Monday, 30 November 2015

Crowd at Sabarimala Today

Sabarimala Devaswom's photo.
Sabarimala Devaswom's photo.

Crowd at Sabarimala Today

Bronze Deepalakshmi standing posture holding deepam in hands

Artesania Arts & Crafts's photo.

Bronze Deepalakshmi standing posture holding deepam in hands

Erumeli ‪#‎sabarimala‬

Sabarimala Temple's photo.


Cleaning Holy Eighteen Steps (Pathinettampadi) before next opening ‪#‎sabarimala‬

Cleaning Holy Eighteen Steps (Pathinettampadi) before next opening

When things go wrong, when you feel everything is falling apart, it could actually be falling together.

ૐ The Shiva Tribe ૐ's photo.

When things go wrong, when you feel everything is falling apart, it could actually be falling together. Yes, Consider that what’s in front of you may be serving you in valuable ways you don’t even understand right now. Remember sometimes you have to die a little on the inside first in order to be reborn and rise again as a stronger person. People and circumstances will occasionally break you down. But if you keep your mind focused, your heart open to love, and continue to put one foot in front of the other, you can recover the pieces, rebuild, and come back much stronger and happier than you ever would have been otherwise. Fully accept the reality of what is. If you are guilty, confess it. You cannot find peace by avoiding things. Take every change and experience as a challenge for growth. Either it will give you what you want or it will teach you what the next step is. Stay positive. Stay calm. Finding peace and happiness in life does not mean to be in a place where there are no challenges. It means to be in the midst of those things while remaining calm in your heart. It’s about letting go of the pictures in your head about how things were supposed to be and accept what ever is. Draw close to God , close to Shiva. He has given you free will and wise head over your shoulders. You can do any action in any way you like. You can become a Saint by right thinking and right action. Or you can become evil. You can either choose to become bold and strong, or you can choose to be a loser. You have a free will of your own. Therefore overcome all your unfavourable circumstances. Have courage. Never despair. And know that You will succeed. There is nothing in the world which cannot be achieved by a person by the right sort of efforts. Wake up now! Purify, Concentrate, Meditate, Visit Shiva mandir, perform Rudraabhishek, and You will realise your goal. Fear is just in the mind. As you think so you become. Think you are bold, and strong you will become. You have all that power, Draw strength from within. Life is a series of challenges and awakenings. Conquer the mind and the senses. Conquer your internal and external nature. Fight against the evil forces, through Japa and meditation. Pray to God, no matter what. Detach yourself from material things and let go of expectations. Letting go of needless expectations is your first step to happiness. Have a mindset of peace and acceptance, and you can deal with almost anything and grow beyond it. And yes, Remind yourself that everything in life is temporary. So if things are good right now, enjoy it. It won’t last forever. If things are bad, don’t worry because it won’t last forever either!! Love, Light & Gratitude ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~ Boom Shankar !
काल उसका क्या बिगाड़े जो भक्त हो महाकाल का !!!!
Shubh Somvaar ~ Namaste Lovely People!!

The Puranas vociferously sing the praises of the greatness of the twelve Jyotirlingas. By reciting the name of this, one can eliminate all the sins.

ૐ The Shiva Tribe ૐ's photo.

The Puranas vociferously sing the praises of the greatness of the twelve Jyotirlingas. By reciting the name of this, one can eliminate all the sins. The Sadhaka becomes calm, chaste and pure. He becomes illuminated and enlightened with supreme and divine knowledge. The names mentioned for the benefits of all ~
Saurashtra Somnatham Cha Shrishaile Mallikarjunam
Ujjainyam Mahakalomkare Mammaleshwaram
Parlyam Vaijnatham Cha Dakinyam Bheem Shankaram 
Setu Bandhe Tu Ramesham Nagesham Daruka Vane
Varanasya Tu Vishwesham Tribakam Gautamitate
Himalaye Tu Kedaram Ghurmesham Cha Shivalaye
Aetani Jyotirlingani Sayam Prataha Pathennaraha
Sapta Janma Kritam Papam Smaranen Vinashyati
One who recites these 12 names regularly in the morning and evening he washes all the sins committed in the previous 7 births and attains all the powers and Siddhis!
Love, Happiness & Blessings to all! Om Namah Shivaya !

