Tips for Letting Go and Being More Carefree.
1- One of the keys to feeling more carefree is making a conscious effort moment by moment to appreciate what’s awesome right now.
Set a goal, shoot for it, but realize that as you take action and learn more about yourself and what you want, the path to get there may change. There may be bumps or shifts in the course along the way, but that doesn’t mean that you are off track. Bumps are not a failure, they are feedback.
2- I look with wonder at what is before me.
This is one of my current favorite affirmations. What if we decided to look at whatever circumstance is before us with wonder and awe?
Ask yourself the following questions and write out your answers in your journal:
What can this experience help me to clarify about what I want for my life?
How has this experience given me the opportunity to expand and show up more as who I want to be versus who I think I’m supposed to be?
The more you look at the world with wonder, the more carefree your everyday experiences will be.
3- Practice Daily Appreciation. One of the most “positive momentum creating” habits I have taken on is making a nightly list before I go to sleep of 5 things I appreciate most about my day.
It feels so good to fall asleep in the mode of appreciation and it always helps me to clear out the worries and stress and sleep better too.
Start tonight! Before you go to sleep tonight, make a list of 5 things you appreciate about today. It can be as small as a smile from a stranger or as big as unexpected checks in the mail.
It doesn’t matter what it is, all that matters is that it made you feel good. Do this for a few days and you’ll begin to notice your typical thought patterns throughout the day changing.
Appreciation begets appreciation. The more things you find to feel good about, the more easily you feel good. Over time, stress doesn’t get you down (at least, not for long) and you just feel more carefree and optimistic about life as a whole.
4. Set Your Intentions For The Day First Thing. You create your own reality by choosing how you show up each day. So the question is, how do you want to show up today?
Before getting out of bed each day this week, take a few moments to decide how you want to show up for whatever the day may bring.
How do you want to feel?
Full of love and compassion.
By making a conscious decision on how we are going to show up, we start off on our best foot — in our power. We are choosing our emotions and being proactive (in the driver's seat), rather than being reactive to whatever experiences and emotions are thrown at us. 


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