Saturday, 9 January 2016

In Kali Yuga, Just by amassing a little amount of wealth one shall become proud and they despite having wealth shall have an eye on others wealth and property.

เซ The Shiva Tribe เซ's photo.

In Kali Yuga, Just by amassing a little amount of wealth one shall become proud and they despite having wealth shall have an eye on others wealth and property. Girls, 8-10 years old shall become pregnant while boys of the age of 10-12 years shall have children. On the sixteenth year itself the hair will turn white. Youth shall become alike old men and old men shall become energetic and youthful. Women will engage in sex with inferior men, servants inspite of having a good husband.
๐Ÿ•‰ Religion, truth, thoughts, pity, age, energy, memory all shall get gradually emaciated and drained. People will love only their own children and family and will not hesitate to deceive their own friends, benefactors. Judges of events shall favor the wealthy and the impoverished shall be denied justice. One who constantly blabbers shall be called a saint and one who is in a miserable state will be called an imposter.
๐Ÿ•‰ Any lake or reservoir situated far away will be referred as a holy shrine. People will take interest in religious actions so as to become prosperous and successful. He who subdues the others shall be self-proclaimed king. Subjects to protect their families shall seek refuge in caves and caverns and will lead a miserable life. People will be plagued with all types of extreme climatic conditions. By the end of the Kali Yuga, The God shall reincarnate to protect religion and to destroy all evil.
๐Ÿ•‰ In Kali Yuga, Brahmins shall renounce self-study, contemplation and shall eat every thing that is prohibited. They will no more be inclined towards penance and on the contrary Shudras shall take interest in recitation of Vedic chants. Many a king of the inferior category shall reign the earth who shall be sinners, unfaithful and wicked. No Brahmin in this age shall earn his daily bread and butter honestly.
๐Ÿ•‰ Humans shall seldom speak the truth. All the directions will have snakes and animals. Women in this era shall be immoral and licentious by nature. Most people shall be traders of food while Brahmins shall sell the Vedas. Many of the women shall engage in prostitution. 
๐Ÿ•‰ In the Kali Yuga, there will be very less milk in the udders of the cow. Seldom will there be fruits and flowers on trees. There will be excessive number of crows in comparison to other birds. Brahmins will engage in killing and shall take donation from kings inspite of lying. Brahmins as a whole shall be imposters and feign to be very pious and pure.
Householders shall indulge in robbery because they will be unable to pay up their taxes. Even people who are celibates shall give up their purity and engage in intoxication and shall have illicit sex. 
๐Ÿ•‰ All Ashrams shall be a haven of all imposters and they shall be totally dependent on food from others. During this time, seldom shall it rain and even the yield, production of grain will not be satisfactory. People will be aggressive by nature and consequently unholy and impure. The ones indulging in irreligious and blasphemous acts shall emerge powerful and prosperous. Those who are righteous shall be in penury.
Om Namah Shivaya ~ Har Har Mahadev!

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