1928 - Raghunath Temple Jammu Photographer: Martin Hürlimann A view (1988) of Sikhara of Raghunath Temple, Jammu, India.
Photo of Raghunath Temple on 25 April 2013
A fabulous pic of Nandiji worshiping and guarding the shivlinga. Fait is a tremendous thing, a bhakt does not see a stone, He feels the presence of His God brimming in every atom of that. On the other hand, disbelief and doubt is a great hinderance in the path of spirituality: a doubter can doubt even if God Himself is standing right in front of Him . Let us be gentle in our love and worship, firm in our purpose of seeking God and helping all people.
Lord Shiva looks to parvati, who holds up a looking glass to Him. This depiction has a very spiritual message indeed! A lot of people, especially spiritual seekers often ask "Why did God create the world? Shaivites say, Shiva creates the whole world out of a play, a lila, just to know Himself and expand Himself, by enabling what all can be done in Life . He does this through His shakti, his power, his energy, his "ability" to do. Parvati is the swaroop (embodiment) of His shakti . So this holding of a mirror to Him means she is the one who shows Him what all He really is. This entire Universe is a mirror that shows God what all He is, and it is God's Shakti which 'holds' the mirror up! And this, is the summary of the world play,from the perspective of Divinity ,enlightenment ,and an awakened mind, an aware Atma(soul), and of course Shiva is the highly awakened Atma; He is Para Atma (Master of souls-GOD). It may interest you to know that not only is Shiva the greatest Yogi (one who is in conjunction with His own Godliness), but he is also the greatest Bhokta (experient ) of worldly flavour. the Kashmir Shaiv Darsana : Kashmir Shaivism speaks of this , and says Shiva is the Para pramatr- the highest experient . Such is the Maya of Shivji that he can actually enhance His Yoga even through Bhoga!!. This phenomenon of God seeing Himself in his own image of the world is called "BIMB PRATIBIMB"
Q: Can I still be a success in life if I don't get into a good college?
Guruji : Absolutely! I tell you, don't put all your success into one small incident, or one small happening in life. You can be really successful even if failure comes in one aspect of your life.
Who will test? One who does not know will test, isn't it? God knows your capacity, so why does he have to test you?
Every person has some or the other negative quality in them. And these negative qualities are also there to push your buttons, so that you become strong. Once you become strong, then they will start to change.
The factors that contribute to creating our perception (way of looking at the self, situations, people, etc.) are our memories, experiences, beliefs, values, people, places, situations and time. Out of all these factors there are two, which are chiefly, responsible for creating our perception: our beliefs and our experiences.
The first thing you should do is to have a clearer perception of yourself. You should develop the perception of who you really are and what your true identity is. This does not refer to the image you see every day in the mirror. Your external appearance or physical beauty, your age, your gender, your occupation, your status in society should not be the basis for your self-perception. You may live with others or alone, have a family, run a business or have a job, which you undertake with responsibility. What is your conscience, however, while you are doing these tasks? This will lead you to a clear perception of yourself.
We have been brought up and conditioned to have a perception of everything that is external: perception of other people at the workplace or in the family, of other countries, of movies, of the country's cricket team, of what our neighbors are doing, of the government and so on. However, the last thing we have a perception of is ourselves. We thus lose the internal link with our own happiness and our own peace. When we re-establish the perception of our true identity (the correct way of looking at ourselves) based on spiritual knowledge, we are capable of recognizing all the false beliefs about ourselves that have taken root in our inner selves. When we discover these beliefs we are capable of recognizing those sanskars of ourselves we need to change.
After reading “A Brief History Of Time” I realized how relatively insignificant life is, and how, compared to the universe and compared to time, it didn’t even matter if I existed at all.
When me and my dad were talking about the book, I asked if he could think of a solution to that problem. “What problem?” “The problem of how relatively insignificant we are.”
He said, “Well, what would happen if a plane dropped you in the middle of the Sahara Desert and you picked up a single grain of sand with tweezers and moved it one millimetre?” I said, “I’d probably die of dehydration.” He said, “I just mean right then, when you moved that single grain of sand. What would that mean?”
I said, “I dunno, what?” He said. “Think about it.” I thought about it. “I guess I would have moved a grain of sand.” “Which would mean?” “Which would mean I moved a grain of sand?” “Which would mean you changed the Sahara.”
