![Photo: thanks Kumar Aurojyoti for sharing this pic with the words:
Lord Shiva begging to Goddess Annapurna. Goddess Annapurna is an incarnation of Goddess Parvati. Once the people of Earth were starving. In order to relieve them of hunger Lord Shiva begged to Goddess Annapurna (giver of food). When parents see their children unhappy or suffering, they do not care about their own status and can do anything to relieve the suffering of their children. Here Lord Shiva did just that. Sankaracharya in his Annapurna Stotram has written-
माता च पार्वतीदेवी पितादेवो महेश्वरः ।
बान्धवा: शिवभक्ताश्च स्वदेशो भुवनत्रयम् ॥
(Maataa Ca Paarvatii Devii Pitaa Devo Maheshvarah |
Baandhavaah Shiva-Bhaktaash-Ca Svadesho Bhuvana-Trayam ||
My Mother is Devi Parvati, and my Father is Deva Maheswara (Shiva),
My Friends are the devotees of Shiva, and my Country is all the Three Worlds.
[ In the Photo, the presiding deity of the Ramchandi Temple, Goddess Ramchandi is dressed as Goddess Annapurna, in front of whom Lord Shiva is standing with a begging bowl in His hand. The temple is situated in Jagannath Puri. Photo courtesy- Debi Prasad Mishra, my friend.]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1471251_645864742121281_835084180_n.jpg)
Lord Shiva begging to Goddess Annapurna. Goddess Annapurna is an incarnation of Goddess Parvati. Once the people of Earth were starving. In order to relieve them of hunger Lord Shiva begged to Goddess Annapurna (giver of food). When parents see their children unhappy or suffering, they do not care about their own status and can do anything to relieve the suffering of their children. Here Lord Shiva did just that. Sankaracharya in his Annapurna Stotram has written-
माता च पार्वतीदेवी पितादेवो महेश्वरः ।
बान्धवा: शिवभक्ताश्च स्वदेशो भुवनत्रयम् ॥
(Maataa Ca Paarvatii Devii Pitaa Devo Maheshvarah |
Baandhavaah Shiva-Bhaktaash-Ca Svadesho Bhuvana-Trayam ||
My Mother is Devi Parvati, and my Father is Deva Maheswara (Shiva),
My Friends are the devotees of Shiva, and my Country is all the Three Worlds.
[ In the Photo, the presiding deity of the Ramchandi Temple, Goddess Ramchandi is dressed as Goddess Annapurna, in front of whom Lord Shiva is standing with a begging bowl in His hand. The temple is situated in Jagannath Puri. Photo courtesy- Debi Prasad Mishra)
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