There is something very beautiful about this picture. But first, please let me know your thoughts

Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.'s photo.

Dear friends , there is something very beautiful about this picture. But first, please let me know your thoughts smile emoticon

Pashupatinath A Holy Place Of Shiva

Where: Nepal, Kathmandu
Best time to visit: No such best time, but visiting on Mahashiv ratri is pleasure.
Shiva, the Lord of gods! The master of universe, rhythm creator and also known for destruction. Shiva is known as primary form of gods. The iconographical features makes him unique, the third eye on forehead, snake around his neck, the crescent moon, the trident and musical instrument ‘Damaru’.
Pashupatinath a Hindu temple, situated on Bank Bagmati River in village-3km far from Northwest part of Kathmandu. The Temple is named after ‘Lords of Animal’- Pashu-pati. The temple attracts thousands of pilgrims each year. The temple as barred to non-Hindus , but now the norms has been changed.

Pashupati Nath
Pashupatinath A Holy Place Of Shiva
History of Pashupatinath
The temple was constructed 17th century back, by the ‘King Bhupatindra Malla’. The temple also consist of ‘Viashnav’ temple (Ram temple) from long back 14-century. Also the priest of this temple has to be Bhat-Brahmin sort of from South India. This trait is followed from 350 years ago. The priest are known as Bhattas, while chief priest of temple are known as Mool Bhatt. These chief priest are only person answerable to King of Nepal.
To get into the root of this temple, there are several stories involved in this. But the very popular story that follows is Shiva and his wife Parvati stayed in Kathmandu valley, they took rest at Bhagmati while on journey. Shiva was very much impressed with the beauty of nature, such that he transformed himself into deer and walked across forest.
While after that God started to search for Shiva, and after several search they found him in forest. All God refused to leave him, but (finally) ultimately he announced that he lived by the banks of Bhagmati in form of deer. So today, the place is known as ‘Pashupatinath’, ‘Lord of Animals’. It’s been said that one who visit this sacred temple will not reborn as an animal.
Finding Shiva Linga
Shiva ling a sacred and blessed, it is said that wish fulfilling cow called ‘Kamadhenu’ took shelter on Chandravan mountain. It was observed that each day, Kamadhenu went down to the place and poured milk, where the lingam was deep sunken into the soil. Then after 10,000 years people pouring milk at same spot, wondered many people. Then the people decided to dig and remove the soil, and found a beautiful Shiva Lingam.
Architecture note:
The temple is constructed with classical style of Nepalese pagoda. Beautifully wooden carved. The roof has two layers of roof, one with copper and other with gold. The temple has four main door, all door are covered with sliver sheet. To have a religious tought, the temple has a Gajur. Gajur is a gold pinnacle or apex.
At the entrance is a statue of ‘Nandi’, 6-feet high. It is situated on entrance of temple to the east of Pashupatinath.
The temple is one of the oldest temple recorded under Hindu temple. The Pashupatinath is said to god of all living as well as non-living beings around. To get on the roots of the temple, the temple is dated back from 400 AD. The holy temple of Shiva is highly ornamented with rich pagodas.

Mantras are a chant a thought an empowerment, but more than that, they are a realisation.

Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.'s photo.

are a chant
a thought
an empowerment,
but more than that,
they are a realisation.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

" Kalabhabhishekam procession" - today at Sabarimala

" Kalabhabhishekam procession - today"

Today Kalabhabhesekam Ezhunallipu at Sabarimala sannidanam done by Sabarimala Thantri Brahmasree Kandararu Mahesh Mohanaru with him sabarimalai Melsanthi Brahmasree S.E.Sankaran Namboothiri 
Swamiye saranam Ayyappa 🙏 
Sarvam sastha mayam 🙏 
🔔🔔🔔🔔🌸🔔🔔🔔🔔 — with SE Sankaran Namboothiri and Unni Namboothiri.

Swami Saranam ‪#‎Sabarimala‬ Today

Sabarimala Temple's photo.

Swami Saranam
‪#‎Sabarimala‬ Today

Shiva, the one word that gives us strength to keep going. Because we know no matter what happen, he will be there by our side pushing us forward.

ૐ The Shiva Tribe ૐ's photo.

