Saturday, 31 March 2018

It is said in Srimad Bhagwatam that the Lord is perpetually indebted to his devotees on account of their selfless service rendered by them to him. Even if he tries to repay them back, it would not be possible for him in the lifetime of one Brahma (some 311 trillion years).

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It is said in Srimad Bhagwatam that the Lord is perpetually indebted to his devotees on account of their selfless service rendered by them to him. Even if he tries to repay them back, it would not be possible for him in the lifetime of one Brahma (some 311 trillion years).
This feeling of eternal gratitude marks one of the loving relationships between the Lord and his dear devotee. And when we talk of great devotees, the name of Lord Hanuman always comes to our mind.
Lord Hanuman or Bajrang Bali is a staunch devotee of Lord Rama, the incarnation of truth and virtue. He has been addressed by Sri Tulsidas as Ram Bhakta Shiromani, or the crest jewel of all the devotees of Sri Rama. He is addressed by various names like Pawan Putra, Anjaneya and Hanuman.
Therefore, Hanuman Jayanti is the pious day on which Sri Hanuman descended on earth in order to serve the purpose of his eternal master, Lord Rama. And he, being an unalloyed devotee of Sri Rama is revered by all Ram bhaktas.
As per Uttara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the appearance of Lord Hanuman dates back to the beginning of Treta Yuga of the sixth Manvantara of Vaivasvata Manu i.e. around 2.59 million years before. We accept Chaitra Purnima to be his birth date. Lord Hanuman is the amsha avatar of Lord Shiva, who came in monkey form to serve Lord Rama in his mission to annihilate Ravana.
Narada muni speaks to Sri Hanuman, “You are the Lord’s servant, His friend, His carrier, His seat, His flag, His umbrella, His canopy, His fan. You are His bard, His adviser, His doctor, His general, His best helper, the expander of His infinite glories.”
The sacred day of Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated with great faith and devotion in India. It falls on the full moon night of the month of Chaitra. The mental health of a person is affected by the lunar cycle or the cycle of moon. The day of Purnima is considered as the day when moon has the most profound effect on the human body. Therefore, for mental cleansing, fasting on the day of Chaitra Purnima was advised by our ancient sages.! 🐵🕉📿🐒🌕🌀🎨🙏🏻
Jai Shri Ram ~ Jai Rudra Ke Roop Hanuman 🔱👁🐵🕉🌕📿
Shubh Ratri 🐵🕉🙏🏻

Why do people offer mustard oil to Lord Shani Dev

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Why do people offer mustard oil to Lord Shani Dev
In Hinduism, it is a ritual to give Shani dev a bath in sesame seed oil. As per Hindu epic Ramayana, when the bridge was constructed from Rameswaram to Lanka by lord Ramas army, Lord Hanuman had the responsibility of looking after the security of the bridge, lest the enemy damages it.
When Lord Ram was constructing the bridge to Lanka to cross the ocean with his army, Lord Hanuman had the liability to look after the bridge in case the enemies damage it. One day, when Lord Hanuman was praying to Lord Ram sitting under a tree, Shani Dev arrived there and said that he is the most powerful God. He challenged Hanuman to open his eyes and fight
Lord Hanuman warned Shani Dev not to disturb him when he is meditating on his Lord. But, Shani Dev was resolute to pick a fight. Lord Hanumaan extended his tail and bind it around Shani Dev. He tightened his tail and Shani Dev tried get free from that tight hold, but he was not able to. LordHanuman waved his tail up and down that was hitting Shani Dev on the stones. He started bleeding.
When the pain became intolerable, Shani Dev requested Lord Hanuman to release him. He also added that he would never do a same mistake again. Hanuman asked Shani Dev to promise him that he shall never cause problems to lord Rama’s devotees. Shani Dev promised that he would never hinder in the destiny of Hanuman devotees. Hanuman then freed Shani Dev.
Lord Hanuman then offered him some mustard oil. After that oil massage, the pain was calmed instantly. Since then, it is traditional to offer mustard oil to Shani Dev.
There is a spiritual analysis of the relation amid Lord Hanuman and Shani Dev. Lord Hanuman is a symbol of selflessness, whereas Shani Dev is a symbol of ego and pride. Hence, to contradict the Karm born out of selfishness, one must be kind and unselfish like Lord Hanuman.
Remedies to impress Lord Shani
Donating sesame seed oil or mustard oil is regarded as one of the best remedies to impress Lord Shani. Of course, the best day to do so is on Saturday, as it is the ruling day of the planet Saturn. Also, on Saturdays, if possible before the Sun rises, one should approach a Peepal tree, and pour mustard oil on a branch of the tree. You can also offer black sesame seeds.
Lord Shani is the God of the poor and the needy. To seek Lord Shani’s favours, one can truly indulge themselves in doing good for the people genuinely in need. You can donate money or clothes, especially on a Saturday. You can also give a piece of black cloth to the poor and needy as black is the beloved colour of Lord Shani.
Worship Lord Hanuman
Lord Hanuman himself is the remedy to impress Lord Shani. Lord Hanuman saved Lord Shani from the clutches Ravana in the Ramayana. Lord Shani promised to reduce or nullify the malefic effects of Shani’s ‘Sade Sati’ or ‘Shani Dhayyia’ on individuals if they worshipped and remembered Lord Hanuman from the bottom of their heart.
Wear Black
Black is the colour of Lord Shani, therefore, wearing black or dark blue on a Saturday is considered good. Apart from it all, if under Lord Shani’s scrutiny one should avoid buying leather or black-coloured items on a Saturday at all costs.
Quit Alcohol
To impress Lord Shani, you have to necessarily let go of your habit to consume alcohol. He is considered the lord of justice and such addictions like smoking, drinking or eating non-vegetarian food gets Lord Shani angry – all of it Tamsik and Tamas is not something Lord Shani approves. It is in your best interest to leave this addictive past behind especially if you are in the 7-year period of scrutiny; Sade Sati.
Be Honest
Being honest in life, avoiding bribing or hurting people, is one lesson every individual should keep in mind. Being the God of Justice rest assured that none of your misdeeds or anything done to harm the other individual will go unnoticed and you shall reap the fruits of your deeds.
Jai Shani Dev ~~ Om Namah Shivaya

