Tuesday, 30 May 2023



The moon may wax or wane
life may bring pleasure or pain
but she will always have Him in her heart, her soul
will do anything, sacred or profane
to keep Him in this heart
like that moon tucked in his endless mane
like a wind tossed love she will play out the timeless game.
blissed and blessed in the knowing
that she is His eternal flame.
~ From 'Shiva poetry' by Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.

Monday, 29 May 2023



Of the yogi or yogini who learns the sacred texts and sits to meditate upon the reality of Shiva, slowly, the perceptions begin to change and the world as we have known it so far, ceases to exist, and renews itself into a new understanding.
The Shambhavopya says in Siva sutra number 6, "शक्तिचक्रसन्धाने विश्वसंहारः" shakticakra sandhane vishv samhar.
This soul unites with the entire manifest Universe in a split second of Samadhi ( Transcendence ) and knows deep within, that having come from one origin, all things are actually connected.
It begins to feel the Oneness. And all the earlier things change:
Confusion to clarity
Doubt to trust
Self pity to Self esteem
Sadness to joy
Conflict to harmony
Separatedness to Unity
Purposelessness to participation.
So, we begin to live in the same world with new eyes or new vision.
As the great Kashmiri saint Lalleshwari said a thousand years ago " With courage i began to enter the inner kingdom. Slowly slowly , the journey of lalli's life began to go well."
Aum Namah Shivaye.

Sunday, 28 May 2023


The Sri Maha Kaliamman Sametha Devi Sri Kovil at 5th Mile, Seremban-Mantin Road, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan held its prayers this afternoon.

This Kovil had been abandoned for a couple of years and has been revived recently.

A huge crowd of devotees were present to witness this afternoon prayers. One of our Payyan family member also witnessed and offered his prayers.

A delicious lunch meal was served after the prayers.

Photos of the Prayers this afternoon:

- photos taken by Mr. C. K. Prasad

Saturday, 27 May 2023

Thursday, 25 May 2023



The world is one big family, God is the Father, Nature the Mother, and we the siblings. Sometimes we wrong the mother, father reacts, sometimes we ignore the father, mother reacts. Most of the times we fight one another, both react. But they, being parents, when father is annoyed, mother rescues, and when mother is annoyed, father intervenes. And so we barely manage. This is the state today. There is a possibility of all being harmonized, if only the siblings grow up and realise the strength of a happy family. We must set aside our differences, and convince our parents of our maturity, in order to share their abundance. This way, thought the snake, even while we live in these mortal frames, earth can assume the bliss of Heaven, otherwise, we are already facing the anguish of hell.
~ 'The Yogi and the snake' by Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Shiva is the purifier of the world and destroyer of impurities.


Shiva is the purifier of the world and destroyer of impurities. He is capable of purifying even the worst energies. This is the reason why all Demons and Gods worship him.
Well, there has been a tradition of pouring milk or water on Shivalinga, isn’t it? However, have you tried understanding the science behind it? Many people criticize this act and say that it is nothing but wasting of resources. However , there's a reason behind it.
Wherever the Shivalinga is worshipped, it is known to purify and clean the atmosphere there. Even the bad energy in that atmosphere is destroyed. These energies are hot and the dirtier they get, the hotter they become. Now, since these hot energies are constantly passing through Shivalinga, it becomes very hot and hence, constant pouring of water or milk is needed for keeping it cool. When the Shivalinga is cool, it works better towards purification.
Let us give you an example in this regards! With a hot head, can you take decisions wisely? Well, surely not! Our brain doesn’t work properly at all. Only with a cool head, proper decisions can be taken.
Understanding the entire subtle process is quite complicated. Basically our body comprises of 5 elements:- Earth or Prithvi; Water or Jal ; Fire or Agni; Air or Vayu and then Ether or Akasha. There are several chakras that are responsible for regulating the elements inside. However, proper balance of these elements is essential for a healthy mind, body and soul.
Water element = Worldly desires (Regulated by Swadhisthana Chakra)
Earth element = Physical body ( Regulated by Mooladhar Chakra)
Moreover, there is an important chakra at the forehead termed ‘Aagya Chakra’ and this is a place, where 2 nadis i.e. Pingala and Ida meet. This is considered to be a place of Shiva. This is the place where our brain lies and which controls the entire body. You can say that being the main seat of Shiva, Aagya Chakra which is considered to be treasure of pleasure.
In our life which is filled with illness, stress and desires, often the balance of these elements is lost. When water is poured on the Shivalinga, we are actually pouring it on our Aagya Chakra (Shiva’s main seat), wherein the energy starts growing. Owing to this positive movement of energy, there is purification of thinking. Though the water is being poured on a physical level, it is actually being poured at a subtle level. This definitely results in good physical and mental health. ✨🕉🍃🌼🌈👁🌷🏔🍂🔱💟💀🍃🌙📿⌛️🌺🍂🐍🐚🔆🍃🌀🔔🌈🍂🌸🌻🏔✨
Om Namah Shivaya ! ✨🕉🍃🌼🌈👁🌷🏔🍂🔱💟💀🍃🌙📿⌛️🌺🍂🐍🐚🔆🍃🌀🔔🌈🍂🌸🌻🏔✨