“So?” “So?” So the Sahara is a vast desert. And it has existed for million of years. And you changed it!” “That’s true!” I said, sitting up. “I changed the Sahara!” “Which means?” he said. “What? Tell me.” “Well, I’m not talking about painting the Mona Lisa or curing cancer. I’m just talking about moving that one grain of sand one millimetre.”
“Yeah?” “If you hadn’t done it, human history would have been one way …” “Uh-huh?” “But, you did do it, so …?”
I stood on the bed, pointed my fingers at the fake stars, and screamed: “I changed the universe!” “You did.”
Thoughts are like a magic carpet, on which the soul rides across eternity. Rest for the spirit (which is what we are) is when we allow only the current of the purest thoughts to flow through our mind - thoughts which carry good wishes and blessings for ourselves and others. This is not so much going with the flow, as being in the flow, and refreshed by the flow.
===================== 'Tit for Tat'
Often, we get into a 'tit for tat' situation in which we feel bad about someone else, so they have ill-feeling towards us, which confirms our opinion about them, and so on... Everyone loses out. We need to see very clearly the damage this is doing. Illness often comes when we feel ill-treated or deceived. With strength of mind, we can recover our peace and have positive feelings even towards those who don't feel good about us.
You may meditate regularly and have found the profound benefits of relaxation and stress reduction associated with meditation practice. But there might be times when stress still gets the best of you and you just wish you could get back to your cushion to settle down. You may not be able to stop and meditate, in the general sense of the word, every time this happens. But, you can practice these four quick meditation techniques that you can perform practically anytime and anywhere!
The Unwavering Gaze Choose a point of focus — an icon on your minimalist computer desktop, a paper clip on the table, a crack on the wall, or anything static — and gently rest your gaze on it. Soften your gaze by relaxing your eye muscles while still mindfully looking at your selected object. Now take a slow, deep breath. Feel your lungs expanding gradually. Hold the air inside you for a second or two, then exhale it slowly and completely. As you breathe out, imagine your tension, both physical and mental, leaving your body with the air you’ve just exhaled. All the while, keep your focus on your selected object. If you find that your attention has wandered off, just bring it back to the chosen object. Repeat the breathing as many times as you like.
Clear Blue Sky Visualization Nothing liberates the mind like an endless stretch of blue sky with fluffy white clouds. Close your eyes and retrieve the image of a clear blue sky from your memories. Can you see it? If you can’t, just visualize the perfect blue sky in your mind — the joyful blue sky that is associated with lots of vibrant life energies. ‘See’ cotton-like clouds floating slowly towards you in the horizon. And the occasional birds that chirp and fly across the sky. Rest and relax completely in this vast blue sky. Stay in it as long as you like. When you’re ready to emerge from it, visualize yourself being more relaxed and more confident to accept and face any challenge that might come your way. Open your eyes and apply your increased level of awareness to your work.
Payyan family members visited and performed their prayers at the Sri Thendayuthapani Temple, Brinchang, Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia on 26 November 2013. The photos above shows our Payyan members offering their prayers. The Sri Thendayuthapani Temple is located at 1600 metres high in Brinchang and was built with the multihued Tamil Nadu-style sculptures created by an Indian artists, and this colourful and vivid temple is frequented by the tea picking, strawberry and vegetable farm community of Cameron Highlands. Cameron Highlands was discovered in 1885 and consist of three districts, namely, Ringlet, Tanah Rata (the administrative centre), Brinchang (the highest point), the Bertam Valley, Kea Farm, Tringkap, Kuala Terla and Kampung Raja. Cameron Highlands have a relatively large number of Indians owning and managing tea farms, strawberry farms, vegetable farms, grapes farms and bee farms. There are a few multi-Millionaire landowners who are Indians at Cameron Highlands. The mean annual temperature is about18 °C(64 °F) and during the day, the temperature seldom rises above25 °C(77 °F) while at night, it can rarely drop to as low as9 °C(48 °F), at the higher areas and is a great tourist delight among Malaysians and foreigners. photos taken by Prasad C.K. Kannan
Here Shivji is depicted with ten hands and five heads, four facing each of the four directions and one embedded in his matted locks, facing upwards. A fifth head at the back of his head lies invisible. Each of the faces has three eyes. His ten hands hold various implements:
The right hands hold the following : Trident (trishul), damaru ( tabor-drum); a skull-cup with a lock of hair; sword, and finally a live serpent.
The left hands hold: a staff tipped with a skull; conch; a red banner; a flamed torch, and lastly a shield.
