Whatever we see in this world, is all born from the one source, which we call God.
But the play of God is such that we forget our link with that source :
We forget our Divinity...and over time, we feel that our soul has become like a dry, leafless tree...
in Kashmir Shaivism, this is called Vilaya, interestingly, matching with the western term " Veiling" , this is the 'not knowing', of our own soul, not knowing our link with God and a great game of hide and seek begins!
And we start going through circles of challenges and success, questions and answers, ups and downs, and many other such dualities, and we accept it as life. And it may go on for lifetimes.
All along, a sub-conscious re-collection of past lifetimes of these hide and seek games is being built and it makes us want to have the Divine link back for sure, this time.
Then there is Anugraha, Shiva's grace- His look of love.That one look greens us all over again, it waters our parched and thirsty soul, simply because we have been connected to our roots, once again. The clouds of ignorance begin to flit away, and we actually begin to see the unveiling of Godness.
The great Sage Abhinavagupta of Kashmir, said this is the play of God with His bhakts, and the joy of the bhakts with their God. We are all a part of the great lila.
Aum Namah Shivaye.
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