Shiva, the one word that gives us strength to keep going. Because we know no matter what happen, he will be there by our side pushing us forward. Do you worship him in temple of your heart or in the mandir at your home? Having a mandir or puja room at home is a practise followed by many. Well, here are some Do and Donts.
1. The best location of poja room is in the north east of the house as this corner is known as ishaan, corner for ishwar or God. Ideal place for alter is in the east or north so that the person offering prayers can face east or north during worship. If both these directions are not feasible, the Pooja Room can be the West Direction. And it is desirable that it is not in the centre part of the house, which is called Brahmma Sthanam. The Centre of the House is called Brahmma Sthanam, which should normally be kept vacant so as to allow the universal positive energies to circulate around.
2. As per Lal Kitab it is written that we should not keep the Idols of God in the house as these idols give us reverse effect if kept at home other than Temple. There is no harm in keeping photos of Gods in the form of pictures hanging on the walls. We can keep those in our premises and pay respect to them. But the idols which you keep in house has to have certain approaches or system to be followed. If you want to, then The idols should be very small in size, not more than three inches. Shivlingam for puja at home should not be more than that of the size of a thumb. It should not be too big a linga, and the yoni should face the northern direction. If it is a big lingam, then proper daily worship and offerings need to be given.
3. There shouldn't be broken or cracked image or idol of God to be kept at home. Idols shouldn't be facing each other. Broken idols should be immediately removed and immersed in some holy river or flowing water of lake, sea etc.
4. A Pooja Room is a place of sanctity and should be clean and tidy both by its physical and environmental architecture. As such, it is also not advisable to keep the Pooja Room in the Bed Rooms, where family activities take place. Also, the Pooja Room should not be in a place where the footwear or the broomsticks and the like are kept, since they damage the sanctity of the Pooja Room. The Pooja Room can either be an independant room, or an independant shelf or even part of a shelf.
5. The pictures of deceased shouldn't be kept in pooja room. Toilets should be avoided near pooja room.
6. Faces of gods should not be covered with anything including garlands and flowers. By keeping idols, Gods in our homes need proper daily care and dedication like Snan (bath), Shringar (adornment), Puja (worship), Archana (prayer), Vandana (recitation of hymns), Bhog (food offerings) and Shayan (sleep), to name a few. Mandir should not be locked.
7. Whether it's a small puja or elaborate one, it's never complete without offering of flowers to the deity. Always use fresh And pure Flowers for worship and to get blessings of God. Only Bel leaves and Tulsi/Basil leaves don't get stale or can be used next day for worship!
Om Namah Shivaya ~ Jai Natraja!!

Life is about laughing and learning through good times and bad. It’s about growing through whatever comes your way and looking back with a smile.

ૐ The Shiva Tribe ૐ's photo.

Life is about laughing and learning through good times and bad. It’s about growing through whatever comes your way and looking back with a smile. You’re stronger because of the hard times, wiser because of your mistakes, and happier because you have known sadness. The same is true for everyone else. Stop dreaming that everything should be easy. The ones who fall and get up are so much stronger than the ones who never fell. Often it’s the deepest pain that empowers human beings to rise and grow into their highest selves. The ones who win the race are the ones who have endured the most. So stay strong. Even when it feels like everything is falling apart, you can either let it define you, destroy you, or let it strengthen you. Things change for the better. Just believe and roll with it. It won’t always be easy, but it will be worth it in the end. When you finally let go of the past and what did or didn’t happen, something better comes along. So get up and get moving, let God be your support, let God be your rock! Love, light & Gratitude ~ Jai Shiva Shankar Jai Neelkanth Mahadev !
Shubh Prabhat ~ Namaste ~ Sarva Jana Sukhino Bhavantu!

At times difficult things happen and mind is disturbed and have mental arguments within you because you can't accept your own karma. Go to the feet of Lord Shiva in your mind, go to the feet of Lord Shiva in the temple with your physical body, and beg for the intelligence, for wisdom.

ૐ The Shiva Tribe ૐ's photo.

