![Photo: Of all the titles of Lord Shiva, Pasupatinath is an extremely powerful one and it signifies a lot. He is the Lord of creatures,thus too this is a declaration of Him being the creator! It is a title given to Him by Brahma , when, accoding to mythology, he took birth as Rudra.He was Brahma's mind born son. Shivji is widely known to be a forester: he lives in the mountains and jungles. This is a very subtle way of saying that He is a keen Ecologist: he never disturbs the balance of ecology, He respects Mother Nature and all shaivites worship Nature as a manifestation of the Divine Mother Parvati.
This is the whole of the Shiva lila: Shiva and Shakti are the God And His Universe, of which we are a part.
Jai PasupatiNath !!
Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/p370x247/1780860_649371615109354_501186584_n.jpg)
Lord Shiva does not ask of us to be his servant, or to any guru, but to live by his example. We serve and do what we do to make this universe better.
As a model leader, Lord Shiva is presented to be fair, unbiased, and just. He leads by example and does not stand above the pedestal from his bhaktis. He dances and chants with everyone seen and treated as his equal. He does not distinguish superiority in race or gender, for all is equal, albeit Gods or Demons.
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