The famous Bilvashtakam strotam extols the virtues of the bilva leaf and Shiva’s love for it.
Bilva Ashtakam is a highly powerful Sanskrit Shiva stotram which are the eight hymns chanted while offering Bilwa leaves to Lord Shiva. The Bilwa (Aegle Marmelos) leaves are one of the main offering to Lord Shiva and by offering Bilva leaves a devotee can easily please Lord Shiva.
Bilva Ashtakam is a highly powerful Sanskrit Shiva stotram which are the eight hymns chanted while offering Bilwa leaves to Lord Shiva. The Bilwa (Aegle Marmelos) leaves are one of the main offering to Lord Shiva and by offering Bilva leaves a devotee can easily please Lord Shiva.
Bilvashtakam is in Sanskrit. It starts with bowing to lord Ganesha. Worship of Shiva is said to be incomplete if we don’t offer Bilva Patra. Chanting bilva ashtakam is considered auspicious.

trijanma paapasamhaaram eka Bilvam shivaarpaNam
I offer the bilva patra to Shiva. This leaf embodies the three qualities of sattva, rajas and tamas. This leaf is like the three eyes, and the sun, moon and fire. It is like three weapons. It is the destroyer of sins committed in three earlier births. I perform pooja for Shiva with the bilva patra.

shudhyantii sarva paapebhyo eka bilvam shivaarpaNam
I offer the bilva patra to Shiva. I complete the pooja for Nandikeshwara by the bilva patra to him, and thus become free of sin

somayadnya mahaapuNyam eka bilvam shivaarpaNam
I offer the bilva patra to Shiva. This leaf is soft and free of blemish. It is complete in itself. It is like three branches. I perform pooja for Shiva with the bilva patra.

kotikanyaa mahaadaanam eka bilvam shivaarpaNam
The offering of Bilva is greater in power than yagnas and sacrifices.

bilva vruksham prayachchhaami eka bilvam shivaarpaNam
The bilva tree was created by Goddess Lakshmi. Lord Shiva has great affection for the bilva tree. I perform pooja for Shiva with the bilva patra.

aghorapaapa samhaaram eka bilvam shivaarpaNam
Beholding the bilva and coming in contact with it destroys all sin. I perform pooja for Shiva with the bilva patra.

Prayaage maadhavam drushtvaa Ekabilvam shivaarpanam
I offer one leaf of the bilva to Shiva, after being in the city of Kashi, beholding Kala Bhairava, and visiting the temple of Madhava

agrataha shiva roopaaya eka bilvam shivaarpaNam
The lower part of bilva is Brahma, the middle is Vishnu and the upper is Shiva himself. I perform pooja for Shiva with the bilva patra.

Hari Om Namo Narayana ~ Om Namah Shivaya
Shubh Prabhat

Shubh Prabhat

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