At times difficult things happen and mind is disturbed and have mental arguments within you because you can't accept your own karma. Go to the feet of Lord Shiva in your mind, go to the feet of Lord Shiva in the temple with your physical body, and beg for the intelligence, for wisdom. Though it is true that we must work through all aspects and phases of past actions, there are ways of becoming excused from the punishments that drastic actions of the past impose upon the future. These ways are grace, sadhana, tapas and atonement through penance and the performance of good deeds, thus acquiring merit which registers as a new and positive karma, alleviating the heaviness of some of our past karma. Through seeking grace and through receiving it by performing sadhana, tapas and the doing of penance, the karmas are in themselves speeded up. the sages say, "Bear your karma cheerfully." Each time you blame another person for what has happened to you, or cast blame in any way, tell yourself, "This is my karma which I was born to face. I did not come into a physical body just to blame others for what happens to me. I came here to spiritually unfold, to accept the karmas of this and all my past lives and to deal with them and handle them in a proper and a wonderful way." Humility is intelligence; arrogance is ignorance. To accept one's karma and the responsibility for one's actions is strength. To blame another is weakness and foolishness.! Har Har Har Har Mahadev ~ Om Namah Shivaya!

The vague realisation that He was the one whose sword was doing the hacking, like a supreme warrior.

SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.'s photo.

The thugs were an ominous band of dacoits who lived in fringe tribes, whose official vocation was to attack and rob hapless travellers of all their belongings, often after mercilessly killing them.
Rudra sighted the nearest thug, and instantly found Himself flying through the air at him. In one deft movement, He had relieved the surprised assailant of his sword.
His entire body moved with one great synchronicity. He did not know what came over Him.
He was not thinking and doing things; He became the doing.
All He could see were the bodies of the thugs flying, hacked into pieces, one by one, without any resistance whatsoever. And the vague realisation that He was the one whose sword was doing the hacking, like a supreme warrior.

Shree somnath Jyotirling Description & Video

ૐ Shree somnath Jyotirling Description & Video ૐ
Shree Somnath is first among the twelve Aadi Jyotirlings of India. It is
the holy place of the Aadi Jyotirling Shree Somnath Mahadev and it also
has the sacred soil from where Bhagvan Shri Krishna took his last journey to his neejdham.


Shiva Poetry's photo.

The ancient seers, looked to the sky and the earth,
the stars and the beings
and dwelled into the nature of things.
do some have feet
and others, wings?
What is the origin, the design, of all beings?
what, the essence of all we are seeing?
Ah, but how to think of that,
whence all thought itself does rise!
they meditated long ,and dove within.
then themselves rising,
gave a full moon smile,
"it is all ONE"
All One, but in all places!
and goes too by many names,
as love , as peace, as praise..
some call it God,
others , give their own endearing calls
to this endless infinite luminous Hall.
all is awake, all Buddha,
all is compassionate, all Christ,
All is playful, all Krishna,
all is Bountiful, some call it Ma.
Others still , say Tao!
but the Himalayan Rishi saw
and declared mystically,
" Not the hall but the 'way' .
Yes, indeed, He is Infinite,
so each can have their say.
We know Him as Shiv.
The resolute. mindful. compassionate.
Yogi. Friend. Master.
Bringer of quiet repose and an abiding joy.
Yes, Aum Namah Shivaye.


SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.'s photo.

Sati loved Sristi Iswara Maharaj. Whenever She approached the forest, She felt Her feet breaking into a run;She could never just walk.In the forest,She thought She clearly heard the leaves rustling into a chorus of invitation, singing ‘Sristi Iswara Maharaj’.
Sati thought that they sang to Shiva, but in Her haste to get to Sristi Iswara, what She did not notice was that the leaves bowed in Her direction when She ran deep into the forest and their midst.
This became a daily ritual: She would not stop running till She reached the enigmatic Shivlinga ;Her heart beating and the leaves pulsating with Her run till she arrived at the Sristi Iswara .
Faster each day was the run and the pace of life, faster this Divine heartbeat,the mystic crescendo that had become all encompassing.
So fast, that She would almost fall in sweet collapse at the Shivlinga.
And then She would remain there in a blissed out state, for hours on end, day after each passing day. Till the days turned into months and the months into a year. Her entire life itself had become an offering, Her time, a rosary count. And then, One day,Shiva appeared.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Loka Veeram

Ayyappa swamy's photo.

