"Parthiva Linga is the most supreme among all the Shiva-Lingas. All the aspirations of the deities as well as men are fulfilled by the worship of Parthiv linga. During the era of Satya, jewel was considered to be of prime importance, where as during Tretayuga and Dwaparyuga, gold and mercury had the prime importance respectively. In the present era of Kali, a Parthiva Linga hold this place of honour. The worship of Parthiva Linga begets more virtues than even penance. Just as Ganga among the rivers, Kashi among the sacred places of pilgrimages, Omkar among all the mantras are considered to be superior, In the same way Parthiva linga is considered to the supreme among all the Linga. Worshipping, a Parthiva linga with a 'Nishkam bhava' helps a man to attain liberation." ~ Shiva Maha Purana.
Parthiva Shivlinga is a Shivlinga made from mud/sand. Parthiv means Earth and worshipping a Parthiv Shivling liberates devotees of all sins committed in birth. Lord Rama worshipped a Parthiva Shivling to seek liberation from Brahmahatya mahapatakam, the sin of killing Ravana who was a Brahman. Parthiva Shivlinga is also known as Saikata Lingam. Parthiva Shivlingas are considered as one of the most auspicious, sacred and divine amongst all Shivlingas. Worshipping of Parthiva Shivlingas leads to liberation from karma and achievement of Moksha. Worshipping a Parthiva Shivlinga also provides relief from malefic planetary effects (Navgraha Dosha) and also provides peace to soul of ancestors.
After bath in the morning, a man should wear a rudraksha garland in his neck and apply bhasma on his forehead. He should then worship the Parthiva Linga. He should chant the various names of Shiva. After worshipping the Parthiva Linga, it should be immersed in the river, Then the mantra - OM NAMAH SHIVAYA should be chanted with complete devotion. This is the method which has been described in the Vedas.
Benefits of worshipping Parthiva ShivaLinga
1- For divine grace and blessings of Lord Shiva
2- For Removal of malefic effects of various Planets
3- For relief and protection against diseases, ailments and accidents
4- For relief from miseries, troubles, stress and ego
5- For courage and relief from kinds of fears
6- For Spiritual growth and enlightenment.
1- For divine grace and blessings of Lord Shiva
2- For Removal of malefic effects of various Planets
3- For relief and protection against diseases, ailments and accidents
4- For relief from miseries, troubles, stress and ego
5- For courage and relief from kinds of fears
6- For Spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Om Namah Shivaya!

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