Sunday 18 August 2024



Some of the best things in life, are free.
The clean air we breathe,
The crisp Sunshine we soak,
The gentle moonlight that soothes at night,
all are still free.
All still out of the gambit of mercantile dominion of man.
How often we look into the sky to watch a squadron of birds flying and realise they have not set any boundaries to their flight.
And there is a flight promised to man also.
The flight of Divinity.
It needs the wings of devotion and awareness to be developed.
Shiva too, is like the Sun and the moon and the sky: His Anugraha ( grace) is for all beings to begin with. Like the Sun, He shines equally on us all. But just as we have to step out of our homes to get sunlight, just as the birds flap their wings for flight; So too, we have to do something to bask in Shiva's light .
Looking at the great saints of the past, would we rather keep saying that Shiva is yet to bless us like them, or would we step out into His domain to receive His love?
Those saints of the past always said do not delay your journey, start your abhyasa today, the maps are all around you in your Bhagwad Gitas , Yog Vashishtas and Siva Sutras!
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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