Sudama came to see Lord Krishna, his friend. Krishna was talking to Radha. As Sudama was clad in rags, he was hesitating to enter the palace. The guard informed Lord ~ “O Lord, a poor Brahmin named Sudama who is clothed in rags is awaiting at the gate of the palace.” Sri Krishna did not allow the guard to talk a word more. The word Sudama was enough. He ran out of the room barefooted crying: “O My dear Sudama, my sweet friend.” Radha was a bit annoyed, because Sri Krishna left the room abruptly. When Krishna came inside with Sudama, He noticed that Radha was in a sorrowful mood. “Dear Radha, forgive me. I am the slave of my devotees. I love them more than my very self.” Lord says “My devotees have sacrificed their lives for me, and therefore I have sacrificed my life for my devotees. They know no one. I know no one but them. I am their heart and they are my heart.” Yes, Lord says that his heart is in the grip of his devotees and such is his love for him. he can go to any extent to protect His devotees. In Shrimad Bhagwatam lord says he follows the footsteps of his devotees to apply dust of their feet on his forehead. "When sometimes the feeling of separation from Me is very acute in My devotees, I suddenly appear before them and quench their thirst for My company.” Lord says, mayi te tesu chapy aham: “I am always with My devotees.” Wherever there is an devotee, Lord is there like his shadow, always invisibly moving after him. "aham bhakta-parardhino, hy asvatantra iva dvija, sadhubhir grasta-hrdayo, bhaktair bhakta-jana-priyah" ~ “I am the slave of My devotees; I have no freedom apart from their will. Because they are completely pure and devoted to Me, my heart is controlled by them, and I reside always in their hearts. I am dependent not only on My devotees, but even on the servants of My devotees. Even the servants of My devotees are dear to Me.”
Many paths to the same goal ~ one supreme ~ Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaya ~ Jai Shri Vishnu ~ Jai Shiva Shankar!
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