Tuesday, 4 June 2013

You are God.

You are God. This is the obvious truth we do not hear, clearly expressed and demonstrated by Masters we have ignored. God being love, extends itself naturally to create and exist as All That Is. This is the great insight we prevent ourselves from having, going as far as creating institutions and religions to keep us from seeing it. Why? Because, to accept this truth would mean the death of all we have been conditioned to believe. It would mean the end of our current perception of who we have come to see ourself as a separate, limited person needing to struggle and defend ourselves against others to exist.

There would be no more conflict, no more aggression, no more drama, no more unease, displeasure, or even disease if we were to accept our Oneness as God. Does this sound like heaven? Certainly not to the ego. To the ego, to the false-created self that is based on separation from others, it means death. And that is why people tend to unconsciously resist the purest spiritual teachings which have been with us for centuries: they do not serve the needs or goals of the egoic mind. The full realisation of the One Self is, indeed, a death. It is the death of that separate, projected self that most people believe to be their whole being. It is this belief in separation which prevents their spiritual surrender…

Om Namah Shivay.

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