Intensify Your Longing
Attainment Of The Divine Depends On The Intensity Of Longing And Not On The Time And Qualification. There is a proverb among the villagers in India, which says that it may take some time to pluck a flower but it takes no time to meet the Divine! Abilities, qualifications are not the criteria. It is simply the intensity of your longing.
Intensify your longing for the Divine right away. This you can do when you know that you want nothing and you are nothing.
Intensify your longing for the Divine right away. This you can do when you know that you want nothing and you are nothing.
Suneeta: If we are nothing and we want nothing, how can longing come?
Sidappa: Knowing you are nothing and you want nothing brings belongingness and belongingness intensifies longing.
Bill: What is the difference between desire and longing?
Guruji : Desire is the fever of the head. Longing is the cry of the heart.
Behavior affects relationships, Attitude affects behavior, Knowledge or ignorance affects attitude, Grace brings forth Knowledge.
Q. How to retain the positive energy of the ashram in the future?
+Guruji: By meditating everyday, singing and chanting.
Q: Guruji, what is my true relationship with God?
Guruji: You can express your feelings in multiple ways. God can be your beloved, your child. This is what Puranas have said. Arjuna looked up to him as friend and philosopher. Love for God can be expressed in any modes or colors and all are welcome. When Children are born in India, kids are God, guest is God, parents are God. See God in everything; birds, trees, mountains. Slowly extend the Godliness in everything, slowly consider the nature as God. God is present in the every particle of this creation. So honoring the nature is also worshiping God. Honoring nature is the best form of worshiping God.
Every person has some or the other negative quality in them. And these negative qualities are also there to push your buttons, so that you become strong. Once you become strong, then they will start to change.
Om Namah Shivay
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