When you are tempted to give up waiting on Shiva's timing, remember why you have held on for so long. His plans are always best. Keep holding on.
When you are tempted to give up waiting on Shiva's timing, remember why you have held on for so long. His plans are always best. Keep holding on.
✨ Namaste Beautiful Souls. It's time for Friday Inspiration. 🕉
🍃🕉 Yes, Everything that Shiva allows to come our way is always with a purpose. He uses even the greatest error and deepest pain to mold us into a better person. Always keep your faith in HIM, no matter how low you are brought, how bad things may get. Shiva is with you. Difficult times are brought to us for our good. Look at the difficult times in your past and notice that good has come from every one of them. When your time of struggles is over in each individual circumstances, you pressed forward, stronger and with a greater understanding and respect for life. Because no matter how chaotic past has been, the future is clean fresh slate. You are only what you do right now in this moment. Find one positive thought that inspires you and move forward. You may feel that you don't have much or anything at all, but you have your mind to inspire you. Mind is everything. Fill it with positive thoughts and try to be optimistic. Know that struggling is a natural part of growing. It's ok to fall apart for a little while. It's absolutely OK to shed tears sometimes. The sooner you do, the sooner you will be able to smile again. So trust. Trust that you will be okay no matter what happens. Shiva hears your prayers and He WILL help you through it. When you can't put your prayers into words, HE hears your heart!!! Love, Light & Happiness ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Har Har Mahadev !!!!!
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