choose what we do, and how we approach it, will determine whether the sum of our days adds up to a formless blur, or to something resembling a work of art. Dare to dream. The only way forward is change, but change it hard. You can’t make, create, do or start anything worthwhile if you are not willing to experiment. Start exploring what’s possible. Artists experiment different ideas until they find what works for them.
Artists start with a clear idea of a brilliant image shining in their minds. One brush stroke at a time until the painting is complete. Once all the peices are put together, it comes alive for other people to see.
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Everything meaningful in life takes time and perseverance.
Leonardo began work on the Mona Lisa in 1503 and continued to make changes to it through 1506. He re-worked the painting until 1517. If you want to be the best at anything, you need to value the process.
Keep making efforts. With time you improve, you grow, you gain a skill and heaps of confidence in the process. You’ll suck at most things in the beginning. And that’s okay. It takes time, persistence, and patience to create your most amazing work. Keep on trying.
Think of the mind as a muscle that naturally tightens up over time unless it is consciously worked upon. Your personal growth significantly depends on new challenges and activities. Tackle the fear that has kept you from living your best life. Challenge it, and it will reward you. Great life, work or art, takes time to mature. Your best work and life is ahead of you and will emerge with patient attention, time, and strategic action. Go get it! 🌀👁🌷🌈🔆🐚🕉🔱🌺💀🐍🌻📿🌙⌛️🌿🔔🌼🌈🌸🎨🙏🏻
Love, light & peace ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Jai Shiva Shankar! 🌀👁🌷🌈🔆🐚🕉🔱🌺💀🐍🌻📿🌙⌛️🌿🔔🌼🌈🌸🎨🙏🏻
(Courtesy Mahadev Devadidev)