Loka Veeram
1. Loka-veeram Mahaa Poojyam Sarva Rakshaakaram vibhum Parvathi hridayaanandam Shaasthaaram pranamaamyaham Swamiye sharanam Ayyappa!
2. Vipra poojyam vishva vandyam Vishnu shambhoh priyam sutham Kshipra prasaada niratham Shaasthaaram Pranamamyaham Swamiye sharanam Ayyappa!
3. Mattha maathanga gamanam Kaaarunyam rutha pooritham Sarva vighna haram devam Shaasthaaram pranamaamyaham Swamiye sharanam Ayyappa!
4. Asmath kuleswaram Devam Asmath Shatru vinaashanam Asmadhista pradaadaaram Shaasthaaram Pranamaamyaham
Swamiye sharanam Ayyappa!
5. Paandeysha vamsha tilagam Keraleh Keli vigraham Aarthadrana param devam Shaastharam pranamamyaham
Swamiye sharanam Ayyappa!
6. Pancharatnaakyam ye Thathyoh Nithyam shudha Paden Naraha Thasya prassanoh Bhagavaan Shaastha vasadhi manase
Swamiye Sharanam ayyappa!
7. Bhootha naatha sathaananda Sarva bootha dayaapara Raksha raksha maha baahoh Shaastre thubhyam namo namah
Swamiye Sharanam ayyappa !

What is Neyi Abhishekam..?

Ayyappa swamy's photo.

What is Neyi Abhishekam..?

A most important offering to Ayyappa is '' NeyiAbhishekam'' piligrime hand over the ghee filled coconuts to the Guruswami. After opening th seal of coconuts he takes out the ghee and hand over to the temple for Abhishekam Neyiabhishekam is the symbol of affection towards Manikanta and Neyi or Ghee is prefered as Atma coconut is preferd as Physical body When we pour ghee into coconut we are rendering our atma into coconut and that ghee is done abhishekam to lord ayyappa is parmatma we unite ourselves into lord and that cocount is put into Homakundam where you can see in sabarimala a fire is always exists near sannidhanam.. by this way we wash our sins... please give more attention to Neyi Abhishekam...

ayyappa suprabhatham Full. (VIDEO)

Sabarimala crowded with Devotees Today

Sabarimala crowded with Devotees Today

Many questions as to wether women should recite or chant some mantras, or not. As a matter of fact the Vedic Scripts don't discriminate women.

The GOD of Gods  LORD Shiva's photo.

Many questions as to wether women should recite or chant some mantras, or not. As a matter of fact the Vedic Scripts don't discriminate women. On the contrary, womanhood is held in the Highest Esteem, and women are respected as Maa, (Mother) irrespective of their age and status. Every woman is effortlessly spiritual when they chose to be so. As mothers, daughters, sisters and wives they are unmatched in every noble quality. She is Shakti, very manifestation of the Divine Feminine. Or Kali dancing wildly on the prone body of Shiva. She is Prakriti, without whom Purusha would be immaterial. Those who have actually felt the presence of the Divine would never bother with these social constructs. 
The Vedas, Puranas and mantras are embodiments of the god. The unspoken secret that accompanies every mantra is that the absolute fullness of a mantra can be experienced by the one who chants it only when there is purity in thought, word and deed. Now purity here means cleanliness of body and mind and soul. In olden days cleanliness and discomfort was a major issue. So basically women in the earlier age were advised not to perform worship or chant any mantra when they had their menstruating cycle of the month. They were encouraged not to take part in any religious ceremony. Due to modern technology this is not an issue today. Fatigue, Pain and distress are real issues then and now. But women are no longer excused from house work, office work, studies, commuting, serving others and so on during this period. Earlier menstruating women were not allowed in the kitchen, in the temple or In the puja room. It was not about women being banned from the kitchen. In those days when a woman was menstruating she actually had to stay in her own room. Later on she was allowed out of her room, but couldn't enter the kitchen. Now she can enter the kitchen. As the beliefs slowly change. But actually this is not done for any reason of prejudice but for cleanliness. Because they were considered as unclean and impure during menstruation. People believed that food gets dirty and inedible if a woman touches it who is currently menstruating. While She performs puja or chants mantra, she is not clean enough to go near God. So she was prohibited by Pandits. Also Its believed that some of the Vedic Verses vibrations are so powerful in nature. Once a woman starts chanting these verses regularly, it might cause hormone disturbances in the body's physical mechanism and disturb their menstrual cycle. 
Well In my opinion you can chant the name of Lord anytime and just anywhere, with or without beads. The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra or any other powerful mantra can be chanted by anybody. The most important aspect is to understand the meaning of this mantra word by word before chanting it. That’s because by knowing the meaning, one can easily contemplate on the aspect of birth and death cycle.
And Lord sees your devotion, faith and sincerity. He sees if ur inner self is pure or not , not the physical body. So as long as woman stays clean and takes adequate rest, and as long as she is not distressing herself emotionally and physically, as long as she can focus her mind on God, performing puja visiting temples and chanting mantras should be fine. No Sin will Accrue to Her! Jai ShivaShakti!!

