In other words, death will die.
Now that you are advancing towards that which is beyond time, the semblance of happiness brought about by mundane things is being consumed.
As a result, the question - " What actually is this world?" will arise.
So long as the world seems enjoyable to you, such a query does not present itself.
Since you are progressing towards that which transcends time, all that belongs to time will begin to appear to you in its true light.
If after coming down from the state of contemplation you are capable of behaving, as before, you have not been transformed.
When there is real meditation, which evokes indifference to the world, you will begin to pine keenly for the Divine, you will hunger for It and realize that nothing transient can appease this hunger or satisfy you.
How am I to make it clear to you?
People come to this body and tell of their sons and daughters having got into a car and driven away, without even looking up to see whether their father and mother were weeping. They are quite unmoved by their parents grief.
You see, this is precisely what it is like at a certain stage on the Path; worldly enjoyment cannot possibly touch you.
You feel: "Those whom I had believed to be my very own, are merely related to me by flesh and blood - what is that to me?"
Nobody deliberately puts his hands into fire or treads on a snake; in exactly the same manner, you just glance at the objects of sense and turn away.
Then you will get into the current that takes you in the opposite direction, and later, when you have become detached even from detachment, there is no problem of detachment or non-detachment - what is, is THAT .
Some say, by sustained effort one may attain to Enlightenment. But is it true that effort can bring about Enlightenment? Is Illumination dependant on action? The veil is destroyed, and when this has been accomplished, THAT which IS stands revealed. What is known as the fruit of effort is nothing but the illumination or the particular aspect towards which the effort has been directed.
Unveiled light ( niravaran prakasa ) is He Himself, the Eternal.- The Guru knows which is the right line of approach for any individual.
Om Namah Shivay
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