Tuesday, 3 December 2024



Shiva is explaining to Parvati about the extraordinary facets of Shaivism- it's magical creation etc, when suddenly He realises that not only does She already know it, in fact it is Her, who has executed all His visions into existence.
And according to ancient legend, it is Ma Parvati Herself, who asks Shiva to teach all their children His spirituality, if they earnestly want to know. And so, later, while revealing the Siva Sutras to rishi Vasugupta, Shiva acknowledges the supremacy of Parvati, as the power behind all creation in sutra 4 of Shambhavopya , saying 'Jnanadhistaanam Matrka' :
Seated in the middle of the whole Universe, is the creator Mother, who remains unknown to the beings living in this Universe, by Her own design. The whole play of spiritual life, is to get to know that mother; She then becomes the guide that helps us to unveil our own divine origin.

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