Saturday, 16 May 2015

No Choice

No Choice
The choice is always between good and the best or bad and worse. Choice is never between good and bad. When there is a good and bad in front of you, there is no choice. Your choice is only between bad and worse or good and the best. And when it is good and best, why do I have to worry so much. Okay fine, so what. Anyways it is good. The choice is always the confusion of wanting more. You know, you want more joy, more happiness, more something. It is good to have that up to certain limit. Beyond that, that becomes a cause of tension in life.
The border between cultures, borders between races, languages, nations should just be dropped. It is time! One world family. We must understand this. Vasudeva Kutumbakam!
Arjuna also said, ‘Krishna, you say different things at different times. I am so confused. Please tell me one thing that I should do.’ Then Lord Krishna says intelligent people know there are many facets, many angles, all is spherical whereas dull people think everything is linear.
Q. How to measure success in life? Why don’t we reap benefits even after putting a lot of hard work?
+Guruji: For anything to be successful, you require five elements. Hard work alone will not pay. There should be hard work, blessings, luck, the instrument to do work, and the right frame of mind. If you have all this with you, only then will you be able to do it.
Celebrating the Shiva Tatva in oneself, is called Shivratri. Shiva is transcendental, divine consciousness which brings solace to all layers of existence. Like sponge in water, when mind and bodies are in Shiva Tatva, wishes get fulfilled effortlessly.
Q: Please tell something about Shiva tattva and what is the importance of Maha Shivaratri?
+Guruji: Shiva tattva is something that is total, complete. Shiva is immersed in meditation peacefully and also doing dance, Shiva-tandav. If you meditate on Shivaratri then the power of meditation is 100 times more.
Q. What is the relationship between Seeker, Guru and the Divine?
+Guruji: The beginning, middle and end of a same line. It is the seed, the plant and the tree.
When you are spontaneous and aligned to the Nature, then mistakes do not happen.
Om Namah Shivay

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