Wednesday, 11 June 2014



Such is the beauty of Lord Shiva that you do not have to be a great scholar and expert in the scriptures, If you love Him, It is said even the taking of God's name is enough!!
Aum Namah Shivaya, is the greatest  mantra. 
In this worldly Sea the ancient Rishis found this as the best "Boat" that could take them across in the safest shortest way!  and then passed it on for for us!

Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.

{Note: a lot of people ask if ॐ is spelled as OM or AUM? Both are correct. In english AUM is written only because it denotes the three states of waking, dream and deep sleep, jagrat,  svapna and susupti. Ultimately the very essence of  ॐ is to Denote the 4th state , called Turya. How we spell things does not matter, it is the love and devotion that pleases God.}



Such is the beauty of Lord Shiva that you do not have to be a great scholar and expert in the scriptures, If you love Him, It is said even the taking of God's name is enough!!
Aum Namah Shivaya, is the greatest mantra. 
In this worldly Sea the ancient Rishis found this as the best "Boat" that could take them across in the safest shortest way! and then passed it on for for us!

Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.

{Note: a lot of people ask if ॐ is spelled as OM or AUM? Both are correct. In english AUM is written only because it denotes the three states of waking, dream and deep sleep, jagrat, svapna and susupti. Ultimately the very essence of ॐ is to Denote the 4th state , called Turya. How we spell things does not matter, it is the love and devotion that pleases God.}

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