जाहि विधि राखे राम , ताहि विधि रहिये . सुख जो अपना कहिये , दुःख भी हंस के सहिये .. जाहि विधि राखे राम ताहि विधि रहिये ~~ जय श्री राम ~ हरी ॐ तत सत नमः शिवाय !!!
Great blessings are promised to those who are grateful. Sometimes it’s easy to feel bad because you’re going through a tough time in life. However, remember that no matter how bad your situation may seem, there are tens of thousands of things to be grateful for in life. Be grateful to your parents, family, friends, sense of hearing, touch, smell, taste. Be grateful to life for giving you the chance to experience all that you’re experiencing, and will be experiencing in time to come. Whatever happens in your life, no matter how troubling things might seem, do not despair.Remember, Even when all doors remain closed, God will open up a new path only for you. There's a story in Shrimad Bhagwatam. A saint lived life without adequate money and all other possessions. His wife always had something to crib for, also for not having adequate food. But the Saint never complained and never indulged in dreams of having things that he had not. "I am so glad I live in this word. Praise God for unrealised blessings. People fast for 2 Ekadashi every month. But if we don't have food to eat, be grateful to HIM, he is giving us an opportunity, We will get brahma saukhyam, transcendental happiness and blissfulness for observing Ekadashi Everyday!" Yes, Perhaps it takes a purer faith to praise God for unrealised blessings. Stop complaining for the things that you don't have, focus more on abundant blessings and he will bless u more!! Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaya!
Happy Ekadashi Dear All! Lemme update you here about Bhishma Panchaka also.
Today is Prabodhini Ekadashi of Kartik month. Last five days of Kartik Maas are called Bhishma Panchaka. Bhishma Panchaka fasting which begins on Ekadashi day, and ends on the day of Kartik Purnima. As per Padma Purana, in addition to ekadashi one can observe a "pancharatrika" fast until amavasya. The vow is to eat only fruits and roots, abstaining from any type of grain. Due to many circumstances, it may not be possible to fast during all the four months of chaturmasya, so by following Bhishma Panchaka, one receives the benefit of fasting throughout the whole chaturmasya. #TheShivaTribe Some devotees take bath in the holy Ganga and offer oblations to Bhismadeva on all the days of the vow. If someone observes this fast, he is considered to have observed all other fasts, because it is greatly meritorious and frees one from great sins.
“If one is capable the Bhisma-panchaka vow will be observed for the sake of love of God for the five days from the eleventh day (of the bright lunar fortnight in Kartika) up till the fullmoon day.
"The fast should begin by remembering Bhismadeva on the Ekadasi day and should end on Purnima. One should worship Lord Narayana on all days. The significance of this Vrata is given in Vrata-Khanda-Kartika Mahatmya of the Padma Purana, Hari-Bhakti vilas, the Skanda Purana, the Visnu-rahasya and Garuda purana!!
Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya Namah ~ Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaya!!
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