Some people may decide to hate you for no reason. Simply because your confidence reminds them of their own insecurities. Go ahead and follow your dreams.

ૐ The Shiva Tribe ૐ's photo.

Some people may decide to hate you for no reason. Simply because your confidence reminds them of their own insecurities. Go ahead and follow your dreams. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words! Follow your heart regardless of what others tell you to do. At the end of the day it’s you who has to live with your decisions, not them. This is your journey, and yours alone. Remember Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. You have to be courageous and bold. Be deaf when people tell you can't do it. This is your life and know that your dreams are worth it. If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks. That’s how dreams are achieved. So March ahead confidently. Don't waste you time comparing yourself with others or thinking what others say. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses. And stop feeling hurt with whoever feels jealous of you or envies you. Either you accept who they are, or you start living your life without them. If they leave you, let it be. You lived, you learned, you grew, and you moved on. Have complete faith in gods grace and welcome whatever comes your way. It's a sign of a real devotee to welcome with a gracious heart even the most difficult thing that may come upon him because he sees nothing bad, there is nothing worse, if we remember HIM. Every situation in life is a perfect opportunity to get close to God. And the more apparently horrible things are, the greater opportunity we have of turning to HIM. And the devotee who has this vision is always peaceful, because whoever you are, where you are, there will be happiness and distress. As long as you are trying to avoid distress then you will be in complete anxiety when it will be beyond your control. But if you learn to see the loving devotional hand of God as the cause of all causes, then you welcome distress with love. Then there is no anxiety and there is no fear!! Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaya!!
Love, Light & Peace ~ Namaste ~ Shubh Prabhat!!!

“We worship the three-eyed one, Lord Shiva, who is fragrant (in a state of supreme bliss), and who sustains all living beings. May he liberate us from the eternal cycle of birth and death. May he lead us to immortality,"

