![Photo: A very beautiful and enigmatic Picture of Lord Shiva and the Holy Family in their Abode.
This could be the artists way of showing the Ganesh story of how Parvati made Him Her Royal Guard , and then, how, after the fight with Shivji , He was Given a new life with the life of an Elephant, and declared as the chief of Ganas.
It could also be a simple picture of The Holy family, With Prince Kartikeya shown with a vel (spear) and Ganeshji shown in the company of the forest beings.
The most striking feature is the Reflection of Parvati in the pristine River- it is that of Durga Ma. This is the remarkable magic of Goddess Shakti and the understanding of ancient Hindu Rishis: it is Durga , who is Parvati, it is Parvati who was Sati, She is always the Shakti of Shiva, and the Mother of the Universe. Aum Namah Shivaya!
Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/s403x403/1911739_653417984704717_1275629505_n.jpg)
A very beautiful and enigmatic Picture of Lord Shiva and the Holy Family in their Abode.
This could be the artists way of showing the Ganesh story of how Parvati made Him Her Royal Guard , and then, how, after the fight with Shivji , He was Given a new life with the life of an Elephant, and declared as the chief of Ganas.
It could also be a simple picture of The Holy family, With Prince Kartikeya shown with a vel (spear) and Ganeshji shown in the company of the forest beings.
The most striking feature is the Reflection of Parvati in the pristine River- it is that of Durga Ma. This is the remarkable magic of Goddess Shakti and the understanding of ancient Hindu Rishis: it is Durga , who is Parvati, it is Parvati who was Sati, She is always the Shakti of Shiva, and the Mother of the Universe. Aum Namah Shivaya!
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