Shiva is Atman (soul) ~ A pathologist diagnoses correctly, and cures illness through medicines.

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Shiva is Atman (soul) ~ A pathologist diagnoses correctly,
and cures illness through medicines.
Similarly, Shiva is called the physician of the world, by those who know the nature of the principles.
Shiva is the great Atman, because he is the Atman of all,
he is forever endowed with the great qualities, there is no greater Atman than him." ~~ Shiva Maha Purana, Kailasa samhita.
Shiva Maha Purana is one of eighteen Purana genre of Sanskrit texts in Hinduism. It primarily centers around Shiva and goddess Parvati, but references and reveres all gods. The Shiva Purana asserts that it once consisted of 100,000 verses set out in twelve Samhitas (books), however the Purana adds that it was abridged by sage Vyasa before being taught to Romaharshana. The Shiva Purana contains chapters with Shiva-centered cosmology, mythology, relationship between gods, ethics, Yoga, Tirtha (pilgrimage) sites, bhakti, rivers and geography, and other topics. The text is an important source of historic information on different types and theology behind Shaivism in early 2nd-millennium CE. The oldest surviving chapters of the Shiva Purana have significant Advaita Vedanta philosophy, which is mixed in with theistic elements of bhakti.
In the 19th- and 20th-century, the Vayu Purana was sometimes titled as Shiva Purana, and sometimes proposed as a part of the complete Shiva Purana. With the discovery of more manuscripts, modern scholarship considers the two text as different, with Vayu Purana as the more older text composed sometime before 2nd-century CE. Some scholars list it as a Mahapurana, while some state it is an Upapurana.
According to a passage found in the first chapters of Vidyesvara Samhita and Vayaviya Samhita of these recensions the original Shiva Purana comprised twelve Samhitas, which included five lost Samhitas: Vainayaka Saṁhita , Matr Samhita, Rudraikadaaa Samhita, Sahasrakotirudra Samhita and Dharma Samhita. The number of verses in these sections were as follows ;
Vidyeshvara Samhita - 10,000
Rudra Samhita - 8,000
Vainayaka Samhita - 8,000
Uma Samhita - 8,000
Matri Samhita - 8,000
Rudraikadasha Samhita - 13,000
Kailasa Samhita - 6,000
Shatarudra Samhita - 3,000
Sahasrakotirudra Samhita - 11,000
Kotirudra Samhita - 9,000
Vayaviya Samhita - 4,000
Dharma Samhita - 12,000
Several other Samhitas are also ascribed to the Shiva Purana. These are the Isana Samhita, the Isvara Samhita, the Surya Samhita, the Tirthakṣetramahatmya Samhita and the Manavi Samhita.!! 📓🐍👁🔱💀🌙🐚🌿🕉🖊📿🌷...
Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Jai Bholenath 🔱👁🔱
Namaste ~ Blessed Sunday To all ⌛️🕉⌛️