Wednesday, 13 May 2015


To answer the difficult Question if God Has A body or is formless, the Rishis of Kashmir say simply " Both"
The Supreme consciousness from which all 'life stuff' is made,
is called differently as Omkar, Tao, Buddhafield, God.
Since it is formless, it is also referred to, as Nir Akar.
Being timeless, it is called Akaal. The Rishi called it Siva Tattva.
From this ONE, all things came to life, big or small, Great or humble,known or then obscure.
All Jiva comes from Siva Tattva!
But then there is also Siva, The Yogi, who has a Form.
And Who is This Yogi? are there two Sivas?
Sastras say Siva The Yogi is He, who Knows the Siva Tattva the most! He is always immersed in Meditation, no matter what he may be seen to do outwardly. He is the One, always immersed in the awareness of the One!!
He is Siva, the auspicious, with his supreme knowing of Godness, Siva is always blessing all of life. Aum Namah Shivaya!

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