Wednesday, 12 June 2013

“I Can Make This Happen”

Photo: “I Can Make This Happen”

To achieve success, learn to operate from commitment and not from complaint.  William A Ward said, “The four steps to achievement are to plan purposefully, prepare prayerfully, proceed positively, and pursue persistently”. You need to learn the joy of going beyond your limits so that you are not limited by your limitation. To make this happen, you have to understand that the mind should come from can and not cannot, for when you think you “can” you create success and when you say you “cannot” you create failure.  History is filled with stories of experts who were convinced that the ideas, ambitions, and projects of “others” could never be achieved.  But achievers proved them wrong, for achievers came from a mindset that says, “I can make this happen”.

Om Namah Shivay.

***Write " Om Namah Shivay " if you ask for God's blessing on your life today. Please Like and Share to bless others!

“I Can Make This Happen”

To achieve success, learn to operate from commitment and not from complaint. William A Ward said, “The four steps to achievement are to plan purposefully, prepare prayerfully, proceed positively, and pursue persistently”. You need to learn the joy of going beyond your limits so that you are not limited by your limitation. To make this happen, you have to understand that the mind should come from can and not cannot, for when you think you “can” you create success and when you say you “cannot” you create failure. History is filled with stories of experts who were convinced that the ideas, ambitions, and projects of “others” could never be achieved. But achievers proved them wrong, for achievers came from a mindset that says, “I can make this happen”.

Om Namah Shivay.

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