Thursday, 17 April 2014

Whom are waiting to carry us into the world of Eternal Bliss.

Photo: To the Wanderers dressed as mortals and men:
Don't Ye know Ye are children of Immortal Bliss?
For every reason you give of unworthiness,
I shall give a billion more that speak towards Your Glory!
Look with your Eye, each atom within spinning in Light!
Humming with a thousand tunes of unspeakable splendor!
Where in this vast field of diamonds shall you see lack?
What is wanting in this Home Within fit for infinite Gods and Goddesses?
Loosen the grip of those deceivers who bind you with mere dust forms!
Their shadows of fear and greed shall be seen for the vapor they are!
Heed not those dark voices of doubt that take away thy peace,
Listen softly for those Angels amongst us ever ready to uplift,
Whom are waiting to carry us into the world of Eternal Bliss.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write " Om Namah Shivay " if you ask for God's blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!

To the Wanderers dressed as mortals and men:
Don't Ye know Ye are children of Immortal Bliss?
For every reason you give of unworthiness,
I shall give a billion more that speak towards Your Glory!
Look with your Eye, each atom within spinning in Light!
Humming with a thousand tunes of unspeakable splendor!
Where in this vast field of diamonds shall you see lack?
What is wanting in this Home Within fit for infinite Gods and Goddesses?
Loosen the grip of those deceivers who bind you with mere dust forms!
Their shadows of fear and greed shall be seen for the vapor they are!
Heed not those dark voices of doubt that take away thy peace,
Listen softly for those Angels amongst us ever ready to uplift,
Whom are waiting to carry us into the world of Eternal Bliss.

Om Namah Shivay

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