![Photo: M: "I feel that Christ, Chaitanyadeva, and yourself - all three are one and the same. It is the same Person that has become all these three."
MASTER [Sri Ramakrishna]: "Yes, yes! One! One! It is indeed one. Don't you see that it is He alone who dwells here in this way."
As he said this, Sri Ramakrishna pointed with his finger to his own body.
M: "You explained clearly, the other day, how God incarnates Himself on earth."
MASTER: "Tell me what I said."
M: "You told us to imagine a field extending to the horizon and beyond. It extends without any obstruction; but we cannot see it on account of a wall in front of us. In that wall there is a round hole. Through the hole we see a part of that infinite field."
MASTER: "Tell me what that hole is."
M: "You are that hole. Through you can be seen everything - that Infinite Meadow without any end."
Sri Ramakrishna was very much pleased. Patting M.'s back, he said: "I see you have understood that. That's fine!"
M: "It is indeed difficult to understand that. One cannot quite grasp how God, Perfect Brahman that He is, can dwell in that small body."
The Master quoted from a song:
Oh, no one at all has found out who He is;
Like a madman from door to door He roams,
Like a poor beggar He roams from door to door.
Om Namah Shivay
***Write " Om Namah Shivay " if you ask for God's blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!
M: "I feel that Christ, Chaitanyadeva, and yourself - all three are one and the same. It is the same Person that has become all these three."
MASTER [Sri Ramakrishna]: "Yes, yes! One! One! It is indeed one. Don't you see that it is He alone who dwells here in this way."
As he said this, Sri Ramakrishna pointed with his finger to his own body.
M: "You explained clearly, the other day, how God incarnates Himself on earth."
MASTER: "Tell me what I said."
M: "You told us to imagine a field extending to the horizon and beyond. It extends without any obstruction; but we cannot see it on account of a wall in front of us. In that wall there is a round hole. Through the hole we see a part of that infinite field."
MASTER: "Tell me what that hole is."
M: "You are that hole. Through you can be seen everything - that Infinite Meadow without any end."
Sri Ramakrishna was very much pleased. Patting M.'s back, he said: "I see you have understood that. That's fine!"
M: "It is indeed difficult to understand that. One cannot quite grasp how God, Perfect Brahman that He is, can dwell in that small body."
The Master quoted from a song:
Oh, no one at all has found out who He is;
Like a madman from door to door He roams,
Like a poor beggar He roams from door to door.
Om Namah Shivay
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