Life is all about evolution.
Life is all about evolution. What looks like a mistake to others has been a milestone to many. People will betray you, even heart will be broken, you will be judged and misunderstood, but learn from those incidents. We are human and we all make mistakes, but learning from them is what makes the difference.
๐Namaste Beautiful Souls. Time for Weekend Vibes.
๐ Yes, it's absolutely OK to commit mistakes. Even Buddha had a period when he made the mistake of over compensating for his luxurious upbringing by becoming an ascetic and starving himself. He tortured himself under the name of spirituality. However, he would not have been able to find the middle way between the extremes of luxury and asceticism if he had not experienced both. So mistakes are not a bad thing; they are the fodder for our spiritual journey. When we make mistakes, we often develop a sense of rigidity about ourselves. We either come down hard on ourselves or hard on others. We start blaming others. Instead, if you look to your role in mistakes, you can honestly see how to avoid them in the future. You can apply a gentle attitude to your exploration, You can develop warmth and have some sympathy for yourself. Then you can acknowledge what you did and resolve not to do it again. Take all the time you need to heal emotionally. Never let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life. Just because today is painful doesn’t mean tomorrow won’t be great. Know that there is no success without failure. A person who makes no mistakes is unlikely to make anything at all. It’s better to have a life full of small failures that you learned from, rather than a lifetime filled with the regrets of never trying. Think positive, be optimistic. Being hurt is something you can’t stop from happening, but being miserable is always your choice. Success is moving from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. The mind must believe it can do something before it is capable of actually doing it. Negative thinking creates negative results. Positive thinking creates positive. Things always turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out!! Love, light & Peace ~ Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaya ~ Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah!!
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