Shiva, Is Yogeshwar, the yogi par excellence. Here the sahasara chakra is being shown. Sahasrara means the thousand petalled (lotus) therefore denoting infinity. Shivji's true nature is the timeless infinite, and through dhyana, meditation yogis can enter into the gateway and have a glimpse of their beloved God's Nature.
Shivji , who is rarely shown seated on a lotus, seems to project the chakra system in this picture.
At the crown of the head, sahasrara, the thousand petaled lotus is shown.It signifies that consciousness is anant ananda. It is its own endless bliss.Shivji started many systems of Yoga and Tantra. Devotees like Gorakh Nath transmitted them for the benefit of their followers.Therefore the original Hatha Yoga also comes from Shivji. Aum Namah Shivaya!
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