The upper part of Shiva's body is nearly bare, being only partially draped in an elephant skin, the head of which can be seen on his left shoulder. The lower torso is clothed in a tiger skin, the paws of which slain animal are visible just under the crossed legs of Shiva.
From his awesome ensemble of heads flows the Ganges, and also hang down locks flowing across his chest like venomous snakes. The hair on his chest too seems vibrant like an army of ants. A black serpent placed on the neck compliments the necklace containing a serpentine amulet, in addition he wears a garland of white kaner flowers and another one composed of severed human heads.
Contentment, compassion, integrity, intuition, all these values spring out from inside of you. And that which makes these values blossom in your life, I call it as, Spirituality.
Passion when you work, dispassion when you turn inward, and compassion all the time, is the key.
Longing should be transformed into creativity. Longing can become an agent, a catalyst to bring out the creativity and dynamism in you. So use it for that.
When You Feel Stuck In Life And Not Growing, Bombarded By Desires, When There Is Dryness, Lack Of enthusiasm, no juice, what do you do?
Here is the solution.... FEEL GENEROUS.... right away, not tomorrow.
Either a princess or a pauper can feel generous. Generosity is the quality of the spirit. When you feel generous your life becomes abundant, full of compassion and love.
Question: Is generosity the same as being grateful?
Answer: No. Gratefulness always has self concern. You are grateful because you have something or you get something. Generosity is an expression independent of external circumstances. No one can make you feel generous. That is something that you have to do yourself. Essentially, generosity is not an act. It is a state of consciousness, but it cannot but find its expression in an act.
Question: What about passion?
Answer: Passion indicates scarcity. Dispassion is abundance. Dispassion without generosity makes you self-centered, causes more dryness.
You don't have to think about what you have done in the past. That only brings doership. Just feel generous.
1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it’s the only thing you are sure to keep for the rest of your life.
2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called “Life on Planet Earth”. Every person or incident is the Universal Teacher.
3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of experimentation. “Failures” are as much a part of the process as “success.”
4. A lesson is repeated until learned. It is presented to you in various forms until you learn it: then you can go on to the next lesson.
5. If you don’t learn easy lessons, they get harder. External problems are a precise reflection of your internal state. When you clear inner obstructions, your outside world changes. Pain is how the universe gets your attention.
6. You will know you’ve learned a lesson when your actions change. Wisdom is practice. A little of something is better than a lot of nothing.
7. “There” is no better than “here”. When your “there” becomes a “here” you will simply obtain another “there” that again looks better than “here.”
8. Others are only mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another unless it reflects something you love or hate in yourself.
9. Your life is up to you. Life provides the canvas; you do the painting. Take charge of your life, or someone else will.
10. You always get what you want. Your subconscious rightfully determines what energies, experiences, and people you attract; therefore, the only foolproof way to know what you want is to see what you have. There are no victims, only students.
11. There is no right or wrong, but there are consequences. Moralizing doesn’t help. Judgments only hold the patterns in place. Just do your best.
12. Your answers lie inside you. Children need guidance from others; as we mature, we trust our hearts, where the Laws of Spirit are written. You know more than you have heard or read or been told. All you need to do is to look, listen, and trust.
Those who have more want more; they want to go to the top. A wise man named Shaikh Sa’di Shirazi of Iran, in 13th century said “In one country two kings cannot live peacefully; they want other half”
Indians call themselves from land of saints, but most Indians are stingy in giving.
Those Gurus, Maharishis, Baba, Mullahs, Imams, and Syednas, emphasize daily on giving, while they sit on tons of wealth. They want to pass their wealth to their children.
Bill Melinda gates and Warren Buffett are changing psychology of hoarding wealth. They want all billionaires to bequeath 50% of their wealth for helping have-nots.
I think Indian Billionaires and religious leaders should set an example by giving away half of their wealth.
Often, members ask if Lord Shiva has ever come as incarnation. Member Kumar Aurojyoti has sent this detailed information, saying: Namah Shivaya!! I am hereby sending an article on Shiva Avatars that are described in Shiva Purana. The book I referred to for this work was “Shiva Purana” in Hindi published by Gita Press.