ॐ त्रयम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् । उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् म्रुत्योर्मुक्षिय मामृतात् ॥
Om Trayambakam Yajamahe, Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam, Urvarukmiv Bandhanan, Mrityurmokshaya Mamratat
“We worship the three-eyed one, Lord Shiva, who is fragrant (in a state of supreme bliss), and who sustains all living beings. May he liberate us from the eternal cycle of birth and death. May he lead us to immortality,"
The Sanskrit word maha means ‘great’, mrityu means ‘death’ and jaya means ‘victory’. Mantra is a word of great power that can give protection against negative forces and it can even change one’s destiny. To overcome this fear, it is said that Lord Shiva himself gave humanity the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra. Whenever there is stress, grief or illness, or when fear of death intrudes in awareness, this great mantra is chanted. The Great Death-Conquering mantra. Many names & forms, It is called the Rudra mantra, referring to the furious aspect of Shiva, the Tryambakam mantra, alluding to Shiva's three eyes and also known as the Mrita-Sanjivini mantra because its a life restoring mantra. Hailed by the sages as the heart of the Vedas, the maha mrityunjaya mantra awakens a healing force that reaches deep into the body and mind, lifting you up in times of trouble, restores health and happiness and brings calmness in the face of death. When courage or determination are blocked, it rises up to overcome obstacles. It's recited when taking medicines, for it prepares the body and mind to make the best use of them. And so, whenever matters of health, vitality or freedom from the fear associated with death arise, the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra naturally surfaces as a remedy and comfort.
Significance and Benefits of chanting Mahamrityunjaya Mantra ~
The Mahamrityunjaya mantra is a potent combination of sounds that, if repeated with faith, dedication and perseverance over a period of time, leads, not only to victory over the fear of death, but eventually to victory over death itself or moksha. It is therefore known as a ‘moksha mantra’. It is stimulating and heating (unlike the Gayatri mantra, which is soothing and cooling). It bestows longevity, and is designed to cure illness. It wards off evil or negative forces by creating a protective psychic shield around the practitioner. It is said to destroy sorrow and poverty, and to fulfil all of one’s desires. Anyone who wishes to remove obstacles in life and overcome difficult situations or illness should repeat this mantra regularly.
It's life saving mantra and chant it with full faith, sincerity and devotion.
Best time to chant is early morning hours, Brahma Muhurta, around 4.00AM. Chant 108 times daily to get good health and wealth. Make it a practice to chant once when you apply bhasma or holy ash or vibhuthi or chandan or kunkum. Take a glass of water, sit facing east, pray to Lord Shiva, close the top of the glass with your right hand palm, chant the mantra for 1008 times, spray the water inside the house, take few teaspoons and give it to people. You can invoke the energy of Lord Shiva in the water by doing this.
Chant as many times possible sitting next to people who are ill or under pain. Regularly chant or play it on your phone if there is a terminally ill patient around. If your friends or relatives are suffering from cancer, or any severe chronic illness, play the mantra or chant regularly to reduce the pain. It is said that chanting of Maha Mrityunjaya generates divine vibrations that ward off all the negative and evil forces and creates a powerful protective shield. Regular chanting will protect you from sudden death, accidents, famine, misfortunes of any kind, calamity and unexplained situations. It is said to beneficial for mental, emotional and physical health and to be a moksha mantra, which bestows longevity and immortality. This mantra is addressed to Lord Shiva for warding off untimely death. It is also chanted while smearing Vibhuti over various parts of the body and utilised in Japa or Homa (havan) to get desired results. Whereas the Gayatri Mantra is meant for purification and spiritual guidance, the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is meant for healing rejuvenation and nurturance.
According to Puranas, the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra has been used by many Rishis as well as Sati during the time when Chandra suffered from the curse of Prajapati Daksha. By reciting this mantra, the effect of the curse of Daksha, which could make him die, slowed, and Shiva then took Chandra and placed it upon his head. In another legend, Lord Shiva once saved Rishi Markandeya from ill-timed death, who worshipped Shiva with great devotion chanting this mantra. He chanted intently and Shiva himself rescued him from Yama! Jai Shri Mahakal !!


Shiva Poetry's photo.

from the beginning of time
the nameless ones
salute the One with endless names
Namah Shivaye,
Aum Namah Shivaye!
My song is just one more drop
in the Mystic Sea,
For He,
who, ever since He chose
to make waves,
is loved
by a million gatherings of drops
like you, like me.
{ Shiva Poetry}

Monkey Praying Obeisance to Lord Shiva

ૐ Monkey Praying Obeisance to Lord Shiva ૐ
May each and every cell of our body be filled with the Divine Name. Nothing else can give us the bliss, courage and strength that we derive from Chanting his name . Even if others make fun of you, ignore it, let it go! Everyone young or old, rich or poor, must meditate on his name.
Do it with all your mind and total dedication. Sing to the Lord without any inhibitions; only then we can experience divine bliss. We do not need anymusical instruments - it is enough if we call Him from the core of our heart. Take care that we do not have evil thoughts as they will produce discordant notes. Then we will receive divine grace and energy! Peace !

Glimpses of Shree somnath Jyotirling

ૐ Glimpses of Shree somnath Jyotirling ૐ
Getting extra ordinary response on this video i would like to thanks Shree Somnath Temple

“Tell me Shiva, what is the whole world play about? What is God, what is consciousness and what is its play?”

SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.'s photo.

They started meeting everyday. Each meeting was a greater happiness, a beautiful waking, which was surrealy dreamy. But Sati had stopped wondering if the dream had indeed come true.
She liked this dreamality. And so, another year passed in love and happiness. She would often ask Him things about spirituality, and hear His answers out with rapt attention.
“Tell me Shiva, what is the whole world play about? What is God, what is consciousness and what is its play?”
“In the beginning was only The One.
And He thought may I be two, may I be many.
To love, and to be loved.
And so the universe came into being.

