![Photo: FB387 *** Meditation Technique ***
Sitting on a soft seat,
Or lying on your mat,
Experience the space below
As offering no support.
You are simply suspended,
Floating in space.
Structures of the mind release,
The reservoir of habits dissolves.
In an instant, lifetimes of patterns Vanish](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/s403x403/1503930_758860260824682_8943677148332928910_n.jpg)
*** Meditation Technique ***
Sitting on a soft seat,
Or lying on your mat,
Experience the space below
As offering no support.
You are simply suspended,
Floating in space.
Structures of the mind release,
The reservoir of habits dissolves.
In an instant, lifetimes of patterns Vanish
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