Creativity Is To Love What You Do
If you think that if you become famous like Picasso, then you are creative then you are, in fact, not creative at all: you are a politician, ambitious. If fame happens, good. If it doesn't happen, good. Fame should not be the consideration. You should be enjoying whatever you are doing. It is your love affair. Then it becomes creative. Small things become great by the touch of love and delight.
If you believe that you are not creative, you will become just that because that belief will obstruct, continuously negate, all possibilities of flowing. It will not allow your energy to flow because you will continuously say: ``I am uncreative.'' Very few people are accepted as creative: A few painters, poets one in a million. This is foolish! Every human being is a born creator.
Observe children and you will see: all children are creative. By and by , we destroy their creativity; we force wrong beliefs on them. We distract them and make them more and more political and ambitious. That's when creativity disappears because an ambitious man cannot be creative, nor can he love any activity for its own sake. While he is painting he is looking ahead; he is thinking, `When am I going to get a Nobel prize?' When he is writing a novel, he is looking ahead. He is always in the future and a creative person is always in the present.
Drop wrong conditioning...suddenly , you'll see you are creative. To be and to be creative are synonymous. It is impossible to be and not be creative. But that ugly phenomenon has happened, because all your creative sources have been destroyed, and your whole energy has been forced into some activity that society thinks is going to pay .
Our attitude about life is money-oriented.
And money is one of the most uncreative things. Our whole approach is power-oriented and power is destructive, not creative. A man who is after money will become destructive, because money has to be robbed, exploited; it has to be taken away from many people, only then can you have it. Power simply means you have to make many people impotent, you have to destroy them only then can you be powerful.
A creative act enhances the beauty of the world; it gives something to the world, it never takes anything from it. A creative person comes into the world, enhances the beauty of the world a song here, a painting there. He makes the world dance better, enjoy better, love better, meditate better. When he leaves this world, he leaves a better world behind him. Nobody may know him; that is not the point.
But he leaves the world a better world, tremendously fulfilled because his life has been of some intrinsic value.
Your creativity may not give you power, prestige, money . I can promise that deep inside, you will be the richest man possible; fulfilled, full of joy and celebration, continuously receiving blessings from God. Your life will be a benediction.
It is possible that outwardly you may not be famous, but to succeed in this so-called world is to fail deeply . And what are you going to do with the whole world at your feet if you have lost your own Self ? A creative person possesses his own being; he is a master.
Om Namah Shivay
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