Siva Natraja- The symbolism of Lord Shiva dance
Very popular in the South of India, is this figure of Shiva Natraja- the Lord of Dance. And this figure inspires us into a deep, comprehensive understanding of our own ‘Bhole Nath’, as were refer to him in the North.Shiva is many things. He is mendicant, ascetic,yogi, and yet he is householder, family man, lover. He is meditator, the epitome of stillness, yet he is the cosmic dancer, master of flight. As Natraj ,we view Lord Shiva dancing in ecstasy , the Anand Tandav. Incidentally ,to many, the word Tandava itself comes accompanied with fear. That’s because we associate it with Raudra Tandava- the dance of destruction ,which it need not always be if we understand the difference between these two options of Shiva ,and choose rightly for our selves.Shiva is enveloped by a great fire by which he is unaffected. And in one of his own left hands, he holds a flame that implies to be the source of destruction.Also in the fire is the small figure of a dwarf. This is the dwarf of ignorance. Though he is called Apasmara, It is better to understand that he is ‘jiva’- an ordinary man who has forgotten his essential nature- the nature of Shiva with in him, and turned to easier, negative qualities with the independence granted to him. Probably the dwarf is terrified of the fire that is all around him in the world now .In addition to this ,we see that he is being crushed by the right foot of Shiva. This seems like a double punishment, till we realize that man was never intended by the Lord to be a dwarf of ignorance. Rather, it is his ignorance of the God within, that has dwarfed him. We see the other left hand of Shiva pointing at something. It is pointing to his left foot which is uplifted. So what is Shiva trying to convey? Is he Egoistically asking for worship? NO. To those familiar with Mudras ( Postures ) of our deities, the uplifted foot of God symbolizes His Transcendence and can be best attained by meditation.A meditator in Dhyana, is on the surest track to locate Shiva within. And, for he who locates Shiva within , as the attained peers did in Samadhi ,the very ‘at onement’ with God explodes the pristine awareness and love in them. They become good to others effortlessly as they realize that the same Self shines in everyone.Others who may wish to remain Bhaktas (Devotees) of God would receive the message of submitting to the will of God at his toes. If this submission is truthful (and one can’t remain dishonest to God forever) it will achieve the same results. A true man of God ,knowing by rote the high attributes with which he praises God can never himself turn away from these attributes in his own person. If God is Dayalu (kind) , be yourself dayalu, if He is loving, be loving! Evoke God by resonance!! It is then that we notice that the right hand of God is still raised in Abhaya Mudra betokening blessings ‘ know thy Self’ which results in ‘fear not’. We too, can be unscathed by the negative fire; if the fire of Shiva ,of Love, is kindled in us.Yogis call this "alak jagana". And we realize that the fire in Shiva’s left palm is actually the source of counter destruction, putting an end to things that are not Auspicious. Shiva also holds the Damru in his right hand. This damru is peculiarly shaped on purpose. It looks like an hourglass; it is a time keeper ! But the Lord almighty does not always indicate ‘ time up’ as end of the world, or that the end of our spirit is being is sounded. He also plays his drum the other way to indicate to us that it is time we shifted out focus within, instead of looking outwards and blaming others for the fire .Sometimes we even blame God for all our problems, even if we do not see or know Him. Instead of finding fault with an unseen God for our limitation of being dwarfs, perhaps it is high time we introspected what we can do to achieve the likeness of Shiva Himself ( Svarup) ,for we are part of the lord. This creation is for us all to enjoy, look after , and harmonise, to a perfect rhythm ‘Ananda’!Aum Namah
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