Shiva Avatars
In the Shatarudra Samhita of Shiva Purana, various Shiva avatars are described. Lord Shiva has taken innumerable avatars. Only a few of them have been mentioned. In the 19th Kalpa, called as "Shwetalohita" Kalpa, Shiva took the "Sadyojata" avatar. When Lord Brahma was meditating to get a son, a child was born whose body was shwetalohita or white & red. Then Brahma realized that he was none other than Shiva Himself and worshiped Him. Then in the 20th Kalpa called as "Rakta", Brahma was meditating to get a son. Then a son was born from him whose body was adorned with red garments and red garland. His eyes were red and also his ornaments. He was called as "Vamadeva".Then in the 21st Kalpa called as "Pitavasa", Brahma was again meditating to get a son. At that time a son was born from him who had worn yellow garments and had huge & powerful arms. Then Brahma came to know that he was Shiva in form of "Tatpurusha".Then in the next Kalpa the 22nd, Brahma was again thinking about creation when Shiva in form of a child appeared before him whose body color was black. He also wore black garment with a black turban in his head alongwith a black sacred thread around his body. His crown was even black and the sandal powder for applying in his body was also of black color. This avatar of Shiva was called as "Aghora".In the 23rd Kalpa called as "Vishwarupa", Brahma was again meditating to get a son, when Shiva appeared in form of a son called as "Ishana". His body color was white like crystal and he was decorated with all types of precious jewelry. Lord Shiva also took 28 avatars called as "Yogeshwar" avatars** (One name is missing out of 28.Could not find it in Shiva Purana).They were as follows- In the 7th Manwantara of Baraha Kalpa, Shiva had taken nine avatars. In that Kalpa in the Kali Yuga of first Chaturyuga, Shiva was born as "Shweta" Mahamuni (Rishi or Saint). In the 2nd Kaliyuga of Baraha Kalpa, Shiva was born as "Sutar" Rishi. In the 3rd Kaliyuga, Shiva was born as "Daman" Rishi. Then in the 4th to 9th Kaliyuga Shiva was born as "Suhotra", " Kanka", "Lokakshi", "Jaigishavya", "Dadhibahana" and "Rishav" Rishi respectively. In all these avatars Shiva was born to assist Vedavyas who also took avatar in the previous corresponding Dwapara Yugas to write the Vedas. In all of his nine avatars, Shiva had preached the Nivritti marga (Path of liberation by detachment). Other "Yogeshwar" avatars were- "Tap","Atri","Bali","Goutam","Vedashira","Gokarna","Guhavasi","Shikhandi","Mali","Attahasa","Daruka","Langali Bheema","Shweta","Shuli","Mundishwara","Sahishnu","Somasharma" and "Lakuli"(at the time of Lord Krishna).
Shivji also took the following avatars. 1.Nandishwar-son of "Shilad" muni who worshipped Shiva to get a son like him. Later Nandishwar became the leader of Shiva Gana. 2.Kalabhairav- Shiva took this avatar on 8th day of dark fortnight of Margashirsha month(Krishna Paksha Ashtami). 3.Veerbhadra-Was born from Shiva's Jata(Hair) during Daksha Yagna when Sati sacrificed her life. Veerbhadra defeated the Gods who fought with Shiva ganas and cut the head of Daksha. Even Vishnu who was fighting the battle for Daksha was defeated by Veerbhadra. 4.Sharabha-Shiva took this avatar in form of a strange creature (half bird & half animal) to calm down Lord Nrusingha. (Somewhere it is mentioned that Sharabha defeated Nrusingha in a duel. Veerbhadra was sent by Shiva to calm down Lord Nrusingha. When Veerbhadra politely requested him to calm down, Nrusingha became even more furious. So to teach him a lesson, Veerbhadra took Sharabha avatar as per instructions of Shiva and tamed him) 5.Grihapati- Shiva was born as the son of Rishi "Vishwamitra" and his wife "Suchismati".
Lord Shiva as the mendicant. Shivji with Damru. Note how the strings of this hourglass shaped drum are forming the curves of AUM.. symbolic of Shiva being the creator,maintainer and re -absorber. In hand is his portable flask,and in the upper hand he holds esoteric notes, to share scriptural knowledge with others. the long trident is his hallmark.besides being a weapon, it symbolises the triad of siva's systems, such as shiva shakti and nara, pati pasa and pasu,the absolute, the manifest and the intermediate.iccha gyan kriya, the three gunas etc.
There was never a change in time when we were never curious. We have always sought to know more, and ask more.
The problem lies when the person answering the question does not have the answer, and enforces that we just need to be obedient and follow blind faith.
Worse is when people cover explanations that have good logical and scientific backing with superstitions and stories.
This, I am saying, because Shaivism is all about asking questions, being curious, and discovering the answers.
