Lord Shiva is the immanent personal Lord, and He is transcendent Reality. Shiva is a God of boundless love. He loves each and every one. Each soul is created by Him and guided by Him through life. Shiva is everywhere. There is no place where Shiva is not. He is in you. He is in this temple. He is in the trees. He is in the sky, in the clouds, in the planets. He is the galaxies swirling in space and the space between galaxies too. He is the universe.
His cosmic dance of creation, preservation and dissolution is happening this very moment in every atom of the universe.
Shiva is, and is in all things. He permeates all things. He is immanent, with a beautiful form, a human-like form which can actually be seen and has been seen by many people in visions. He is also transcendent, beyond time, cause and space.
Shiva is, and is in all things. He permeates all things. He is immanent, with a beautiful form, a human-like form which can actually be seen and has been seen by many people in visions. He is also transcendent, beyond time, cause and space.
This is how Shiva can be seen everywhere and in everyone. He is there as the Soul of each soul. You can open your inner eye and see Him in others, see Him in the world as the world. Little by little, discipline yourself to meditate at the same time each day. Meditate, discover the silent center of yourself, then go deep within, to the core of your real Being. Slowly the purity comes. Slowly the awakening comes...!

Hara Hara Mahadev ~ Om Namah Shivaya
Shubh Ratri
Shubh Ratri

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