Monday, 11 January 2016

Even a little sadhana practiced with sincere effort leaves deep imprints in the unconscious mind.

12 Jyotirlingas Of Lord Shiva's photo.

In the path of sadhana no effort is in vain, all sincere efforts bear their fruits. Even a little sadhana practiced with sincere effort leaves deep imprints in the unconscious mind. Those impressions help and guide the sadhaka whenever he goes off the path. The conscious part of the mind is but a small part of the whole. It is helpful in communicating with the external world but has very little use on the inward journey. If the conscious part of the mind is trained not to create further barriers, then sadhana is useful. the great Upanishads say, “The mind is the instrument that can become either a means of liberation or a means of bondage.” Thus, you should understand the nature of your mind and train it.
All the exercises or mediation is not really meant for the body or the soul. The soul is perfect. You need to meditate, but for your mind. The real development in life is to know yourself, not to talk about knowing God. This is a journey within, you are trying to explore who you are, so that you can learn to live happily in the world. To learn that, you need to study your own self of three levels: action, speech, and mind. Studying the sayings of the great sages does inspire and support a student. But studying one’s own thoughts, emotions, deeds, and actions is the real study. We intellectually know many things, yet our ignorance is not dispelled. The human endeavour and purpose is not actually to attain God. You already have God, God is omnipresent. What you have not attained, is yourself. So your endeavour should really be to attain yourself. When you truly realise yourself, then you will understand that you have also realised God. That which you call God today, you will understand fully when you know yourself on the deepest level. You will realise You were searching for someone who is already within you!

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