Sunday 1 September 2024



The lessons with Shiva were endless. They had to be. His talk was profound, but so was His silence. Even His smile was profound. Everything about Him was the embodiment of wisdom.
Sati noticed that there were traces of this wisdom even when He joked. Sati loved everything about Her Lord. Especially, His prowess in poetry.
“Tell me you love me,” She said one day. “Prove it with your poems and clever words.”
It was then that Shiva said the most enigmatic thing. “Love, there is no such thing as the end of life, but, without you, there is no life.”
“That is lovely,” said Sati and hugged Him. And then, a few moments later asked,“What exactly does it mean, though?”
“It means…” said Shiva turning completely towards Her, and locking His eyes in Hers. “That there is a part of us which is eternal, but that part is of no use, if there is not another to share the eternity with.”
The Ganas and Rishis too realised, even if they lived for eternity, even if they became immortal, it would be of no use if they could not spend it with their beloved Lord, Shiva.
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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