Don't get upset if Shiva rejects your prayer. Look at rejection as a blessing from above.
Don't get upset if Shiva rejects your prayer. Look at rejection as a blessing from above. It only means Shiva is protecting you, and has something much better in mind for you than you could ever imagine. Thank him for every closed door. A closed door is HIS way of saying I have the best for you, just be patient. 📿🕉📿 Namaste Beautiful Souls. It's time for Wednesday Wisdom.
🍃 Yes, Mahadev denies the prayers sometimes as its not according to HIS will. We may be asking for something which is not for our good. We shouldn't pray at random for whatever our selfish minds conceive, as long as it is his will. Yes, Not getting what you want can be a blessing. It is sometimes a wonderful stroke of good luck, because it forces you to reevaluate things, opening new doors to opportunities you would have otherwise overlooked. Things will change again sooner than you think. Change is the process of life itself, everything is changing every single minute of our lives. However good or bad a situation is now, it will change. That’s the one thing you can count on. You are strong enough to rise above every situation. Don’t allow these situations to beet you up. You really are pretty amazing. Even when life gets rough, you need to be willing to bet on yourself. Know that your struggles are important and necessary for your growth. You have to rough it and risk it. Be strong and make something happen. Find the lesson in every situation keeping the positive attitude. A happy, effective mindset is really dependent on your perspective. If you think it’s something you can learn from, then suddenly, it’s not a problem anymore. In almost every case, nothing is stopping you, nothing is holding you back but your own thoughts and ideas about yourself and how life is. So keep in mind, When times are tough, you must be tougher. Don’t pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to endure a tough one that leads to greatness.! Love, Peace & Gratitude ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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