Friday, 27 November 2015


Sabarimala Temple (VIDEO)


Sabarimala Devaswom's photo.


Kalabhabhishekam procession

Kalabhabhishekam procession

Swamiye saranamayyappa Sabarimala Temple

Sabarimala Temple's photo.
Sabarimala Temple's photo.
Sabarimala Temple's photo.

Swamiye saranamayyappa 
Sabarimala Temple

The Glory of the Ganges is mentioned in various religious scriptures. Several sacred scripts including Rig-Veda have made reference to the holy ganga. Sacred texts like Bhagwata Purana, Ramayana, Bhagawadgita, Agni Purana, Padma Purana, Brahma Purana, Narada Purana and Skanda Purana have eulogized the significance and merits of Ganga river.

ૐ The Shiva Tribe ૐ's photo.

Har Har Gange ~ Har Har Mahadev !
The Glory of the Ganges is mentioned in various religious scriptures. Several sacred scripts including Rig-Veda have made reference to the holy ganga. Sacred texts like Bhagwata Purana, Ramayana, Bhagawadgita, Agni Purana, Padma Purana, Brahma Purana, Narada Purana and Skanda Purana have eulogized the significance and merits of Ganga river.
In Mahabharata Bheeshma explains the glory and significance of Ganga to Pandavas lying on the bed of arrows. "By holding that sacred stream, touching it and bathing in its waters, one rescues his ancestors to the seventh generation."
"That end which a creature is capable of attaining by penances, by Brahmacharya, by sacrifices, or by practising renunciation, one is sure to attain by living by the side of Bhagirathi and bathing in her sacred waters"
"Ganga always extends her unto those that are devoted to her with humbleness of heart. She unites those that are so devoted to her with every kind of happiness."
The eighteen Puranas mention the glory and purity of mother Ganga.
"India is great. Himalayas are great but the region in the Himalayas where Ganga is born is ESP great because that is the place where she exists in confluence with Narayana " ~ Skanda Purana.
"Even if thousands and thousands of sinners touch the dead bodies and bath in thee, all those will be destroyed when devotees will come and touch thee." Devi Bhagwatam.
"Thousands of mans sins get destroyed by the holy sight of the Ganges. And he becomes pure by the touch of water of Ganges, by consuming it or just by pronunciation Ganga" ~ Garuda Purana.
"Mountains of sins accumulated by the sinner in the course of his million transmigrations on earth disappear at the mere touch of the sacred Ganga water. Cleansed will he be also who even breathes some of the air moistened by the holy waters." ~ Brahmavaivarta Purana.
During Vedic times Sages used to have their hermitage on the banks of Ganga River. Even now many Sadhus live on the banks of Ganga River. Sage Valmiki had his ashram on the banks of river Ganga that was known as Brahmavarta where Lord Brahma had performed Ashwamedha Yaga. In the Epic Ramayana, Goddess Sita Devi during her exile lived in the Ashram of Sage Valmiki on the banks of river Ganga.
"O Narada lemme tell you about such a place of pilgrimage which is even holier than the holiest places of pilgrimage. Confluence of Ganga and Yamuna is the holier than any other place of pilgrimage. The extremely sacred and pious Ganga rises from the feet of none other than Lord Vishnu. Yamuna on the other hand is the daughter of Surya. Even the remembrance of Ganga is enough to do away with all the sins and making one peaceful." ~ Narada Purana.
"This place where Ganga and Yamuna merge is famous as Prayaag in the world. It is the same place where Brahma had once invoked Lord Vishnu in a Yagya. Since then, innumerable sages have followed Brahma and performed different kinds of Yagyas there. Even a person who recites the name of Ganga hundred miles from Prayaag attains salvation. Smear the sand of Ganga’s bank on the forehead is like, in a way, bearing the crescent shaped Moon on the head. Those who remember Ganga receive the benefit of performing pilgrimage to all the holy places. Among other places of pilgrimage, Varanasi has almost equal significance to that of Prayaag. O Brahmin! Ganga is the mother of the entire world. Mere touch of her sacred waters salved the sixty thousand sons of Sagar. No one can describe the greatness of Ganga." ~ Narada Purana.