Krishna's Final Message In The Gita
The concluding chapter of the Bhagwad Gita begins by Arjuna asking for definitions of the two most important concepts in Vedanta sannyasa, renunciation and tyaga, resignation. Krishna says sannyasa is giving up desire-driven action while tyaga is giving up fruit of action. Contrary to popular perception neither sannyasa nor tyaga implies giving up action. Action continues, giving up the two things that come in the way of excellence in action desire from the past and anxiety for the fruit which belongs to the future.
Desire is necessary to initiate action. Without desire no action will be undertaken. Similarly , there is always a fruit in mind before acting.However, while executing action, 100% of the mind must be focussed on the action. If at this time the mind meanders into the dead past or unborn future it is not concentrating on the present action. Action becomes faulty, leading to failure.
The grandeur and magnificence of renunciation lies in growth to a higher dimension as a result of which the lower fascinations drop. It is giving up that which comes in the way of your success and happiness. your success and happiness.
The Gita asks you to remove the wrapper and relish the chocolate, remove the unpleasant aspects of life and enjoy the world. Renunciation is opening your mind to deeper and more fulfilling aspects of your personality while continuing to enjoy the lower joys. Yet it has been horribly misunderstood as mere giving up of things that are dear to us. As a result people have given up the Gita! Tyaga is of three kinds sattvika, rajasika and tamasika. Abandoning obligatory action out of delusion is tamasika. It is not tyaga at all. False or rajasika tyaga is giving up action that is troublesome, fearing physical discomfort. True or sattvika tyaga is performance of obligatory action because it ought to be done, giving up attachment and fruit.
Desire stands between you and your higher dimension. In your higher dimension. In fact, desire stands in the way of even obtaining objects of desire. In order to rise above desire you need to perform acts of yajna, sacrifice, tapa, pen ance and dana, charity .
Yajna is acting in a spirit of service for a higher cause.The highest ideal is Selfrealisation.
When your thoughts are anchored in the higher while the world, the lower desires you act in the world, the lower desires get starved and fall away . Tapa is going through the discipline required in order to achieve the ideal. A sports person has to keep fit, a musician needs to do riaz, a student must study .Only then will you achieve the goal.When your mind is focussed on investing your energies towards the ideal you will not indulge in anything that takes you away from the goal. The lower desires thus vanish.
In the final stage when you are on the verge of realisation you need to let go of the last thought, the mantra, which is the last impediment. This is the final act of renunciation that takes you to the exalted state of realisation.
Having given all that is needed for you to transform from an ordinary mortal to the extraordinary immortal Krishna asks you to do as you wish.For the Gita is not a compilation of commandments; it is a presentation of facts. It is now up to you to decide which way to go remain imprisoned in the world or take off into the realm of the Spirit.
Om Namah Shivay
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