"I hail Thee, o all-pervasive Jagaddhatri Durga, Thou art victorious and symbol of the joys of the world; it is only Thou in the world, who can be worshipped properly. Victory to Thee."
Jagaddhatri ( 'Bearer of the World') is an aspect of the goddess Durga, who is particularly worshipped in the West Bengal region of India. Her cult is directly derived from Tantra where she is a symbol of sattva beside Durga and Kali, respectably symbolized with Rajas and Tamas. She is celebrated on Gosthastami. It is also referred to as another Durga Puja as it also starts on Asthami tithi and ends on Dashami tithi.
Jagaddhatri is depicted as being the colour of the morning sun, three-eyed and four-armed, holding a chakra, conch, bow and arrows, clothed in red, bright jewels and nagajangopaveeta (a serpent as the sacred thread), a symbol of yoga and the Brahman. She rides a lion standing on the dead Karindrasura, the Elephant Demon. "Jagaddhatri arises in the heart of a person," said Ramakrishna, "who can control the frantic elephant called mind."
Though she is worshipped all over West Bengal and some places of Odisha, Jagaddhatri Puja in Chandannagar, Krishnanagar, Boinchi, Bhadreswar, Hooghly, Rishra, Ishapore, Tehatta, Ashoknagar Kalyangarh, and Baripada, have a special socio-cultural celebration. In Kolkata, too, Jagaddhatri Puja is a major autumnal Hindu event after Durga Puja and Kali Puja.
Generally, Jagaddhatri is referred as another name of Durga. In Sanskrit, Bengali and Assamse the word 'Jagaddhatri' literally means 'Holder (dhatri) of the World (Jagat)' . According to Sri Ramakrishna, Jagaddhatri holds the World. If she wouldn’t, the World might fall down. This explanation can be applied for both Durga and Jagaddhatri.
Jagaddhatri is known with other names like Karindrasuranisudini (Slayer of the Elephant Demon), Maheswari (the Great Goddess), Shaktacharpriya (the Goddess who loves to be worshiped in accordance to the practices of the Sakta sect of Hinduism, or Shaktism), Adharabhuta (the Bearer of the World).!

Jai Maa Durga ~ Jai Jagaddhatri!
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