Thursday, 1 August 2013

!!!!!!!!............Nandi with lord Shiva ……..!!!!!!

Photo: !!!!!!!!............Nandi with lord Shiva ……..!!!!!!

What does Nandi or the bull which is in front of Shivalinga represent ? 
Nandi is the attendant or doorkeeper of Siva. He is the vehicle of Lord Siva. He represents Satsanga. 
If you make association with the sages, you are sure to attain God-realisation. Sages will show you the way to reach Him. They will remove pitfalls or snares that lie on your path. They will clear your doubts and instil in your heart dispassion, discrimination and knowledge.
There is no other safe boat than Satsanga to reach the other shore of fearlessness and immortality. Even a moment’s Satsanga or association with the sages, is a great blessing to the aspirants and the worldly-minded persons. 
They get firm conviction in the existence of God through Satsanga. The sages remove the worldly Samskaras.
The company of sages is a formidable fortress to protect oneself from the temptations of Maya.

There is a story also about the association of Lord with Nandi. The poison in the throat is always a burning sensation for lord Shiva after the ocean churning. Lord Shiva loves to spend time in meditation (Dhyanam). But this burning throat was not allowing him to do his meditation. Then he ordered Nandi to sit in front of him and blow some air on to his throat. The air blown on to his throat relieves him from the burning sensation. From then Onwards, Lord Shiva does his mediation with the help of Nandi. 
Whenever we visit lord Shiva temple we should not go in between Nandi and Shivling  (we should not break the path between Shiva and Nandi).If we do so, it is believed that we are disturbing lord Shiva's meditation. If we have a wish to share with lord Shiva, we should tell the wish in the ears of Nandi. Nandi later share the wishes of visitors with Shiva after the meditation.May Shiva bless all.

!!!!!!!!............Nandi with lord Shiva ……..!!!!!!

What does Nandi or the bull which is in front of Shivalinga represent ? 
Nandi is the attendant or doorkeeper of Siva. He is the vehicle of Lord Siva. He represents Satsanga. 
If you make association with the sages, you are sure to attain God-realisation. Sages will show you the way to reach Him. They will remove pitfalls or snares that lie on your path. They will clear your doubts and instil in your heart dispassion, discrimination and knowledge.
There is no other safe boat than Satsanga to reach the other shore of fearlessness and immortality. Even a moment’s Satsanga or association with the sages, is a great blessing to the aspirants and the worldly-minded persons.
They get firm conviction in the existence of God through Satsanga. The sages remove the worldly Samskaras.
The company of sages is a formidable fortress to protect oneself from the temptations of Maya.

There is a story also about the association of Lord with Nandi. The poison in the throat is always a burning sensation for lord Shiva after the ocean churning. Lord Shiva loves to spend time in meditation (Dhyanam). But this burning throat was not allowing him to do his meditation. Then he ordered Nandi to sit in front of him and blow some air on to his throat. The air blown on to his throat relieves him from the burning sensation. From then Onwards, Lord Shiva does his mediation with the help of Nandi.
Whenever we visit lord Shiva temple we should not go in between Nandi and Shivling (we should not break the path between Shiva and Nandi).If we do so, it is believed that we are disturbing lord Shiva's meditation. If we have a wish to share with lord Shiva, we should tell the wish in the ears of Nandi. Nandi later share the wishes of visitors with Shiva after the meditation.May Shiva bless all.

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