Sunday, 16 June 2013

Is there a distinction between you and the brain?

Is there a distinction between you and the brain?

We do, but many neuroscientists don’t. There are two schools of neuroscientists — one is Rudy’s and the other is like those of Francis Crick who was totally against this idea. Crick was a materialist and we don’t agree with him for he believed that consciousness is produced by the brain but there is no theory on that now. The brain is not the source of your consciousness — if you use instruments like TV sets to access 24 channels, that does not mean the TV set is producing the programmes.

Your consciousness produces programmes and if you have a good instrument (brain), then you have good reception. It makes the difference between perceptive reality and fundamental reality. The cosmic mind is Brahmn. You are not your brain; you are the user of your brain. You can rewire your brain to access Higher Consciousness. Mann is mind; buddhi is intellect; chetana is consciousness.

Om Namah Shivay.

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