Thursday 8 August 2024



A beautiful pic showing the three Great Devi's who mother all beings.
May Mother Saraswati sing our soul harmony into us,
May Ma Lakshmi flower us with abundance,
May Devi Durga make us realise our power and also how to digest it.
The gift of Durga is the most important , so that no matter which gift we have, we do not become a Mahisasur but a bhakt of Mahesh, Shiva.
From the time that God has given us birth, He has always wanted to give us Learning, Nature's bounty, and a sense of Accomplishment.
These we understand as knowledge, riches and power.
Such 'smaller' definitions by us limit the actual gift that God wants to give.
For, Learning is far more than just knowledge : It is Experience.
Nature's bounty is far more than money : It is Abundance .
Accomplishment is far more than power : It is Stability.
All His life, Shiva bestowed boons to millions who prayed to Him, and then, after getting some special powers or knowledge, they misused it. In due course of time, their gifts vanished, as is bound to happen, even in the case of the great Ravana. What we need more than the gift of power from Shiva, is the ability to digest it; to remain humble no matter how rich or knowledgeable or powerful we are.
And so , as we fold our hands and open our hearts to pray to the Mother Goddesses to give us gifts, we must also learn the humility form Shiva to handle these gifts once we get them. The surest way to handle God's gifts, is to use them for His purpose itself : Use your riches, knowledge and power to be kind to those not as privileged as yourself- this is the way of the Shaivite.
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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