I do not believe in blind faith, I do not encourage blind faith, because it has hindered many people from discovering more.
I do not believe in superstitions, because people become dependent to them rather than going out there and understanding the situation for themselves.
We seek to marry what we have learned in scriptures to what we have learned in our experience. We will find that in their union we can better appreciate both realities.
First of all, Sage Shaunak expressed his desire to Suta about knowing the means, which could help a man in this era of Kali to attainment lord Shiva, by cleansing all the impurities of his mind and rectifying his inherent demonic tendencies. Suta then described about Shiva Mahapurana - the supreme of all the Puranas, which was narrated by Lord Shiva himself and which was later on retold by Sage Vyasa with the permission of Maharshi Sanatkumar, for the benediction of common man. Suta said, "By understanding the mysteries of ShivmahaPurana and singing its praises, a man attains greater virtues than that which could be attained by being charitable or by the performance of all the `yagyas'. Contemplating on the subject matters of Shiva Mahapurana give auspicious fruits just like a 'Kalpa-taru' (A mythological tree which fulfills all the wishes). Shiv Mahapurana contains twenty-four thousand shlokas and seven Samhitas which are Vidyeshwar, Rudra, Shatrudra, Koti Rudra, Uma, Kailash, and Vayviya. Shiva Mahapurana is the best means for man's liberation.
The consciousness present within us is much greater than the physical body, and is beyond it. The mind and the soul are far more powerful than the physical body. The soul is the owner, the Lord of this physical body and not its servant.
In the same way, God is the Lord of this Prakruti (nature) that is made of up of all the Pancha Mahabhutas (meaning the five fundamental elements of nature: earth, water, fire, air and space).
Lord Krishna says, ‘Though I reside within this body and appear to work through it, yet the consciousness that is within Me is separate from the body (not limited by it), and is much more powerful than this body. This consciousness is God Himself'.
There is no difference between the Jiva (individualized consciousness) and God. The soul is pure consciousness. There is no difference between the soul and God. They are one and the same.
God is the (power of) consciousness that resides within us all. The Prana (Life-force) that is present in our body is nothing but God. When we remain unaware of this truth, we remain ignorant.
You may have heard of the famous American Football player – O.J.Simpson. Let us view him only as a great football player. He played like a tornado on the football field. When he played, the opposite team was as helpless as cotton wool in a storm. He achieved great victories. He earned millions of dollars and reached the zenith of his career at a supersonic speed.
Simpson was born in a poor family. He was physically weak. He used to be teased as pencil legged as he had bone deformity. When he was a boy, he could not afford to buy a ticket for a football game. During those days, the most famous player was Brown.
One day, after a great game, Brown came out of the ground carrying an arm load of cups and shields. A little boy, who was just knee high, touched his leg. Brown bent down. ‘Sir!’ said the boy, ‘I am your fan.’ ‘Ah, is that so?’ said the Brown and began to move away. Again the boy stopped him and said, ‘Sir, I have all the details of the number of goals you have scored and the victories you have achieved from the beginning of your career!’ Brown said, ‘Good!’ with a casual smile and moved on…but the small boy stopped him again and said, ‘And on one day I will break all your records!’ Brown patted him on his shoulders in astonishment.
That little boy, on growing up, really broke all the records of Brown, just the way he had declared! The boy was O.J.Simpson!
A person’s life will be meaningful only if he has a goal in life.
Nigra means control. Agra means insistence. Satyagra means steadfast determination. Duragra means blind adamancy, reckless stubbornness.
These four will give you progress when practiced for a limited period of time. They give limited results, positive or negative. But if they stay on for a longer period, they eat away the potential of life. One has to transcend all these four to attain peace.
Freedom is when you transcend all four. They are inevitable to streamline life but you need to transcend them to be free. Give your own examples and discuss nigra, agra, satyagra, and duragra.
When we constantly chant "Om Namah Shivaya", we will carry its vibration with us, around us.
I deeply encourage everyone to try to chant at least 1,008 times a day. This is not difficult at all, but do this for 1 week and try chanting in times such as driving, or commuting, or when waiting. Share your results here
The use of Sandalwood incense in our home brings forth the feel of tranquility. In traditional Indian home design, the house is designed like a body, and the living room is more than just a place to sit. The living room is the central area where everyone converges. It is in the living room that Lord Shiva's statue is situated, and it is in this receiving area that sandalwood incense is burned. The scent creates a positive mood which permeates to all its residents, giving them a more stable mind set for the upcoming day.