Tuesday 15 October 2024



God, said the Rishis of old
is not thought of as
a distant and unseen ruler in the sky.
He has been here with us!
We have had stories told.
Like us, He played out His roles
Son, friend , husband, lover!
And then, the Father, bold.
God, said the Rishis of yore,
is not thought of as just
a formless and ever unattainable essence,
for that, would have been a limitation,
albeit subtle;
And God, ever fixed upon the seeker's brow,
is unlimited, as we know :
When there is yearning in both Creator and creation
to meet,
He surely comes,
and who on earth then, can Him forbid?!!
God, said the rishis of yore
is not a distant ruler in the sky
Namah Shivaye,
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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