Saturday, 15 February 2025



We live our life in dimension three.
Length, breadth and height is what we see.
Food clothing shelter
for the most time have us.
And we are always found lost,
running helter skelter.
A wise man once said " You are not to blame"
for you do not see
and how can you want that
which you cannot see.
Nor do we hear or smell
much less touch.
And it is fine:
We have learnt the market rules,
life is in routine, just like a well oiled machine.
But then somehow, a presence is felt,
and the height breadth and length
all change
topsy turvy go our securities
and suddenly we realise its running dry
this strangely stuttering life
that was once our well oiled being.
Lengths breadths widths
inches feet and miles
we live our world by measures
always wanting more.
Aum Trayambakam!
O three eyed One
finally you made us feel your immeasurable Self
help us Mahadev,
to see dimension four.

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