Thursday, 6 June 2013

Gods smile on a chosen few who are blessed with a great idea whether in the realm of philosophy, science, mathematics or music.

Tesla - one of the greatest inventors of last century seemed to periodically pluck his inventions from thin air. He always said that most of his ideas came in a flash and the whole machines and their detailed working were “shown” to him. Similar was the case of Barbara McClintock who had a metaphysical experience and “saw” the phenomenon of jumping genes which later on won her the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1983. However she was ridiculed for almost 20 years because such metaphysical insights are not considered a part of mainstream science.

It seems that all the great discoveries, inventions and creative outputs like composition of classical music by Bach, Beethoven etc. have been the result of mystical experience. Though most people consider this as a product of a prepared mind yet ideas which are revolutionary, change the course of mankind’s history or bring in quantum jump in our understanding are a product of a nimble brain which somehow plucks the knowledge like magic from knowledge space, especially when no physical proof exists. Sometimes it appears that Gods smile on a chosen few who are blessed with a great idea whether in the realm of philosophy, science, mathematics or music. An element of spiritual connection seems to exist when a great thought or discovery takes place.

Om Namah Shivay.

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