To Say Sorry is a Good Mistake?
Often, in establishing your righteousness, you are insensitive to others feelings. When someone is hurt, arguing with them and establishing your righteousness will be in vain. By saying a simple "Sorry", you can uplift the other and take away the bitterness. In many situations saying "Sorry" is better than establishing your righteousness. It can avert much unpleasantness. This one word of five letters, when said sincerely can remove anger, guilt, hatred and distance.
Many people feel pride in hearing "Sorry" from others. This boosts their ego. But when you say "Sorry" to a wise man, it evokes compassion at your ignorance. However, when you say "Sorry" to your Guru, He will get angry and say, "Go! Listen to Ashtavakra!" (Laughter) For your saying "Sorry" indicates doership. You feel that YOU have MADE a mistake.
A mistake is part of an unconscious mind. An unconscious mind cannot do right. A conscious mind can do no wrong. The mind which makes the mistake and the mind which realizes the mistake - saying "Sorry" - are entirely different, aren't they? The mind which says "Sorry" cannot be an unconscious mind. Therefore, saying "Sorry" sincerely is a BIG MISTAKE!!!
Did you get it or are you confused? If you didn't get it, don't feel sorry or u can feel sorry! (Laughter)
How strange - truth is paradoxical!
Q: What motivate someone to take decision?
Guruji : It is different in different cases, sometimes it is just a smile.
Q: Who comes first according to you: the Guru or one’s parents?
Guruji : It depends on the situation. If it a question of your marriage, then your parents come first and you should take their consent and blessings before proceeding further. But when it comes to spirituality and meditation, then listen to the Guru first. Meditate in the way I guide you during the guided meditations. Parents may not be well-versed with spiritual practices and meditation, so you should consult and follow the Guru rather than your parents when it comes to spirituality.
Liberation is soaking oneself completely in devotion to the Divine. When this realization dawns on you, 'I am not the body, I am the eternal spirit. This body will perish but I will remain here forever', then that is liberation.
All of us want to be happy and have the willingness to do something to be happy. What is the way for this? What is the formula? You should always think, "I don't need anything from anyone.", because attachment causes misery.
Om Namah Shivay
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